TRT and Kidney Function

ncsugrad2002 you would be correct at 0.5 ml. My apologies

Of what concentration? 200mg/ml or something else? We still don’t know how much T you’re actually taking.

I would have to review my prescription and then let you know. It’s not a very high dose I do know that. I think you were right with the 0.5

.4 ml 2x/ week. But that’s what I keep hearing too. I’m getting an ultrasound tomorrow.

I have never had a history of hypertension, pre TRT or now. My BP has always been around 112/68(diastolic maybe a little more but always less than 80). I am getting an ultrasound tomorrow. That process makes sense and I could see it having an impact, but this hasn’t been a temporary thing for me. It’s been an occurrence for about a year now, if not more. My lab values are around 1000 now, but even when they were in the 500-700 range I still had this issue. Free T was high this last time(about 29 or so) but even when it was within the range I was also still having this problem. My FSH am LH are obviously very low and my estrogen was a little high this last time. Only 1-3 above reference range. The only other abnormal values were the ones previously mentioned.

Can you provide some evidence for that?

More and more it seems this condition is not caused by TRT, but maybe TRT accelerated its development as it puts greater demand on all body parts

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What’s your diet look like?

But its really a very rare side effect, mostly observed at high T dose

Regarding above , I wanted to share below lab results as someone who is on TRT for 6 months:

Potassium (intracellular) 1968 mg/L 1386 - 1950 H
Sodium (intracellular) 1367 mg/L 1500 - 1850 L
Angiotensin I (Plazma Renin Activity-PRA) 0.69 ng/mL 0.24 - 3.65
Aldosterone 18.38 ng/dL 3.47 - 27.5

I’d appreciate any comments as to why would i be the exact opposite of what you’ve said?

I dont want to comment testosterone abuse cases because I think this has nothing to do with TRT

First two reports are of typical TRT dosages

@johann77 Need to check, I bet they are flawed studies from compromised population already developed issues

Your levels are intracellular levels.
K and Na are excreted through the kidneys and shuttled from the ecs to the ics


So this makes the studies automatically not relevant.
For a study to prove something it should be interventional double-blind control study and in the case of TRT on a healthy population.

I don’t have any on hand right now, but I have paper copies of all my labs that go about 3 years back. What I said is essentially what’s happening; but is also progressing.

I eat very clean with 1 45 minute cheat meal per week focusing on carb dense foods. Carb cycling macro split- 260, 540, 100(high carb). 260, 150, 160(low carb)

This is all regarding the liver though, all my liver function is normal(according to my lab work)

Can you elaborate? What does clean mean? Actual foods?

What are your protein sources? Fat and carb sources?

Supplements (especially pre workout and things like creatine)? How much?