Training for a CrossFit type challenge

Hi Coach, thanks you for answering my question on Doug Hepburn.

This is a new account but I’ve followed you for almost 20 years now. I don’t know if you remember receiving a letter of thanks to you about 12 years ago from a grateful college athlete ?

Anyway my question - I have a competition coming up which comprises of one event of

1km run
1000m skier
1km run
Sled push 100m
Sled pull 100m
1km run
Rower 1000m
1km run
Burpee broad jumps
1km run
Farmers carry
1km run
Lunges with 20kg 100m
1km run
100 wall balls.
As fast as possible

Could you recommend a program / guideline or point me to where I can research how to train for this?

The running with absolutely trashed legs was one of the biggest challenges last time I did this.

Thanks Coach