The Movie 42

My wife and I say 42 yesterday afternoon. Terrific movie, and I just wanted to recommend it to everyone.

I really enjoyed Harrison Ford’s performance as Branch Rickey. Don’t want to spoil it for anyone who does not know the whole story, so just go watch it. You’ll be glad that you did.

[quote]JEATON wrote:
My wife and I saw 42 yesterday afternoon. Terrific movie, and I just wanted to recommend it to everyone.

I really enjoyed Harrison Ford’s performance as Branch Rickey. Don’t want to spoil it for anyone who does not know the whole story, so just go watch it. You’ll be glad that you did. [/quote]

Fixed your mistake. Saw instead of Say.

[quote]JEATON wrote:
My wife and I saw 42 yesterday afternoon. Terrific movie, and I just wanted to recommend it to everyone.

I really enjoyed Harrison Ford’s performance as Branch Rickey. Don’t want to spoil it for anyone who does not know the whole story, so just go watch it. You’ll be glad that you did. [/quote]