The Breakfast Sandwich and Burrito Bulk - Jackolee

Yeah your prob right. Not too smart on my part lol

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Put an incline Bench at around 30 degrees, such that you can kneel behind it with your armpit resting on the top of the bench.

Push the seat of the bench up to a cable attachment on the bottom or second from bottom peg with a handle. Boom, cable preacher curl. The bicep peak is SICK to look at. I recommend 3-5 second eccentrics and dropsets down the stack.

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Nice! I’m literally one exercise away from being done with back and jumping on biceps… good timing dude!

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I’m fairly tall so if you can’t get your armpit up on it just grab something to kneel on. Should be at least at 30 degrees so when your bicep is at its peak contraction the weight is still pulling directly away from your arm.

Lots of cable preacher set ups put the cable nearly running parallel with the forearm at the peak which isn’t providing the most resistance- you want it more perpendicular to it. Enjoy the pain.

Back in the day I sat on the floor and put a phys ball between my legs. I used the EZ bar handle and put my elbows on the ball. I did heavy sets of 10-12 and nearly blacked out on a couple sets from the strain.


That sounds nifty!

One advantage of the single arm variation is that you can do fun things like the triple curl- where you curl while slightly externally rotating, then curl straight, then curl while internally rotating, for one rep. AND the most important part - you can go as far past failure as you want by assisting with your other arm. I start with one finger (in every aspect of life :wink:) only on the concentrics, adding extra help only when I can’t finish the rep.


Dude my arms are jelly!

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Next time superset them with cable curls where you’re kneeling and the attachment is on the highest pin so your arm is overhead and you’re curling to behind your head! In fact if you just lift your arm right now and flex it so your fist ends up near your trap you’ll probably cramp up haha

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Warning: arms are the only things I have that won’t grow lol so grain of salt here…

I’ve found doing curls sitting down using the low cable row machine with ezcurl bar is unique. It keeps from unloading the bicep a little at the top with normal curls, and you can contract hard AGAINST the weight.


This is essentially what big j was suggesting, and his elbows being planted on the ball would further isolate the muscle, plus both his and my variations are tailored to maximally loading the bicep at peak contraction! So, not unique per se, but another great variation for sure.


Woke 168.6

Thought for sure today would be a blip on the road to 165 but no! Bet I’ll be up tomorrow, these things aren’t supposed to go this smooth… I had my first HGH shot this morning and it was super uneventful. This needle is so small I literally couldn’t even feel it go in. 31 gauge 3/8 inch is tiny. I might order some slightly larger ones because it was a little challenging to fill. I’m sure looking forward to the improved sleep. I’ve been tossing and turning a lot lately. When I took sermorelin I sure slept like a baby!

Thinking of hitting shoulders today but not sure yet. We have to meal prep for the week, finish putting up Christmas lights, and a few other random house chores. Feels like today’s gonna be a good one.

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I do this with a 30lb axle:

60x# (commence drop set)

Only rest long enough to swap weights. I’m not very strong so I only do 10lb jumps and only go to failure during the drop set. Takes like 2 minutes or so and the pump is real.

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Love it!

Woke 169.4. Well there’s the bump in the road I was expecting earlier. No stressing bout that.

Today was day 2 of HGH. I’m taking 3.3 iu daily in the morning right when I get up. Well today I took it and went back to sleep lol. Slept in to 8:30 today and it was fantastic.

Today’s chest and triceps, my favorite. Think it’s the gymnast in me. Love all the pushing exercises. I’m gonna stick to the same workout I’ve been doing for a while now with four supersets. Gets everything nice an fatigued.

Difficulties with insurance have my MRI moved to this Friday, but I don’t think the results will be any different a week later lol. Who knows maybe it’s not a complete rupture. I can always hope

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Oh, I am so stealing this.

I assume the change in angle makes it more effective than a preacher curl machine?


There are so many preacher Curl machines I couldn’t say, but the free range of motion you get plus the fact that you can adjust the angle, in my opinion, does beat out any preacher machine I’ve tried.


Woke - 170.2

Looks like I’m putting on a little water weight with the start of HGH. Hopefully it will dissipate sooner than later. Overall I feel fine though.

First been super consistent and around 200-230 protein, 150 carbs, and 30 fat. It’s a pretty easy routine until you come home and see that the family ordered pizza and you have one meal left to eat consisting of chicken brocolli and zucchini. Oh man that pizza smelled good. I didn’t indulge though. Tomorrow nights date night and I’ll have a few cocktails.

On the training front today’s biceps and back. Gonna do the cable preacher curl variation that @flappinit told me about. That was greatness. Also going to do some isolation work with fast concentric, followed by 5 second squeeze, and a 10 second eccentric. For back I think I’ll do a bunch of rowing today. I tend to focus more on lats and want to mix it up some.

Hope everyone is off to a good start today!

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Hot take: water-retention is a good thing!

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I think it was @studhammer who has done some GH cycles and noted a pretty big water weight gain at first and then it disappeared.

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Yep I was texting with him about it this morning