Test/Tren/Mast and Winny Cycle Log (pics too)

Hey wanted to make a cycle log that actually goes to the end with pics lol since I love reading and following other peoples. So hopefully stick to it and helps motivates me to push myself more. Previous cycle, for the most’ part was my first cycle…

Week 1-12 Test-Sust 40mg/day (280mg/wk)
Week 1-2 Winstrol 50mg/day (350mg/wk)
Week 1-2 TrenAce 50mg/day (350mg/wk)
Week 5-12 TrenAce 60mg/day (420mg/wk)

Results were 12lb gain and about 4% lower bf meaning good lean gain, I drank quite a bit and had life issues so could’ve been much better results no doubt. I don’t think anyone should use tren first couple cycles or til there 23-25 be cycling in general, at least be well researched and know the risks if you do.

My current stats are 152lb, 4.2% bodyfat (machine says that really not sure), 5’11’ and almost 22 years old.
Been cruising for 6 weeks since that cycle with test 200mg/wk (this is second blast, then will pct and break until next spring/summer). This cycle layout is as follows…

Week 1-10 Test-E 400mg/wk (200mg x 2/wk)
Week 1-10 Mast-E 400mg/wk (200mg x 2/wk)
Week 2-9 TrenAce 350mg/wk (pinned 50mg/day)
Week 3-8 Winstrol 300mg/wk (pinned 50mg/day)

Pct is…
Week 11-13 Test tapering 100mg, then 80mg, 60mg.
Week 14-20 Nolva 20mg/day
Random other recovery/libido stuff… Tribulus, Ginseng, Cordyceps, L-arginine, etc. Cialis in case.

Can’t get hands on Hcg, balls haven’t atrophied still which is its main purpose I realize though. Arimidex haven’t needed as of yet nor Caber/Prami in first cycle. Goal is 13 lb and just ripped 8 pack for beach.

Going into almost week 2 now. The masteron has kicked in within the first week and I dont have tren still because my buddies delaying again :confused: , I started winstrol for week 2 instead a few days ago to go from week 2-7 instead.

I’ve noticed a crapload of hair growth on my arms, chest and abs and bit on lower back, which I never got before or wanted, damn duo DHT’s doing that lol (shaving chest, stomach duh screw that.) also noticable more acne/red spots because many factors including the hair follicles growing fast, also stress, sleep, diet etc but doing many things to keep it under control so its evening out. Also bit of red spots forming near abs, would shoot myself if acne went there lol should adjust to the DHT’s shortly I read. (Seeing if tan helps to cover them and since beach time soon muscle tone would be nuts now!

On side note sex life is fucking amaze lool abs nicer feeling to flex, feels tighter dryer that I’m starting to notice with the masteron and winny… girls deff notice. Been slacking working out as hard and diet definitely isn’t in surplus, but I’m just getting cut and dry for beach body so not so big of deal. Exercise wise feeling the pumps for sure though, easier to get deep into the burn…pretty much sums up first 2 weeks. Come on tren…shits gonna get real real fast once thats here. Won’t even be worth a cycle if I don’t get that lol.

I really hope for your sake that Reed’s computer is broken…

I mean, really? I just can’t deal with this shit anymore.

You’re 5’ 11", and you weigh 152lbs after a 12 week cycle where you used the strongest AAS on the planet. Did you start your cycle the first day you ever set foot in a gym? Did you train naturally at all?

And instead of PCT, you decided to do a 6 week cruise then jump back on, so it’s actually going to end up being a 28 week cycle. More than half a year on the juice? Fantastic idea, I’m sure that’s never fucked anyone up at all, and I’m sure 4 weeks of nolva’ll be enough to get you back to normal.

What is it you see when you look in the mirror? Do you see a jacked mofo who looks like he’s been using the strongest performance enhancing drugs on the planet? You just look like a skinny dude who does sit ups in the morning.

But whatever, you’re 22 and you won’t listen to me. I’m sure you’ll have one of the stock replies like “I lift for aesthetics” or “I’m not trying to get big” or whatever. Heard it all a million times on this forum.

I’m giving serious consideration to just leaving this subforum forever. Makes me embarrassed to be human.

EDIT: actually this has to be a troll. Dammit! I fell for it, too.

Hi man,

You look great for sure but with all due respect I think that’s a lot of stuff you inject in yourself at only 22 °_°

That being said I’m a total noob and just read some threads here from time to time just out of curiosity so I might be mistaken but for what I read on the shadow pro topic, it’s better to avoid roids before the age of 25 cause you are naturally at your max and you should save it for later.

I know that’s not my business but take that into account cause again even if I’m not well aware of the roids used, that’s really sound a lot of stuff for “beginner” cycle.

I suggest you ask directly to Shadow pro your precise interrogation cause he sounds very wise on that matter and he always answer, the dude sounds really cool.

Good luck with your cycle mate but really take care of your health, that would be sad if you fucked up your system at your age :cry:

[quote]Yogi wrote:
I really hope for your sake that Reed’s computer is broken…[/quote]

Lol pucker up butter cup

Wtf? You guys don’t recognise our old buddy?

It’s Boo Boo!

Seriously man, get the fuck out of here. Troll or not.

[quote]dt79 wrote:
Wtf? You guys don’t recognise our old buddy?

It’s Boo Boo![/quote]

Wait… what? That’s him???

[quote]Steez wrote:

[quote]dt79 wrote:
Wtf? You guys don’t recognise our old buddy?

It’s Boo Boo![/quote]

Wait… what? That’s him???[/quote]

Yup. I remenber the tattoos. Hahaha

[quote]dt79 wrote:

[quote]Steez wrote:

[quote]dt79 wrote:
Wtf? You guys don’t recognise our old buddy?

It’s Boo Boo![/quote]

Wait… what? That’s him???[/quote]

Yup. I remenber the tattoos. Hahaha[/quote]

How many usernames is this guy gonna make before he accepts he’s a skinny punk who has no clue how to train, diet, and have no business even touching a syringe?

What amazes me is how he had to take gear to look like that. Most definitley a troll. No one is this stupid.

[quote]JuicingSpartan wrote:
Hey wanted to make a cycle log that actually goes to the end with pics lol since I love reading and following other peoples. So hopefully stick to it and helps motivates me to push myself more. Previous cycle, for the most’ part was my first cycle…

Week 1-12 Test-Sust 40mg/day (280mg/wk)
Week 1-2 Winstrol 50mg/day (350mg/wk)
Week 1-2 TrenAce 50mg/day (350mg/wk)
Week 5-12 TrenAce 60mg/day (420mg/wk)

Results were 12lb gain and about 4% lower bf meaning good lean gain, I drank quite a bit and had life issues so could’ve been much better results no doubt. I don’t think anyone should use tren first couple cycles or til there 23-25 be cycling in general, at least be well researched and know the risks if you do.

My current stats are 152lb, 4.2% bodyfat (machine says that really not sure), 5’11’ and almost 22 years old.
Been cruising for 6 weeks since that cycle with test 200mg/wk (this is second blast, then will pct and break until next spring/summer). This cycle layout is as follows…

Week 1-10 Test-E 400mg/wk (200mg x 2/wk)
Week 1-10 Mast-E 400mg/wk (200mg x 2/wk)
Week 2-9 TrenAce 350mg/wk (pinned 50mg/day)
Week 3-8 Winstrol 300mg/wk (pinned 50mg/day)

Pct is…
Week 11-13 Test tapering 100mg, then 80mg, 60mg.
Week 14-20 Nolva 20mg/day
Random other recovery/libido stuff… Tribulus, Ginseng, Cordyceps, L-arginine, etc. Cialis in case.

Can’t get hands on Hcg, balls haven’t atrophied still which is its main purpose I realize though. Arimidex haven’t needed as of yet nor Caber/Prami in first cycle. Goal is 13 lb and just ripped 8 pack for beach. [/quote]

… You mean to tell me that you gained 12 fucking pounds from your first cycle ever which consisted of Test/Tren/Winni all at decent doses for over 3 months and all you weigh is 150lbs right now… at nearly 6ft fucking tall… Now you wanna run even fucking more gear once again using tren and you still only weigh 152lbs fucking pounds?

Let me put it to you this way. You do not even look like you lift really man seriously I train high school kids with little to zero weight experience and they look just like you… hell one even looks even better lol. You need to re fucking evaluate your training, diet, recovery, and weak mind set.

You ran well over what most run for a first, using far more powerful androgen’s and anabolics for that matter and gained a fucking measly 12lbs with some being water retention. Come on man. There is no fucking reason you couldn’t get to at least AT LEAST 180lbs before you needed to run any gear. I am only 5’6" on a good day and out weighted you playing high school foot ball from just eating pizza and shitty workouts 3x a week. 12lbs naturally would have been very achievable as underdeveloped as you were… and still are.

The fact you gained barely half of what most gain on a simple Test only cycle proves you have no idea what you are doing in regards to these drugs, diet, or training. If you wanna run the drugs what ever do so but, you need to pull your head out of your ass or you will be running 2g of gear with in the year trying to be at a “normal” weight for your height.

Side note You are not 4% and if you say you eat like a horse and train like a pro Ill probably throat punch you through your computer. Not to mention as some one else brought up I am pretty sure we have told you how much of fucking idiot you were when you were using a different screen name. Now that you have ignored that advice and still suck I suggest actually actually listening this time.

Wrote this in the car on my phone so probably a lot of misplaced words to everyone trying to read it sorry… except the OP you can go fuck your self.

1 Like

I am writing this for anyone who happens to be new and reads this topic.

Do not in ANY WAY think the original poster has any worthwhile information on the use of steroids. Just put this topic out of your mind and move along.

Again not for the OP, but for others, I was considerably older and naturally got to 230 pounds at 6’1" before I touched my first PED.

hahaha 4.2% bf at 152lbs lolololol

[quote]dt79 wrote:
Wtf? You guys don’t recognise our old buddy?

It’s Boo Boo![/quote]

am I being dumb? Who is this guy? I don’t remember him

[quote]Yogi wrote:

[quote]dt79 wrote:
Wtf? You guys don’t recognise our old buddy?

It’s Boo Boo![/quote]

am I being dumb? Who is this guy? I don’t remember him[/quote]


[quote]dt79 wrote:

[quote]Yogi wrote:

[quote]dt79 wrote:
Wtf? You guys don’t recognise our old buddy?

It’s Boo Boo![/quote]

am I being dumb? Who is this guy? I don’t remember him[/quote]






[quote]Yogi wrote:

[quote]dt79 wrote:

[quote]Yogi wrote:

[quote]dt79 wrote:
Wtf? You guys don’t recognise our old buddy?

It’s Boo Boo![/quote]

am I being dumb? Who is this guy? I don’t remember him[/quote]





I hate to be a “negative nancy” or whatever but this was our exchange in his first thread I believe.

[quote]Yogi wrote:

[quote]Facepalm_Death wrote:

[quote]Yogi wrote:
No one is this stupid.[/quote]

Oh really?[/quote]

please let me bask in my ignorance.

I’m choosing to believe that no one could be as much of an idiot, or have as shit a physique after using steroids.

Please, just let me believe there is hope for the world.


We all gotta focus on ourselves and only help those that will accept it, but come to terms with the fact. Not everyone is meant to be saved.

I’m sorry you couldn’t get through to him

[quote]Yogi wrote:

[quote]dt79 wrote:

[quote]Yogi wrote:

[quote]dt79 wrote:
Wtf? You guys don’t recognise our old buddy?

It’s Boo Boo![/quote]

am I being dumb? Who is this guy? I don’t remember him[/quote]





It should’ve stopped after this.

"too young, too small, you don’t understand the difference between AIs and SERMs, too much of a pussy to inject properly.

Back to the drawing board for you, young man."

Hahaha and back for another time. He’s gotta be just playing us. This isn’t real life.

[quote]Yogi wrote:

[quote]dt79 wrote:

[quote]Yogi wrote:

[quote]dt79 wrote:
Wtf? You guys don’t recognise our old buddy?

It’s Boo Boo![/quote]

am I being dumb? Who is this guy? I don’t remember him[/quote]




Seriously, holy shit.