Test Prop Cycle - PCT Timing & Complications

Good Morning Gentlemen-

I’m seeking a common sense approach to wrapping up a 16 week cycle consisting of the following:

Weeks 1-16: Test Prop pinned EOD = ~ 480 mg/week
Arimdex = 0.5 EOD
Weeks 8- 16: Anavar @ 50mg ED

****HCG was introduced at week 11 @ 250 units; however, I was having issues with e2 spikes and dialing in the Arimdex dosage, therefore I was inconsistent with dosing.

My last pin of Test Prop was 6 days ago and I begin PCT 4 days later as follows:

Nolva: 50 mg/day
Clomid: 50 mg/day

The issue I’m facing is that this cycle was complicated due to a major change in my work schedule, gym routine and the fact that I’m making a career change which has had me going through NUMEROUS interviews which include logical reasoning testing and panel interviews with difficult questions (The high levels of test I feel has given me an advantage (mental clarity, drive, etc). I was supposed to be done with all the pre employment scanning last week- GREAT TIME TO START THE DREADED PCT CRASH; however, I now have a few more tasks before receiving an offer (hopefully).

In essence should I stay on the test prop a little longer to keep my sanity or should I just roll with the punches? What I really don’t like is that I only used HCG intermittently during the end of the cycle and before PCT in small doses.

I have test prop/arimdex/clomid/nolva on hand. I CANNOT GET ANYMORE HCG!

Stats: 35 y/o
weight: 215 lbs
Height: 5’ 10"
Cycle History: 3rd cycle (last cycle was 2 years ago)

Sorry for the long post- ANY advice is appreciated

You haven’t gotten an offer yet. Just drink coffee or an energy drink for your tasks related to the new job. Get those tasks done quickly and professionally. Test prop has a half life of around 4 days. You waited 10 days for PCT, right? That would be the minimum time I would wait.

You probably just need nolva. Running PCT for 6 weeks is not a terrible idea. Most run 40, 40, 20, 20. I could see benefit of running 10 for an additional two weeks.

This is just what I would do. You have already been on 16 weeks. I wouldn’t stretch much further.

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4 days after my last Test prop pin I did: 500 HCG/50 clomid/50 nolva
5th day- Nothing
6th day (today)- 500 HCG/50 clomid/50 Nolva

***The HCG is now over 35 days old (I pinned the last of it today) and I was unsure how to incorporate it ending the cycle. Conflicting views on HCG; however, I know most say DO NOT USE WITH PCT… If it’s necessary for a speedy recovery I could find it if i tried.

I’m done jumping through hoops for that company (just waiting on the offer); however, I had ANOTHER company call and schedule a meeting with me next week so I will be going through all of this AGAIN to ensure I have multiple options…Stressful process on a good day.

Possibly a mental thing but I really hate having fluctuating hormones, drugs, etc while trying to deal with unusual circumstances.

Nolva brain fog is one of the most common side effect. Do with that information what you wish.

I am on week 2 of a new job, so I feel you. probably should not be on T nation, but not very busy yet, and got a private office, so IDK.

HCG is an LH analog. A male body can’t tell much of a difference according to everything I have read. Clomid and Nolva are SERMs they trick the body into producing more LH and FSH, but if your body thinks LH is high (since you have been using HCG and it can’t tell the difference), Clomid and Nolva won’t work as well.

HCG has a short half life ~24-36 hours. So how I would use it if I was not on TRT is between your last pin, and I would stop 4 or so days before the Clomid and or Nolva. Pin HCG EOD at 500IU during that time. This will let the HCG clear, so it doesn’t interfere.

HCG can last much more than 35 days if kept cold. It basically loses a few percentage points in potency per month of storage (if stored cold).

Also, keep interviewing until you have the job. Companies will try all sorts of shit to make it seem like they are interested even if you are number 2 or 3 on their list. It is like girls having a back up guy.

I figured PCT could start at day 4 or 5 after last Test prop pin (Also debatable bc some research says to wait several half lives before starting PCT). So I’ve basically done 1000 ius HCG, 100 mgs Nolva and 100 mgs Clomid (day 4-6 since last prop pin).

I assume HCG isn’t 100% necessary? The timing of all of this sucks as I am pretty fatigued and not looking forward to more panel interviews, logical reasoning tests and who knows what else…

Don’t take anymore HCG if you are doing PCT.

When you cycle you become shut down both in a primary sense (your balls stop producing), and in a secondary sense (your pituitary gland stops signaling your balls through LH and FSH).

SERMs (Nolva and Clomid) helps your secondary system recover by tricking the HPTA by messing with estrogen receptors (estrogen is involved in the testosterone control loop).

HCG helps your primary system (your balls) by stimulating them with what it thinks is LH (but really it is HCG). When your balls get stimulated they will grow back and start producing.

Basically, the thought process goes that you use HCG first to bring your balls back, get them warmed up and plump, then you use SERMs to get your body signaling the balls on it’s own.

For short mild cycles, HCG is probably not necessary, but for people on long cycles, they can get quite a bit of shrinkage, and a bit of HCG before PCT can help.

My thoughts are:

1.) Continue PCT and hope I start feeling better and/or deal with it ?
2.) Extend the prop for a few more weeks with HCG and start PCT
when things settle down

Would HCG and a few more weeks on prop lead to an easier transition into PCT?


Do I deal with this crash while going through another extensive interviewing process? Obviously having at least a maintenance dose of test would help me mentally with the next round of interviews…

Kind of wondered when you’d arrive at that conclusion. Seems like an absolute no brainer to me.

Thanks for the response- I’ve been banging my head into the wall ALL DAY. I feel TERRIBLE (wondering if its the clomid?)

Are you suggesting a Test prop/HCG cruise?

My next meeting is 5 days from today…