Test C, MENT, Tren A, NPP, Bold C Cycle

Day 62 Update:

10 days in to 400 tren/wk, the MENT still seems to have the same mood effect that it did for me with NPP, which is a very good thing.

I tried TNE on Friday and it was terrible. Nothing but a bottle of sides for me and I will never use it again. I’ll be sticking with halo for those heavy days.

I also got a deep tissue massage on Tuesday and it really messed up Wednesday and Friday’s workouts. I won’t be doing that again mid comp prep. It just made everything feel heavy and awkward. However, I felt fine again for yesterday’s (Sunday) workout.

Now that I have my asthma under control (I switched from albuterol to salbutamol) moving events, and events for time are so much easier. I made that switch probably 2-3 weeks into this cycle.

I still don’t believe I am getting much out of the boldenone yet, but it has only been 12 days and it takes ~15 to reach 90% blood concentration (that is the point I consider a drug to be “in my system”).

To reduce the number of injection I am taking, I split the test into EOD injections, so now I pin 1.5x/day on average (i.e. 1 pin, 2 pins, 1 pin, 2 pins, etc.). I prefer this over using a bigger needle/syringe.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I hit a body weight PR today. I was 231.8 this morning. I don’t think I have weighed that little since I got married (not including water cuts obviously), or probably even before that (I think I was 235 or so back then, May of 2014). But I am also the most muscular, leanest, and strongest I have been in my entire life.

With competition weight needing to be 231.4 or under for weigh ins, I’m fucking golden and I won’t have to water cut which should make a huge difference in my performance.

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Day 69 update:

I am now on day 19 of bold cyp and I’m not sure I can tell any difference with it. I am not at full blood saturation, but should be close enough. The only thing that leads me to believe that it is working is that my plantar fasciitis is going away again, and if boldenone has a similar effect on tendons as nandrolone, then I guess that could be proof that the bold is working. I remember reading an article somewhere saying that boldenone is even better than nandrolone for tendon strength (collagen synthesis), I think about 50% better. I’d have to dig to find that article though, so I’ll see if I can find it.

Overall, I think I am even better off, mentally, with the tren/MENT than I was with the NPP/MENT. This MENT is pretty incredible for those that have mood issues on cycle. The MENT has also helped keep my sex drive under control. I have a pretty high libido when I’m not on cycle and tren, makes it about 4x stronger. My wife has a low-ish libido, so I’m sure you can imagine there’s issues there when I am sex crazed.

This is still by far the smoothest cycle I have ever run. I do have very mild insomnia on random nights, but I can usually roll over and go right back to sleep in a couple of minutes.

I know that I’ll never run another 19-nor cycle that doesn’t include MENT.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I was down to 230.4 for 2 days in a row, today I was back up to 232.


Day 73 Update:

Got a full blood panel done on Tuesday and I got the results back last night. I am only going to post the items out of range since there are so many items. If anyone is curious about any other numbers, I can provide those as well.

hematocrit - 52.3 (37.5-51.0)
BUN/Creatinine Ratio - 8 (9-20)
AST - 42 (0-40)
ALT - 58 (0-44)
Cholesterol, Total - 234 (100-199)
HDL - 22 (>39)
LDL - 195 (0-99)
LDL/HDL Ratio - 8.9 (0.0-3.6)
T4 - 2.11 (.82-1.77)
Testosterone - >1500 (264-916)
LH - 0.3 (1.7-8.6)
Estradiol - 247 (7.6-42.6) (ECLIA method, I believe this is the ultrasensitive one)

EDIT: after some reading I think I got them backwards and should have had the LC/MS-MS test for E2. I do know that my E2 is still fairly high though, mostly due to the development of gyno that I haven’t really been able to shake, only control.

The doc wasn’t too worried about anything except the E2 and the hematocrit. He just said to make sure I donate blood and start taking .5 adex EOD. I wasn’t sure what my doc would think, so I wasn’t initially straightforward with him, but he obviously knew something was up. So I told him everything I was running and the dosages. It was then that he made his recommendations, and he was super chill about it all.

Let me know what you all think. Also, my prolactin was very low, it was 4.4 on a scale from 4.0-15.2. The only thing I am using to control prolactin is P5P.


Yeah that would have given you an actual e2. Great that your doc didn’t give you a hard time about any of this


Yea for some reason I had it backwards in my head. I’ll make sure I get the other test next time around.

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I’ll be adding Trestolone Enanthate for the last 10 weeks of my off season with Test E and Primo and preworkout DBOL.

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Wait… you found Trest E? I know we can’t share sources on here, but the only place I have ever found it was from a shady looking “research lab”

Yeah, I used their Trest Ace before and it was great. Another place has a decanoate esther as well.


Day 78 update:

Honestly, aside from the gyno I have mentioned a few times, I am having no issues or complaints with this cycle. I am still getting stronger in the gym and I have leveled out around 230-231.

Another progress pic. Left is Feb 2020 (265 lbs) and right is Aug 2021 (232 lbs).

Also, here’s a photo commemorating a missed box jump.


Excellent progress there.

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Do something about this. Low HDL is to be expected on AAS. Yours isn’t in the teens or single digits… not much you can do about low HDL… you CAN take niacin, but effects on glucose tolerance, flushing and whatnot mean many can’t tolerate it. Data has also failed to consistently find a strong correlation between niacin use and risk of cardiovascular events… Perhaps it raises HDL, but doesn’t raise the correct sub fractions of HDL most implicated in preventing CVD…

LDL can easily be lowered significantly through pharmacological interventions. Low HDL and an LDL/HDL ratio of say 3.5/1 is a hell of a lot better than a ratio of 8.9/1

Are you on any orals?

The only oral I am running is 10 mg of halo 1 time a week or 1 time every other week. I took 10 mg of halo on Friday and the blood draw was Tuesday morning.

While this isn’t an oral AAS, I am running ventolin at 4 mg/day on training days only (4 days/wk). I am not using it to cut (although I am sure it has helped) but ventolin was the first thing I have found that ACTUALLY controls my asthma.

I’m not certain if this makes a difference but I wasn’t completely fasted during this blood draw. I drank a cup of black coffee with a scoop of protein. Otherwise I was fasted.

I’ll definitely pick up some niacin and see how it affects me. Anything else you would recommend for LDL or otherwise?

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I’ve been using Ezetimibe for LDL. Went from 102 to 76. No sides I’ve noticed


That appears to be by prescription only?

Niacin will adversely affect glucose tolerance and will cause flushing. Niacin also doesn’t lower LDL nearly as much relative to statins, fibrates or ezetimibe. Niacin, esp CR niacin won’t bode well with orals.

Some people can’t tolerate the flushing/itching… I actually like it, I find being focused on that detracts from otherwise being in constant pain.

Ask your doc for a statin or something

Is halo 1x/wk responsible for your fucked up bloods? No… Though I’d imagine your bloods would be a whole lot worse if you were using halo daily. C-17aa drugs fuck up lipids a whole lot worse than inj steroids

Testosterone has the least impact, followed by synthetic derivitives of test, nandrolone then DHT derivitives, tren (though I think mast likely has an equitable effect on HDL relative to tren) THEN orals.

The only statin you’re going to get without a script is lovastatin. Red yeast Rice contains lovastatin, though the product is unregulated (lovastatin dose/batch differs dramatically… Some brands are useless and contain no active monacolin K). Also the prospect of citrinin contamination is highly concerning.

I’ve used a few brands of RYR extract. Some useless, but the ones that work work just as well as say… 10-20mg simvastatin daily (going by the bloods I’ve had).

Your lipids still won’t be great even with the reduction RYR can give… You’d need a strong statin like high dose rosuvastatin to approach an acceptable LDL/HDL ratio. With that being said, some leeway is acceptable on cycle I suppose.

Do you have baseline lipids prior to this cycle?

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What is your RHR?

So the only other blood work I have with lipids, both times were off cycle, actually with no TRT either, Jan of 2020 (this was before I started TRT) my LDL was 146 and HDL was 58 and Jan 2021 (this was after the eye injury and I was running HCG only) LDL was 133 and HDL was 69. I was not running any orals during either of those.

Usually 57-63 BPM

So I mean… LDL is mildly elevated at baseline, HDL is fantastic. Probably not the end of the world.

On cycle however your lipids take quite a nosedive. I’m presuming you’re currently either on Tren and/or DHT derivitives
