

Thanks for the motivation; I second AtlantaMatt’s observation. :slight_smile: !

They’re a hairy tail away from being hitched, bridled, and sent down the parade route pulling the Budweiser Wagon!


I think all the test p-dog is on has inlarged his imagination too. next thing you know she will be 4’9 280.

China Doll scores. Ok Erika and Iron Maiden… .step up. I didn’t start this thread to see men with wigs on.

Awww thanks you guys…Hugs, Kisses and Aloha!!!

Normally, I don’t play into this stuff. But seein’ you folks are in dire need of some real women who lift real heavy stuff, I’ll play.

After reading nearly 50 posts wishing somebody posts a pic, having to see women who look scarier than freddy kruger, all we get in reward is only one vixen(who is hot btw) posting a picture? Come on being bold and confident is one of the qualities that make you vixens!!! Just like sex-straved is one of the qualities that make T-men.

Patricia you are a bad ass!!

Patricia, you look terrific!

Patricia, you look great but why are you carrying P-Dog under one arm and mdog under the other?


Avoids-that was great! LMAO!

hey i’m a tool not a dumbell.lol

i must say that both china doll and patricia are very beautiful. They are truly T-vixens to the highest degree. Iron Maiden… it’s your turn

BradTGIF- I don’t know I guess I was kinnda feeding in to the Mars thread about how if you are female lift heavy and have some muscle mass then you have to want to look like a man…?
The thing is I wasn’t trying to be mean I just was being honest and I guess that came across as insensitive to her efforts.

I don’t have those cool Farmer’s Walk Implements…darn you Patricia! ;o)

This was posted in Oct. I believe as an uptdate on my progress. Shortly after nailing my 225 deadlift for reps for the fist time.

nice pic!

I must say that both china doll and patricia are very beautiful. They are truly T-vixens to the highest degree.[/quote]

Patricia is going to take exception to that statement. LOL

Heh. Funny Thunder.

BTW, here’s a relaxed back pic (taken like, 2-weeks ago) of a now 132 1/2 pounds (at 5’4"),of someone who not only formerly weighed a “heavy” 126lbs and is in a “bulking” stage to reach 135lbs; and according to a recent thread, could be considered “too masculine and very unfeminine”. heehee

if patricia and ko ever break up im all over it!

patricia that is.

not that there is anything wrong with wanting to hump ko.

Here is a pic of Debbie from Calgary she is one of the most well rounded gals I know - lifts hard, is smart (a physio) and is beautiful too and a great friend.