Strange Things You've Seen at the Gym



body is invalid
trying being a bit more descriptive

I like the way she seems to just wallow on down in there once it happens.

There was a young guy (maybe 18) wearing all the stuff you ‘need’ at the gym doing really bad curls with the 6kg (about 13 lbs) dumbbells. You know those curls where the elbow stays at 90 degrees and they just sort of rotate the shoulders…well, he then starts with the pictures of himself in the mirror flexing but he’d gone and got the 8kg dumbbell (for his left hand) and then he took his pictures.
So he was being mildly fraudulent and by pretending to curl the 8kg dumbbell?! HA!

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hilar! that is just hilarious!!

I think it was Louie Simmons who said “don’t have 100$ shoes and a ten cent squat” - the other day I saw a guy wearin expensive looking knee sleeves (don’t know the brand), weightlifting shoes and wrist wraps to do like a 3 x 5 of overhead squats with 22.5 kg/49 lbs . Massive butt wink and shitty form included. This was not his warm up, it was the only squat work he did.

I am not one to judge people at the gym quickly but damn this was one of the more weird things.

Lots of this in the last 8-12 weeks.

Not taken in my gym. Just an example.

Btw my gym has a les press machin and 2 underused squat racks!

Tricep pushdowns with the leg curl machine!

Close enough.

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This doesn’t belong in the “Things That Piss Me Off” thread, because it doesn’t, but it is strange…My first encounter with a “singer” in the gym, she has headphones in, the music is going in the gym, and she is vocalizing along with her music…loudly, while riding the the stationary bike…wow is it obnoxious.

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The guy using the assisted pullup machine, getting himself pumped up for each set.

“You’re either a beast or you’re not.”
At minus 55# of course.

Yeah, bruh.

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Does anyone else really wanna try doing biceps curls on the lying hamstring now?

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*preacher curls

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