Squat 6 [O] Bench 4 [X] and Be Leaner [ / ]

3s “Week”…Today:
Squat 8@435
Bench 7@295
Dead 9@435

Sooo…trying to finish an entire block while in Torreon I have to smash 3s and 1s into 1 day. A lot of fun, pretty draining too. Deads felt pretty heavy today.

Wanted to hit a 2nd workout but a quik nap turned into a 3 hour nap. My sleep and napping game has been on point lately.

I made a conscious effort to eat “clean” today. It went really well until we went to investigate cakes for mothers day and obviously came home with mini cake samples.

I haven’t bothered trying to track calories but educated guesses puts it easily north of 5k cals. My abs aren’t great but the rest of me looks pretty good and my belt still fits the same way so lets EAT!!! Next cut I am probably going to have 2-4kg more lean mass. I might make a last minute push for a better Transformation pic.


Diet insanity continues…but so does 2 a days. And my shoes are still easy to put on so verdict is LETS EAT!!!

AM Pull and Triceps
Dum Power Row
Hammer Black
Tricep Heavy Work
Tricep Pump Work

PM Recover and Condition
Tire Flip SUPASET Wall Balls
Goblet Squat SUPASET Ab Stuff

I am going to stat treating Biceps and Triceps like any other body part. Train strength as first priority then some pump work. They wont get their own day, but they will get their own workouts on 2 a days or days I would have taken off (so never hahahaha).


Mostly 5 rep sets ramping weight to failure
Bar Curls
Dum Curls
Hammer Curls
Run home buying a cake on the way

Oh and some douche broke my heart. There was a bar I wanted to use for my workout today but when I went in on Wednesday I saw it left out after somebody used it for T-bar rows. I checked it and it was bent. I know it was straight Tuesday because I checked it. AAAGHHHH!!!

THURSDAY 1s “Week”
Top Sets:
Squat 7@455
Bnch 6@315
Deads 10@455

Crammed another week into a workout so I could finish an entire block here in Torreon.

Most of my tweaks are healthy. Some knee pain but the tendonitis is gone. I did get some brutal back pump today and maybe some sciatica.

I have also completely given up on squat form and thinking about it. Just going to get comfortable and move weight.

And my belt was a little tight today but we fly home tomorrow and I will probably have a little less cake in my diet. I seriously must have been averaging 6k cals a day since being here.


Squats are looking good. It looks like your are more upright and tight with the belt on.

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They were high AF, his eyes were in the wrong place, the bar was never over midfoot, and he needs to push his knees out. Did you read the fucking book?

Oops, never mind, thought I was in a Starting Strength forum, lulz!


Awesome video man!

Just so I can interpret your spreadsheet properly:
What the H521, H540 etc represent in your spreadsheet?
Is the yellow week 1, orange week 2 top set and red week 3 top set? Using the same first two lead up sets?

Eyes stayed in his head. Seems like good placement.

Shoes match belt? That definetly makes it look good!


Thanks!!! I am loving the belt. I think the more upright is because my quad pain is pretty much gone so I can push the knees forward a bit more.

Hypothetical 1RM.

Exactly. And the Teal numbers are the 1RM I based the sets off.

And I am going to try to keep them there :smiley:

I am disgusting.

Made it through 3 flights and 4 airports with out drinking which is a PR. But airport 5 got me yesterday and I might have drank a bunch of sugary crap. Then ate some thai food. Now I am a watery mess and I can feel the fat a little thicker around my waist. To help matters though it is pretty hot today and just walking to the gym I looked like I went swimming with my shirt on.


Low Incline Dum Press
Bent Over Dumbell Row
Various Unilateral Cable Pulls


insert been there, done that here

Doesn’t that feel good?
At least when you are not thinking about how disgusting it is in reality


I can’t even begin to explain how I bitch about this to husband almost once every two weeks lol


LOL yes.

All we can do is try.

Currently listening to this on repeat because the wife is cleaning so not going to complain or mess with her mojo…

Wifey been on a Drag Race marathon #ThanksNetflix. I hate all reality shows but I dont mind this one. It’s fun different and actually skill based.

Lot of 5 rep sets working up to failure

and yea so I was supposed to clean up my diet once I got back home…

I think I need an intervention.

I mean, I bought some brown rice soooo i guess that evens it out. The ice cream and about half the oreos are gone after about 6 hours.


Duuuuuuuuude…I used to watch Ru Paul all the time. :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:. I bet your house is SPOTLESS lol.

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Dum Military
back Flys

Just light pumpy get the blood moving. Workout was really just an excuse to get some work with out doing cardio.


Warmup Stuff
Singles @
550 (PR)
Back Down 3s @ 435-405-405
Hook 1s to 495-545

Squat PR moved well but not well enough for another set. Dead 545 felt pretty fkn heavy but still held 495 and 545 at the top no problems with grip.

Going to give deads their own day but only once a week. Probably on the 2nd row day of the week.

Something like…
Sunday Funday (Leftovers+Pump)

I keep going back and forth on arm training. The 2 options are 1 exercise every day focused on strength (like squatting daily) or smashing them on their respective days (Biceps on Pull and tris on Bench).

DIET UPDATE Going to clean it up a bit…won’t be limiting anything but I will be counting for future reference.

Oh and I freaked out again because my hand was blue like a bruise and so was my wrist but it didnt hurt and all I did was squats so of course I was all like GANGRENE!!! IM NOT GONNA BE ABLE TO LIFT ANYMORE!!! Buuuut it was just blue from my belt.

Sofi’s sister and her BF arrived last night so now I am off to the pool then the beach. This is the life I should have been living.


Tuesday: Cozumel and “Electrolyte Cycling”

Snorkling and then some random goofiness.

Wednesday AM

Some Rows and Biceps (get blood moving)

Wednesday PM

Bench 1s @ 315-325-335-345-355-365
Dumbell Rows
Dips supaset Pullups
Random Unilateral Cable Rowing
Basketball Game (watch)

Bench felt heavy and slow but even going up by 10s I had 375 maybe 385 in me.

Cozumel stuff…


1s @ 365-415-455
495-525-555 (PR)
Front 1s to 315

Yea knee pain, laziness and time kept this workout to a bare minimum. I am starting to really like my belt but maybe too much. Again the squats felt better the more weight was added but I think that has a lot to do with the belt

Electro lady was a new lady today and holy hell I dont actually remember the last time I felt pain like that. She zapped me on my shoulder and I could actually hear my hair burning. DIE HAIR DIE!!!

PM Gunz Pumpz with the Family
-Daniel did TBDLs and then gunz with me
The ladies did a lower body circuit
I did heavish arms but some minor aches kept reps higher


Dia de Muertos

Hook Deads to top sets 495-545-585
Unilateral Cable Pulling
Cross Curl

Deads were pretty heavy feeling.

I cant seem to get the belt to be anything more than annoying.

Overthinking the belt is fucking up my set up (just like learning hook did).

Good news is that my hook grip is strong although actual grip strength sucks a bit.

The rep training has been great for making anything less than 494 feel light but 495+ feels heavy as shit.

EDIT: Stole the slogan but prior dude was shrugging so…yea


Nice work.

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So I think I over embraced the bear mode and I am going to a strict diet…tomorrow :smiley:

Saturday Bench +

-Bench 5-3-1s @
-Low Incline Dum Press 125s for 9-8-6
-Pullups (to rest shoulders that were fried)
-Dum Military Press (to re-fry shoulders)
-Plate Pinches

Yea, 315 is my 4th set. badass.gif …or maybe slightly arrogant laziness idk

Entire bench workout from 1st set to last took under 20 minutes and everything moved a lot faster today than it did last workout.

Shoulders had fatigue pretty much from go today and had more than the 375 but elbows flared so called it.

This week is kind of just a prep for the next 2 weeks which I have planned…


  • Basic principle is that reps are a nice “breather” but if I want to improve my 1RM’s I should probably work on heavy singles
  • Deadlifting is a bit ambitious but since I am a bit fluffy and the numbers are low I think I can handle it…but I am sure I will be a bit run down come Reload time.
  • For the big 3 I am ramping weights as specified until form fail or RPE 9.
  • Squats and Bench I am adding a back down set of Max Reps at what would have been 5-3-1’s top sets (~75%-80%-85%).
  • Might be dropping back down sets for Squats or the first deadlift day of the week

And I stole Reload from Dave Tate’s take on it.



Tri Rope 512 (Warmup)
EZ Crusher 10-5s
Unilateral Cable Press down 8s
EZ Curl 5
10 (Warmup)
Dum Curl 5s
Cross Curl 8s
Machine Curl Burn Outs
Lateral Raises SUPASET Plate Pinches
Double Crunch/Ab Bike Supaset Cable Back Fly
Thumbless Bar Iso Holds Best set was about 13 seconds with 315 with a big fat smooth bent bar

Outside of my abs I havent lost much definition and most of my vascularity actually improved…at least until today. Today was the first day I noticed less vascularity so it is in perfect timing to clean it up. Post workout I had 45.5cm arms (just shy of 18" so that was cool). Left one grew almost an inch and right one about half an inch…but we will see what happens when the fat starts being trimmed.

Diet (thought this would help keep me accountable):
100g oats and 4 fried eggs for breakfast
2 Cups White Rice
500g Veggies
6 cans of tuna
A lot of Soy Sauce
sub 3100 Cals - 216p - 451c - 32f