Skidmark's Training

Hey Skid - On those DB head holds, are you going for a set time or until failure for each rep. I think I need to start some direct grip work.

I’m just happy to pick 'em up… If i can break it off the floor, i count it. I do 1 and 2 hand hangs for time, though. works supporting grip more than anything else i’ve tried.


Deload Day

all performed with 135 for 5 reps, hands never left the bar.
pushup on bar
push press

pushup on bar
bent row
push press

pushup on bar
bent row
front squat
push press

pushup on bar
front squat
push press

snatch from hang

Weighted Situps
100 lbs 2x15

BW+45 1x8, 1x7(lst rep held 10 sec at top)


1-hand hangs
(BW and 25)x20sec

1-hand Barbell Lift


DB Overhead triceps Extensions
45’s 2x8


Lower and Armsies
Zercher lift
265x2 (PR reps)
275x1 (PR weight 10lbs)
285x1 (PR 20)
295x1 (PR 30)

Deep Front Squat (1st rep cleaned)
205 2x5

Romanian DL
315 2x5

130x5 (PR reps added 2)

EZ Bar Triceps Extensions
145 2x5

Misc. arm crap

Good session. Very surprising. added 20-30 lbs on every lower body movement.

Just found this thread, remember following your progress in the westside thread.

Good stuff man I’ll be following along.

Good to hear from you man! Welcome! I’m subscribed to your youtube videos. Lookin’ trim these days, but still strong, you are.


Standing overhead press

total: 2705


total: 1845

220 3x5

total: 5375

Pendlay Rows
220 3x5

total: 4225

Grand Total:14150
Avg - 166.5lbs

[quote]skidmark wrote:
Good to hear from you man! Welcome! I’m subscribed to your youtube videos. Lookin’ trim these days, but still strong, you are.[/quote]

Thanks man, cool, I’ll get some more vids up soon. Yeah I lost a little over 20lbs, going to compete at 175 in June so got to drop some more weight. Hope to compete at nationals in the 175s

Good training today.


Great thread man. Nice to see progress through hard work.


Thanks Kalle and Burnesy. Your little one there Burnesy is too cute for description…

It’s a boring program, but it seems to be working.

I’m alternating upper and lower plus arms, switching the movements every session for a cycle of 3 sessions and alternating rep work with intensity work. Seems to keep the volume at a manageable level and leaves room and energy for extra workouts between sessions if I need them.

I’m experimenting with frontloading extra volume in a cycle and then tapering it down each session for this cycle to see what happens in the last intensity workouts of the cycle.

Prior to this I was doing pure intensity days and then supplemental lifts and I was beginning to stall on the main lifts. Doesn’t seem to be happening this time.

That 170 overhead press just flew up all three times - I didn’t feel it in any particular working muscle, all units were working together.

Since herniating the L5/S1 disc in December my right leg is still weaker than the left, but it seems to be coming back and more quickly than expected and I’m beginning to surpass prior PRs. TBTG. Haven’t been brave enough to attempt a max conventional deadlift as yet, but the day is coming.

BTW, Kalle - I did finally close the #2 CoC gripper - pretty authoritatively too and without training on the grippers themselves. I saw a video on Beyond Strong (I think) of an interview with Andrus Murumets and Zydrunas Zsavickas where Murumets talked about doing bodyweight hangs for time to help his grip and how his grip actually got weaker using the CoCs. I started doing those and closed that gripper not long after. I gave them away to a friend after that.

[quote]skidmark wrote:

BTW, Kalle - I did finally close the #2 CoC gripper - pretty authoritatively too and without training on the grippers themselves. I saw a video on Beyond Strong (I think) of an interview with Andrus Murumets and Zydrunas Zsavickas where Murumets talked about doing bodyweight hangs for time to help his grip and how his grip actually got weaker using the CoCs. I started doing those and closed that gripper not long after. I gave them away to a friend after that.[/quote]

Yeah I saw that interview to and it really does make sense.

I’ve been doing plate pinches lately and they seem to be helping.

I closed my 1.5 twice when I got it but haven’t messed around with grippers since. Just lots of thick bar work, farmers, and plate pinches for me. I plan to try some hangs from my 2" axle though.

I’ve done some experimenting and I think, based on the outcome, that I do better with higher rep deadlifts with lower weight than attempting maxes or overloading with bands on speed days.

I think it might have something to do with strengthening the ligaments and getting more blood supply to the area, since I am not constricting blood flow unduly with a long duration rep. I need to get back to the KettleGrip swings as well as those were extremely helpful for back rehab.

Box squats and snatch grip deads for reps tomorrow. We’ll see if I have to use straps for the SGD’s. It’s getting harder to hold the weight at that extreme angle (friggin’ mini mitts I got). I’m basically holding the bar with 2 fingers and a thumb on those. Resetting at the bottom of each rep and the chalk helps, but I know I could do more weight if I used straps.

I’m rethinking my stand on no-carbs as well. After taking that week-long programming class, during which most of my kCals were carbs and the amazing (for me) reserve of strength I felt along with the rapidity of recovery, I have to say that doing some carbo loading before each session may not be a bad thing.

Just finished reading the Nutrient Timing System book (which could have been 15 pages rather than a few hundred) and it doesn’t advocate eating carbs all the time, but just at critical times for muscle strength endurance and recovery. I did get kind of puffy during that week at class, but I wasn’t controlling the carb intake either.

Burger King and weight training seem to go well together for me. I put down about 2000 calories in one sitting one night and it felt reeeaaaallly good. Next days results were nice too.


Lower and Arms

Parallel Box Squat
265 2x5

total: 6775

Snatch Grip Deadlift (3" platform)
335x5 (straps didn’t make it feel any better)

Total: 6625

Rolling Triceps Extensions
45’s 2x5,1x6

total: 2280

Hammer Curls (light)
45’s 2x5

total: 900

Grand Total: 16580
Avg Intensity: 149.4 lbs

Good session. RTE’s were more solid than expected at that weight - right shoulder still tried to come forward, but managed to keep it set. Average intensity was at 223.5 until arms got figured in.

Had a pre-workout carbo/protein drink. Didn’t kick in until after the snatch grip deads. Timing is everything I guess… Feel great now. Was draggin’ heiny after the SGD’s. Macronutrient timing works, it seems.

The new avatar is most definately not wonderful. Scary, and wrong.

On a brighter note you can replace it in the future with one of Megan Gale as Wonder Woman in the Justice league movie. That will be wonderful.

reminded me of one of those little troll dolls that is so popular with pre teen girls round here. They have big hair and similar proportions. The troll dolls, not the girls.

okay - some of the girls do too…

Sorry I’m late to the thread, lot of good work going on here!

This shoulder is getting on my nerves. With all the computer work - well, ok - with all the web surfing, I’ve trained the thing to relax completely to where all the top side rotator cuff muscles have gone slack. The prime movers around the joint are doing all the support during lifts now and the humerus is traveling forward in the socket during pressing to get leverage and complete the lift. Not good.

I think the teres muscles are ok, but the others are just not doing their jobs


  1. Improve posture while at the keyboard - no more hunching or resting either arm on the desk.

  2. Actively pull the right shoulder back during work and retrain the trapezius, infra- and supraspinatus to support and stabilize the arm’s weight. This is going to be difficult - I’ve been screwing those muscles for years now. I’ll have to be tenacious.

  3. Scapular activation work a la Shoulder Savers. Let’s see if I can practice the advice from EC that I’ve lauded to others…

  4. Stretch the pectorals (hell, just stretch anything!) after each session.

Interestingly enough, I never had this problem when I was doing physical work, it’s only since I started spending long hours at a desk that this has come on. What’s next? Old man’s flat butt syndrome?

[quote]Colin Wilson wrote:
Sorry I’m late to the thread, lot of good work going on here! [/quote]

No timetable here, so it’s impossible to be late. Thanks and welcome, Colin.

[quote]skidmark wrote:
This shoulder is getting on my nerves. With all the computer work - well, ok - with all the web surfing, I’ve trained the thing to relax completely to where all the top side rotator cuff muscles have gone slack. The prime movers around the joint are doing all the support during lifts now and the humerus is traveling forward in the socket during pressing to get leverage and complete the lift. Not good.

I think the teres muscles are ok, but the others are just not doing their jobs


  1. Improve posture while at the keyboard - no more hunching or resting either arm on the desk.

  2. Actively pull the right shoulder back during work and retrain the trapezius, infra- and supraspinatus to support and stabilize the arm’s weight. This is going to be difficult - I’ve been screwing those muscles for years now. I’ll have to be tenacious.

  3. Scapular activation work a la Shoulder Savers. Let’s see if I can practice the advice from EC that I’ve lauded to others…

  4. Stretch the pectorals (hell, just stretch anything!) after each session.

Interestingly enough, I never had this problem when I was doing physical work, it’s only since I started spending long hours at a desk that this has come on. What’s next? Old man’s flat butt syndrome?[/quote]

This sounds like my program (or the one I need to do). Sit up straight, shoulders back and down, get up and move every 30-40 minutes. Also, I really need to re-read those shoulder articles.

Let’s do it…


I actually started last night and I’m already feeling some changes in the shoulder around the collar bone/arm junction. There has always been a tightness there that made it difficult for me to put my arm behind my back. Since I’ve been sitting with my shoulder consciously drawn back, that tightness and the attendant pain is much less.

By drawing the shoulder back to where it ought to be, I’m experiencing some muscle aches in the levator scapula and the lower part of the trap responsible for drawing the shoulder blade in toward the spine as they begin to do their intended jobs, but the tightness and pain in the lat and teres muscles where where they join up with the humerus is lessening, since they are not having to do ALL the stabilization now. I think things will come into alignment pretty quickly if current results are any indication.

Looking forward to doing those scap complexes today. Every time I get up from my desk I do a scap wall slide or 3.