Simo - The Red Shoe Diaries (Part 1)

Local. I’m not good enough to justify spending money on travel for meets yet. A year or so and that should start to change.

Lol if your not good enough, goodness knows what that makes plebs like me :wink:

Good enough is relative. I don’t apply my standards to everyone else. I want to be at a certain level. Until I’m there I’m not good enough.

I’m just pulling your chain mate. Everything in life is relative and in the end where we are is never where we want to be. One thing I would say though is not to limit yourself to only do something when you are good enough. I doubt you really do that and I get what you meant about the comp. Just saying don’t wait to be good enough.

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Like the life’s too short kinda thing?

Also I’d like to join team pleb

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Where do I sign for that team :slight_smile:

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Honestly, I can’t justify spending the money and taking the time away from family to compete in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane or Perth when I can do it here. When I qualify for nationals, different story.


That makes 100% sense to me and I would do the same.

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Went out partying with the wife last night. Too much beer and too much dancing. Woke up this morning and my neck is super stiff. Can barely turn my head to the left. Booked in to see the osteo on Monday. Really hoping it sorts itself out before we go on holiday on Tuesday!! Don’t know if I spelt in a funny position or all the dancing has upset it. But if is sore and I am grumpy :frowning:


I just pictured you dancing like Elaine from sinfield.


Lol it was an 1980’s dress up party. There was an 80’s cover band, lots of beers and my dancing was probably exactly like that at some point during the night. Had a ball though :slight_smile:


It’s good when life comes across and mess things up.
Sounds like good times Simo :slight_smile:

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Thanks mate, yes it was a very good night. With three kids under 9 there are not many times that the wife and I go out and party these days. I have to say that I rarely drink at all so to go out for a big night is always fun but I always pay for it the next day. It was worth it though very fun times.


Hmm… I drink often but I rarely go out and drink so much that I have a hangover :wink:

Perhaps you’d be better off increasing the frequency of your drinking but decreasing the volume?


Nahh Aussies go big :slight_smile:


Yep, we don’t muck around!
How’s the neck mate? I twisted mine badly a few years back, couldn’t move it, a few 10 buck neck massage sessions at the Chinese massage place at the shops did absolute wonders for it.

Got on the foam roller yesterday and managed to crack my back and neck a few times which freed it up a bit. Deff a bit better today, it’s still a little sore but no longer locked up. I see the osteo tomorrow so should be all good.

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Hmmmmm No!

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Neck still pretty sore, has gotten worse as the day went by. It feels like doms so guessing I was rocking my head too much on Friday night lol !!! Hoping a good sleep tonight will help and then a good session at the osteo tomorrow and I’ll be sweet and ready for training tomorrow night.

Monday 2 July - micro 2 week 1
Squat and bench - weight 85.2kg

Bar x 10
65 x 8
85 x 5
102.5 x 5 x 5 sets
RPE 7, 7, 7, 8, 8
Felt solid tonight, still adjusting position coming out of the hole as the reps get tough.

Bar x 10
65 x 8
82.5 x 8 x 4 sets
RPE 8, 8, 10, 9
Moved ok tonight. Kept rests a little shorter and it Got hard for the last 2 sets.

Bent row
75 x 12 x 4 sets (12, 12, 10, 10)
SS with CGP
70 x 10 x 4 sets (10, 9, 7, 6)

These were tough tonight, massive pump. Couldn’t hit all the reps but by the end my Arms and chest were trashed.

Went to the osteo today and boy did it feel good. Back and neck were all jacked up. He was pretty surprised how tight everything was especially my neck. Good massage and then some back and neck adjustment. Back popped back into place real easy but neck took a little more work. Felt good after and should feel even better after a few days. Off to get some winter sun tomorrow and can’t bloody wait.