Sick, But With What?

ive felt like shit for the past week, unable to hold anything but really light stuff like rice and soda crackers down. Im experiencing no congestion, sore throat, headaches, anything…

i basically feel completely normal, except that i almost constantly feel like throwing up. - thats the only symptom besides minor to severe reflux

went to the hospital 4 days ago. they suggested a GI procedure with a barium enima. i asked for an alternative.

They asked me to write down my daily diet, and it was then that i noticed that my diet was predominantly, if not completely protein. of course i got fruits and vegetables, but not nearly as often as i should have. i also supplemented with multivitamin packets daily in addition to efa’s.

I then did a blood and urine test. The results came back and my doctor called, telling me that everything looked normal, (liver, kidneys, triglycerides) except for my cholestrol, which was slightly higher than normal. (so no biggy there).

we came to the conclusion that i had turned my body into a sort of toxic envioronment because i have maintained this sort of diet for a considerable amount of time now. (almost a year).

fellow weightlifters at my commercial gym have told me that my current condition is a result of putting on such a large amount of weight so quickly (roughly 90 pounds in a year), and the overeating that allowed me to do so did my body a great deal of harm. (also ive drunk most of my food, blending raw eggs in protein shakes for as many as 5 of my daily meals).

i think they (gym buddies, and friends) are completely full of it for the most part, which is why i am seeking the expert oppinion of certain T-Nation members.

ive decided to fast for two days drinking nothing but apple juice (never done it before, dont think i will be able to).

its rough on my body composition to go from eating 8-10 times a day to none.

so whether you feel like you know what is wrong with me or not feel free to post, as your oppinions are valued

When I feel like crap, I take a couple of days off traning. I always thought thats the only true symptom of overtraining. Dunno if thats right tho.

I don;t think a 2 day fast will do any sort of damage, dude. if anything, I think it will slightly improve your body’s ability to digest and assimilate protein.

Also, maybe you just needed a break from the heavy eating and training…so relax.

Also when your report came back NORMAL, how did they come to the conclusion that you had turned yourself into a toxic environment? Just because you felt under the weather and were following a diet they didn;t agree with?

the tests were checking my kidneys and liver for damage

we came to the conclusion that i was crazy toxic because i was only eating protein and possibly not drinking enough water, thus potentially clogging up my body and slowing down its ability to dispose of toxins…

i doubt i overtrain cause im only in the gym 3 hours a week.

so far the fast is coming along well, but im just worried that this problem is going to last for an extended period of time… college starts for me in roughly 5 days :confused:

90 lb increase in a year ? what’s your BF % ?

you start college in 5 days, i got another few weeks before I go back.

I wonder why you didn’t ask for the barium enima, that just wouldn’t be pleasant. I don’t really know what to say, if throwing up is the only sympton maybe it’s something as simple as a stomach virus, to me sounds like something that will just pass in time.

When you complete your fast and begin to eat meals again you need to consider a more balanced approach. I don’t take issue with a high protein intake (between 1 & 2 grams per lb of BW) or frequent feeding (although maybe ten is a bit extreme), but every meal should contain some of each (special conditions apply post workout). I don’t know how others feel; but I think most of your calories should come from solid food (70 - 80%).

Ninety pounds in one year!..did you take caliper reading & measurements before you started and again recently? I would like to know what they are. What kind of strength increase did you get on the ‘money’ lifts?

yeah college in 5 days, and i gotta move outta the house and into my apartment before then so its gonna be a tight squeeze :confused:

so far the fast is going well, drinking plenty of fluids to try to curb my hunger. it sucks because one of my brother’s buddies is throwin a huge barbeque tommorrow :(.

i really hope this thing works cause i am very eager to return to my old ways, with a more balanced approach of course.

anyone else want to take a gander at what may be wrong with me?

[quote]BlueCollarTr8n wrote:
When you complete your fast and begin to eat meals again you need to consider a more balanced approach. I don’t take issue with a high protein intake (between 1 & 2 grams per lb of BW) or frequent feeding (although maybe ten is a bit extreme), but every meal should contain some of each (special conditions apply post workout). I don’t know how others feel; but I think most of your calories should come from solid food (70 - 80%).

Ninety pounds in one year!..did you take caliper reading & measurements before you started and again recently? I would like to know what they are. What kind of strength increase did you get on the ‘money’ lifts? [/quote]

body fat thus far has only been determined through estimation…

id say that i started the bulk around 12-13% and ended at around 20% 90 pounds later

my lifts were like so

before bulk
incline benchpress - 165x1
deadlift - 225x1
squat 225x1

after bulk (about a year ago)
incline benchpress - 200x1
deadlift - 330x1
squat - 275x1

so ive decided to go get a more detailed blood test to check for other complications

keep posting my people, i certainly appreciate it


I had something like that happen last year - could barely hold any food down (though not quite as bad as you) and also had the shits. It took me about two weeks to figure out it was because of some worms which had taken up residence in my buckwheat. I ended up losing four kilos but at least it was mostly fat.

So you might just have ingested some bacteria or worm shit or something else that your system isn’t taking kindly to.

yeah so i went to my physician to get a more thorough examination of my blood and urine test

we all believe that i have what’s called h-pylori, a commonly acquired bacteria that can survive in stomach acid.

so now i am taking various vitamin and mineral complexes to help solve the problem…any advice or personal experiences with this dealio is welcome

thanks for posting chaps

Wow,… I know I eat a lotta protein myself, but I also get 2 bowls of oatmeal a day, and am constantly chugging water or green tea… If it is indeed some sotrt of ‘bug’, it just takes time to pass through your system,… still, if you’ve developed some sort of allergy,… that may be worth looking into?