Shoulder Issues and Impingement

I was recently told i had an impingement and muscle imbalance and did some PT for 2 weeks. The pain for the most part is gone, sometimes i still get a very sharp pain when both my arms are raised above my head and im working with my hands. In any case, my shoulder presses were much improved the other day, but now when i I do dumbell presses i have a new pain in the same shoulder, whereas prior to PT only pressing movements above head hurt the muscle directly in the back corner or armpit behind shoulder.

Is there any other stretches and workouts i should be doing? Im still doing the rotator cuff exercises given to me by physical therapist.

Should I take a break from the gym? Been hitting it hard 5 months straight!

Hanging is a fantastic activity, which will take care of many shoulder issues. You don’t have to start with a full weightless hang.