Sheiko Help

I’m going to be starting the Sheiko #29 beginner routine tomorrow. I was wondering, what percentage of my 1 rep max should I use for the GM’s, Lunges, IBP, etc?

Use 77.77% that works best…

You don’t need any percentages for those.
Just go by feel…train but don’t strain.

GM’s 40% of your squat beltless (provided you can do it with perfect form)

Lunges, I used a barbell and also used 40% of my squat but just warmed up on them and figured out what was a challenge but not too difficult.


Thanks for the replies. IBP = Incline Bench Press. Although I was probably going to replace it with the military press.

Did you guys increase the poundage on the assistance exercises, or were they kept at the same poundage for the entire 4 weeks?

Thanks for the replies. IBP = Incline Bench Press. Although I was thinking of replacing it with the military press.

Did you guys increase the poundage on the assistance exercises according to feel, or did you keep it the same for the whole 4 weeks?

[quote]Jiz_Dispenser wrote:
Thanks for the replies. IBP = Incline Bench Press. Although I was thinking of replacing it with the military press.

Did you guys increase the poundage on the assistance exercises according to feel, or did you keep it the same for the whole 4 weeks?[/quote]

I will leave the Good Mornings alone throughout. I may up the lunges but I started a little heavy so it won’t be for a couple of weeks. Incline bench I would do a weight that you have 2-3 reps left in the tank, for me this is about 70% of my bench but I am pretty weak on incline. I would recommend sticking with incline because there is likely better carryover for the bench.

After you finish 29 you may want to do 37 and then do a peaking cycle. I’m following the program that was in the “Sheiko Shakes up Powerlifting” article on here a few weeks ago.

On the accessory work, I kept the weight the same until it became pretty easy. It’s something you may want to evaluate at the end of the 4 week cycle, and decide if you want to go up for a few lbs for the next 4 weeks.

You only Incline Bench once during the cycle, so don’t put too much thought into it. I’d use around 60% of your max Incline.

I used 40% for my GM’s I kept the lunges pretty light, just trying to get a little bloodflow and mobility into the hips.