Semantics and Superiority

Got you! That’s probably where the misunderstanding stems from, I thought you were answering part of my post.

I’m lying? are you sure there hasn’t been others? again, see, this is where this place falls apart.

It’s actually pretty funny, even the day to day mod is in on it. I’ve proven to the mods already that stupid pic people keep bringing up as a joke was me, proved with another pic. Yet that mod never once (even during the time I was getting ripped on) decided to validate the whole situation to put an end to the back and forth.

And I’m supposed to believe there isn’t a mob mentality at play at times around here? uh huh, ok.

Sure. Of course. Ok. Good luck. Bye.

Exactly. Come in to say something stupid then back out like an idiot.

There has to be a level, right? you shouldn’t throw language around as the only thing you have going for you in a discussion. I had a neighbor that was in his 70s, was a private school teacher that taught English and French. He had a very high command of the language and he’d use that constantly to correct people, even in arguments. It was obnoxious.

From all other measures he was a complete moron. Moron in his own finances, technology, business, relationships, cultural knowledge, even fucking history which most English teachers seem to be a fan of. This guy really had no clue of anything. He didn’t even possess very good common sense. But he sure had great grammar.

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I think you’re missing the point … From what I’ve read in here, it’s the logic behind your words and grammar that people have picked apart (with ease). You fall into back pedaling and shifting the goal posts because you incoherently ramble a bunch of shit that makes no sense and flies in the face of what seems to be the experiences and observations of most people here.

You cry and whine about how people disregard what you say or your experiences but do the same thing to them. You have failed, in the past, to consider that you could be wrong. You’ve also established yourself as having and presenting unreliable and illogical arguments or observations - experience that seem to be in the minority, while presenting them as if they’re the biggest problem in contemporary society.

On top of it, you then cry “I’m the victim, woe is me” to garner, what? Support? Sympathy? You’re (allegedly) a grown ass man complaining people pick every single aspect of your posts apart, from spelling, to grammar, to content, and the list goes on, on an off topic message board. You’re not a victim, you’re silly little man passing time in a terrible way that is no way shows any personal growth.

News flash, you’re on a website dedicated to an activity all about personal growth, strength and betterment, and all you bring to the table is complaints, rants, and weakness. And you wonder why you get the shit end of the stick? Jesus Cristo, you wonder why I think you’re not playing with a full deck…


It also affords safety and anonymity. Seems most people enjoy their relative safety from behind the screen while furiously masturbating their most annoying traits

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Your first paragraphs aren’t accurate. You’re taking the very few posters in here that are all aligned, the posters that frequent this place often, and that only frequent this section of the forum as the basis for all your conclusions.

You and others will present the picture that this large majority overwhelms my minority opinion and for that reason my remarks are ‘illogical’ and ‘picked apart’ (usually with a bullshit link that never actually proves anything. Again, that ESPN one is the most recent).

I mean, fuck , it’s not even that hard to see - click on your profiles and each of you are the top members of likes and likes received with each other haha. You’re all here on the off topic, this is what you do. So lick my fucking balls.

I’ll agree with the last paragraph though. I should have expected the whole chest beating ‘personal growth’ bullshit that people do in places like this. That, I admit, was totally my fault not to be prepared for it.

The rest of your post is condescending and belittling which is par for the course around here when someone doesn’t agree with the regulars of the off topic sub lol

That too. I discussed the safety factor but then deleted that part of my post because I thought the way I explained it was not good.

I think that’s true. I don’t agree with all he says but him and Beyond are the two posters I agree with for much of what they’ve said on gender relations.

TDS is rampant in here too

What is TDS?


Oh please.

Now you’re trying to conflate everything again.

If most people on different sides of the political spectrum disagree with your opinions, then you are not being “mobbed”. It also doesn’t automatically render your opinions invalid. Get it? Separate issues. No one “mobbed” @BrickHead.

Even the OP of this thread said “70 percent of your views” give him an itch up his ass or something.

For your opinions to be rendered invalid, they would have to be challenged. This is why I wrote 2 separate posts in this thread, one defining what being “mobbed” means, and one explaining why you are being shat on.

Your arguments were challenged and debunked. Because more people disagree with you than not, more people challenged your arguments. This is not getting “mobbed”.

Then you did the usual song and dance with the backpedaling, deflections, lying, moving the goalposts, pretending that previous exchanges never happened etc, which is what you are still trying to do now. That was when you started getting shat on.

This is why you are still being shat on now. Get it?

And just because people aren’t on “your side” doesn’t mean they’re for some “opposite side”, nor does it mean that some points raised aren’t valid. It means they think YOUR arguments, when viewed as a whole, fall apart under scrutiny.

Stop playing the victim.


You can’t masturbate a trait.

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What type of Derangement Syndrome is that?

Hold my beer


Wall of text, or multiple posts probably coming, got to play catch up.

I think this is one of the, if not the most simultaneously misunderstood and important understandings of the universe through human eyes. (At least in the social sense) I dont have anything to add to it, I just want to applaud the phrasing, importance, and your grasp of the logic.


There are themes that repeatedly emerge, so previous thoughts and posts are appropriately referenced. “This again?” is not an unreasonable reaction. Are we supposed to freshly invent the wheel as if we’ve never seen one before? “Interesting point, here’s what I think!”

I can’t quote it accurately and don’t feel like googling, but there’s a saying about people’s characters being the sum of their actions, not their intentions. The past matters. A quote I do remember:

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character for it will become your destiny.”

This is just a message board, but behavior matters here just as it does IRL. Are there big, real life consequences for being an online ass? No. But there are reactions to displayed character.

So true.


Regarding the mob mentality subject. I’m going to speak broadly for a bit, in regards to the forum.

T-Nation, is one of the worst offenders as a whole of mob mentality I’ve seen on forums. This whole site is a daunting task to join. It’s the same 15-20ish posters day in and day out. While rarely does anyone get aggressive in their approach, there is an oppressive atmosphere of superiority in most replies. The people that have stuck around are the ones who clicked with the rest of the crowd. Which, I get it in the broad sense of the actual lifting parts of the forums. Most of us figured this shit out by ourselves through patience, hard work, and error; a lot of times the trivial questions can get old.

However when referring to the political thread (obviously) and the off-topic thread, it’s a bloodbath. There is probably half of the posts that dont completely derail and turn into a feeding frenzy at one point or another. I’ve posted about it before. I actually disagree with… honestly a majority of the posters communication style in this forum, but I generally try to look past the bullshit and drivel and stay on task regarding the subject, because it’s interesting to me.

Now, regarding greenboy specifically…

You are commonly “attacked” if for nothing else, your presentation. You come off aggressive, and very accusatory in your comments. Your views are very shortsighted, uninformed, and your writing style is all over the damn place. You do have a lot of ideas, some good, some are just terrible, but the way you convey them make you a very easy target. So you combine your view of “mob mentality” with your innate need to argue, and share very strong opinions of subjects like… women and politics… of course you’re going to get a lot of attention.

I cant speak for the comments regarding backpedaling or lying, I dont follow you that closely.

You are capable of reason, but it seems as though you can use strong language and come off aggressive; however if someone does it back, it’s an attack. You generally respond well to my posts, as well as Cybetron, and we both tend to speak very calmly in comparison to your posts.

Thanks Loppar of the Hill People

Surely one as educated as you can discern a play on words.