SC Test Cyp Shots

No, sorry I confused you. They thought she might have Lyme. Then she was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s AND rheumatoid arthritis. For Hashimoto’s it’s been some sort of thyroid meds and rheumatoid it’s been methotrexate.

I think we’re going to see her RA Dr. and add some meds to the methotrexate, it’s just not slowing the RA progress. He mentioned Humira, but not sure he’ll want to add that.
Aces, Here’s something I ran across when researching Lyme for my wife when they thought she might have it.

I just got my BW back today from 2 months of IM. 60mg. 2X week and 250ius. hCG M-W-F…
My T dropped to 241. My Dr even commented on how I dropped about 200 points since I switched from SQ.
Aces, I think you’re right. I need to step up to 3X week injection of 60mg. Test Cyp and see what happens.
KSman commented I might be a hyper metabolizer ot T. Is that the same as a hyper excreter or is it secreter?

Ok I’m a bit worried about your wife lol.
RA is commonly given as a diagnosis when the patient actually has Lyme…

Hashimotos is a condition often seen with Lyme.

Was your wife tested from Igenex or fry labs?

Are you 1000 percent it’s not Lyme???

Yes hyper whatever is the same lol

[quote]catfish74 wrote:
I’m not a patient of Crisler, I just read the forums on his site. Although I don’t think he recommends SQ exclusively, he does recommend them.[/quote]
Do you inject SQ? If so how did it work for you compared to IM?

[quote]iw84aces wrote:
Ok I’m a bit worried about your wife lol.
RA is commonly given as a diagnosis when the patient actually has Lyme…

Hashimotos is a condition often seen with Lyme.

Was your wife tested from Igenex or fry labs?

Are you 1000 percent it’s not Lyme???

Yes hyper whatever is the same lol[/quote]

Those labs don’t ring a bell. No, I’m not sure. She’s not getting better maybe I should pursue this further. Now, you got me thinking it could have been Lyme all this time. And if RA and Hashimoto’s is often seen with Lyme, it only makes sense to look into and make sure. Thanks for the lab recommendations.

Don’t let me freak you out. Hashi’s and RA are real diagnosis… It’s just Lyme and RA can be much the same esp when co infections are involved.

To start I would order the Igenex complete Lyme panel… This is still not 100 percent going to pick up Lyme. But is the best test you can get for her rift now. It will be expensive somewhere around 400 dollars.

You need to find a Lyme literate doctor who is for real and not a quack.<~~ study this

Where are you from?

I was able to get my labs from my first BW. Who knew? Thanks for the info guys. My LH and FSH before starting TRT was: LH 4.9 (and FSH was 5.66. And I don’t know what any of this means, so any advice I welcome.

Aces- You could be onto something about this Lyme and my wife and I’m going to pursue it. She’s from New York and now we live in SoCal and she travels back to NY many times during the year. I’ll research about a Lyme literate Dr. I saw this article and it really hits home.

Thanks for the Dr. Crisler video conservativedog.

I’m reading that if someone has Lyme it attacks the white blood cells and the white blood cells are what produce anti bodies… The Lyme tests test antibodies so if the immune system is depleted the test may be useless. I know of a good llmd in New York and I will get you the info within the next couple days.

Some Lyme docs say the patient should be treated for Lyme for 6 weeks in order to build the immune system up so it will produce antibodies so then the test is more useful

I’ve discussed with the wife and we’ll get going again with the Dr about this Lyme. Makes sense to test for 6 weeks. Thanks for the input.

My pre TRT LH was 4.9 and FSH was 5.66. I’m not sure what those numbers mean. Any thoughts?

To me it means your pituitary is functioning fine but at the same time if it were the testicles causing the issue we would expect to see those number even higher… What were the reference ranges?

What was total t prior to trt?

My total T prior to beginning TRT was 234 and reference range was 175-781
FSH was 5.66 and reference range was (I think I’m reading this correctly) 1.27-19.26
LH was 4.9 and reference range was 1.2-8.6

My opinion: Before you started TRT you should have tried raising cholesterol with healthy fats. Cholesterol e is the precursor to steroid hormones…

Something is going on in the liver… Using Milk Thistle and eating certain veggies and also keeping modified corn syrup(google this) out of my diet has lowered E2 substantially.

Milk thistle should only be from the seads and should be marked that way on the bottle as the whole plant seems to be estrogenic.

With ft3 low I’m wondering what the values of ferritin and cortisol are and would suggest rt3 testing.

I don’t know anything about you but if your like me and the majority of people you have been eating shit and no taking care of your body as you should have… Also I’m guessing stress is playing a role here but that’s only a guess.

Have you ever considered trying to see a naturopath or a homeopath and see what lifestyle changes you could implement in order to get yourself better?? Have you heard of adrenal fatigue or Wilson’s temperature syndrome? <|~~ take the adrenal fatigue test and see if this sounds like you. Google it

Just my thoughts bro not trying to say I’m some genius cause I’m really not. Average guy like you with my own problems

Also if you ever do these labs because you may be hyperexcreting it would be interesting to see shbg numbers…

Thanks Aces, you’ve forgotten more about TRT than I’ll ever know. I’ll check out the milk thistle that you mention. And my next BW (Dr suggested in 2 months) I’ll get them to test the rt3 and shbg. I’m actually pretty healthy and eat pretty clean. Work out 5-6 days a week. One thing I’ve been reading a lot about and it seems to make sense is I might be undereating. I’ve always heard that there’s no such thing as overtraining only undereating.

Not sure I buy that, but I’m making a effort to eat sufficient calories to fuel my workouts and lifestyle.
Stress? I’m not sure. I’m a stay at home Dad of a 6 year old girl with special needs, so maybe that’s added some stress to my plate. I appreciate all your advice and will research adrenal fatigue and Wilson’s as you suggest. Thanks again for the advice.

I really don’t know that much… I fully admit this and only do the best with what I do know.

As far as forgetting, I do alot of this!!! Brain fog is a problem for me.

I am learning more and more about healing the body and working with a very good doctor/naturopath.

What we see in bloodwork is not very much in the big scheme of things.

Environmental toxins, fungus and inflammation do not show up on bloodwork…

The three of these can wreak Havoc on your bodies functions and thus hormones