Sarah Palin Interview with Katie Couric

[quote]katzenjammer wrote:
jsbrook wrote:
katzenjammer wrote:
jsbrook wrote:

Palin’s gotten a free pass in every interview.

The Gibson interview was a journalistic ambush.

The editing and presentation to the public was. I don’t have a problem with the actual questions.

I have a problem with the questions - obviously designed to make her look uninformed and stupid. But even more so, I have a problem with his sneering demeanor towards her, his thinly-veiled contempt.

edit: and on the questions, I wouldn’t mind so much if Obama was submitted to similar questioning.[/quote]

I agree somewhat. Certainly on the attitude. But she’s never been grilled or asked unfair questions that she shouldn’t be able to answer the way a targeted conspiracy by the ‘liberal media’ could do. I don’t think she’s stupid. She is uninformed. And ignorant. Gibson didn’t need to work put her in that light. I still don’t have such a problem with the questions themselves. There’s nothing wrong with them in isolation. It’s the way they were strung together and the attitude that Gibson used to convey a message. I’ll concede that Obama hasn’t been treated with such disdain by the ‘mainstream liberal media.’ But then neither has Palin. O’Reilly was very disrepectful to Obama. So, you could say it’s 1-1. But Katie Couric’s questions were entirely appropriate in content, tone, AND presentation. The answers speak for themselves. Far from being unfair, some further follow-up on Katie’s part would have been called for. As a whole, I think Palin’s been treated very respectfully and gotten off very easy from the media.

[quote]bald eagle wrote:
What regulatory measures did McCain push in his 26 yrs??? What kind of stupid question is that?

You think Al Gore could have answered that question about Bill Clinton and what regulatory measures he pushed in Arkansas?

Give me a break.

What regulatory measures did Opie take in Illinois to prevent slumlords like Rezko from milking the system?[/quote]

What was even better is that Katie said “besides the regulation that would have avoided this whole cluster fuck”. She new it was significant and that Palin would bring up so she immediately dismissed it in the question. Classic.

[quote]Mick28 wrote:
entheogens wrote:
Here’s the question…if she folded like this at the hands of Katie Couric, No…here’s the question…how many hockey moms watched it?

imagine what would have happened if Tim Russert were still around to grill her on “Meet The Press”.

Imagine what would have happened to Obama if the liberal press was not sucking his cock 24/7?[/quote]

Come on…they ask him tough questions too. “what’s your favorite bible verse?” I bet he was sweating on that one.

You’re right. Obama spent 20 years in a church where the main tenet seems to be hatred towards America. Prolly they hardly ever open up a bible, if ever. Unfair question considering. Heh.

I do believe, in general, Katie was pretty even between the two. Charlie on the other hand…

Well, just take a look for yourself.


Obama interview [transcript]:

How does it feel to break a glass ceiling?
How does it feel to �??win�???
How does your family feel about your �??winning�?? breaking a glass ceiling?
Who will be your VP?
Should you choose Hillary Clinton as VP?
Will you accept public finance?
What issues is your campaign about?
Will you visit Iraq?
Will you debate McCain at a town hall?
What did you think of your competitor�??s [Clinton] speech?

Palin interview [transcript]:

Do you have enough qualifications for the job you�??re seeking? Specifically have you visited foreign countries and met foreign leaders?
Aren�??t you conceited to be seeking this high level job?
Questions about foreign policy
-territorial integrity of Georgia
-allowing Georgia and Ukraine to be members of NATO
-NATO treaty
-Iranian nuclear threat
-what to do if Israel attacks Iran
-Al Qaeda motivations
-the Bush Doctrine
-attacking terrorists harbored by Pakistan
Is America fighting a holy war? [misquoted Palin

[quote]jsbrook wrote:

Please point me to some ‘tough’ interviews Palin or McCain has faced. Then you might have an actual point. [/quote]

Why, can’t you do a simple web search? You laziness has nothing to do with the validity of the point being made and understood by anyone with half a brain.

[quote]Mick28 wrote:
jsbrook wrote:
Mick28 wrote:
hokiehess wrote:
Mick28 wrote:
jsbrook wrote:
Mick28 wrote:
Hey I wonder when Obama is going to sit down with someone in the mainstream liberal media and have a tough interview…Oh wait…I forgot they love him so that won’t happen.

Oh please. Compared to the kind of shit Hillary routinely dealt with, that was a ridiculous softball question. You really expect ANY reporter to not address the assertion that proximity to Russia qualifies as foreign policy experience?

Katie was nice to not press further and let it go when she failed to answer whether she had any negotiations or interaction with Russia whatsoever. Please try to achieve some semblance of credibility.


He won’t huh? HUH?

The extremely liberal Bill O’Reily, not only giving somewhat difficult questions, but leading the interviewee, Barack Obama.'reilly&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&sa=N&tab=wv&oi=property_suggestions&resnum=0&ct=property-revision&cd=2#

Wow…you don’t get it either huh?

Answer this question:

Please point me to some ‘tough’ interviews Palin or McCain has faced. Then you might have an actual point.

Just say that you’re incapable of answering this simple question:


Can’t answer it can you?

The guy could be sitting in the oval office (I just puked in my mouth) by January and he’s never sat down to even ONE tough interview from anyone from the MAINSTREAM LIBERAL PRESS.



You’re coming across as a jackass. You look really stupid. It doesn’t MATTER. Both sides are receiving EQUAL treatment. The ‘mainstream liberal media’ has handled Palin and McCain with kid gloves, with the exception of the Gibson interview. And Obama got the same treatment from O’Reilly who is pretty damn MAINSTREAM. With a bias on the other side of the spectrum.

[quote]dhickey wrote:
jsbrook wrote:

Please point me to some ‘tough’ interviews Palin or McCain has faced. Then you might have an actual point.

Why, can’t you do a simple web search? You laziness has nothing to do with the validity of the point being made and understood by anyone with half a brain.[/quote]

I did a web search. Apart from the Gibson slant which is countered by the O’Reilly interview, there are NONE. Prove otherwise.

[quote]dhickey wrote:
jsbrook wrote:

Please point me to some ‘tough’ interviews Palin or McCain has faced. Then you might have an actual point.

Why, can’t you do a simple web search? You laziness has nothing to do with the validity of the point being made and understood by anyone with half a brain.[/quote]

If the point is that the media’s been harder on Palin and the McCain campaign, it’s wrong. It hasn’t.

jsbrook, what about the O’reilly interview bothered you? I thought he was remarkably accommodating to Obama, though I’m willing to be convinced otherwise. It actually reminded me of the katie interviews of Palin.

[quote]jsbrook wrote:
dhickey wrote:
jsbrook wrote:

Please point me to some ‘tough’ interviews Palin or McCain has faced. Then you might have an actual point.

Why, can’t you do a simple web search? You laziness has nothing to do with the validity of the point being made and understood by anyone with half a brain.

If the point is that the media’s been harder on Palin and the McCain campaign, it’s wrong. It hasn’t.[/quote]

OK, so which is it…laziness or stupidity. The proof is out there by the bucket load. Quit waiting for someone to spoon feed you.

[quote]Mick28 wrote:
jsbrook wrote:

It doesn’t MATTER. Both sides are receiving EQUAL treatment. The ‘mainstream liberal media’ has handled Palin and McCain with kid gloves, with the exception of the Gibson interview.

Reread that idiot.

Reads like this:

Not one person was shot with the exception of that guy lying in the street bleeding.

ONLY the Gibson interview? IS THAT ALL?


Well if she’d given more than a couple of interviews, maybe the Gibson interview would stand out less. Or, more likely, it would disappear in a sea of similarly disastrous interviews for Palin.

[quote]rainjack wrote:
jsbrook wrote:
Zap Branigan wrote:
It is obvious she is not a typical politician with a bullshit nonanswer to every question all ready to go.

Cmon, Zap. I usually respect what you say. It makes sense whether I agree with it or not. But not this time. Almost ALL her answers are bullshit nonanswers.

How is that different from ANY politician? I watched the interview, and at the very least she does not have a speech impediment like Opie does without a teleprompter, and is far more at ease in a far more hostile environment than Opie has ever been since he decided to run for President.

You are looking for substantive answers from Palin, but allow Opie the retard to stammer and stutter through every single scriptless situation he has been in.

Where are your critiques of Opie?

Why the double standard? [/quote]

I think they are terrified of Palin, not because of what they perceive has her ineptitude, but because of her philosophic principles. The woman is an old-fashioned conservative and these values might light a fire with the American people. Her philosophy might just crush them, and they know it.

[quote]Mick28 wrote:

Yes…yes…she should sit down with more liberal members of the press…GOOD IDEA…goooooood…

And Obama should sit down with Hannity.


good point.

[quote]dhickey wrote:
jsbrook wrote:
dhickey wrote:
jsbrook wrote:

Please point me to some ‘tough’ interviews Palin or McCain has faced. Then you might have an actual point.

Why, can’t you do a simple web search? You laziness has nothing to do with the validity of the point being made and understood by anyone with half a brain.

If the point is that the media’s been harder on Palin and the McCain campaign, it’s wrong. It hasn’t.

OK, so which is it…laziness or stupidity. The proof is out there by the bucket load. Quit waiting for someone to spoon feed you.[/quote]

There’s no point in arguing with you. I’ve watched all the actual Palin and McCain interviews. And followed a plethora of media commentary on Palin. You don’t have to agree with me. But with the exception of Gibson, I think she (and he) have been treated entirely fairly. Delicately in fact for her. Unless you point me towards something concrete, I’m not going to agree with you. End of discussion.