Realistic TRT Recomp Progress

Thanks for answering my questions! My free T is around 39, and I’m feeling pretty good overall so not looking to make a change to my protocol at this point in time. Your response is very helpful for future reference though.

I agree that the low HDL is somewhat concerning. However, given how low my LDL and triglycerides are it also might not be a huge issue. I find it a little surprising that my LDL has dropped so much on TRT when anabolics are known to increase it (though research on TRT has mixed results). I’m eating less meat now compared to when I was pre-TRT, but that’s the only lifestyle change that I’ve made. My meat consumption has stayed pretty static in the past year / my time on TRT.

Shit, man…I’d never done high pulls until yesterday. My traps are LIT up! It feels like I’m actually injured they’re so sore. I have a feeling they’ll blow up as I introduce these!

My one caution here is that soreness doesn’t absolutely mean that these were necessarily better than what you’re doing now.

With oxandrolone introduced, what do you think of this target for May? I want to take advantage of the compound but don’t want to get sloppy.

182 might be a little aggressive if you’re looking to maintain a certain body composition, but otherwise the weight range absolutely sounds like a realistic target for a month. Looking forward to seeing you crush it bro!

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That is really odd, bro…I’m surprised too! @unreal24278 might have an explanation. He knows so much about TRT and HDL/LDL.

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How’s your libido? Has it picked up linearly with the increase in Free T over the past year?

Not odd, purely physiologic replacement doesn’t activate many of the mechanisms of which are catabolic to HDL/that increase LDL.

Even in supra dosages, testosterone itself is relatively lenient in terms of its effects on net lipids. Literature dictates one can use 5-600mg/wk with only around a 20% drop in HDL coupled with LDL remaining relatively stable. On the other hand if I take 1-200mg methenolone per week atop of my TRT my HDL drops by 30-50%. Orals? My HDL will drop into the mid/low single digits.

This response is largely genetic, some can use orals and HDL won’t drop below 20. Others (can link a study) can have HDL drop as low as 2mg/DL!

This isn’t to say testosterone is “safer” as many variables come to play, though testosterone is by far the mildest in terms of its effect on lipids.


Ahh, best reason I’ve seen yet to avoid Primo. I was considering giving it a shot down the road. Then again, it probably wouldn’t impact my HDL as negatively as oxandrolone will. I’m hoping the citrus bergamot will help matters but still expecting a big hit.

Pretty satisfied with the lean bulk so far. Don’t feel too fluffy. Weighed in at 179.4, up 11 lbs since I started three months ago. I’d guess there’s probably ~3-4 pounds of good tissue in there.


I like to do a periodic accounting of all vitamins/supplements, to make sure I’m not wasting money on something I don’t need (or that could actually be antithetic to my goals). I’d love to know your thoughts, fellas! @readalot @unreal24278

Citrus Bergamot 1000 mg – for HDL
B6 200 mg – general health
Bromelain 1000 mg – for HGB/HCT
Fish oil 3600 mg – for HDL
Zinc 30 mg – general health
Niacin flush free 500 mg – for LDL
DHEA 50 mg – most recent reading 452, might lower to 25 mg
B12 1000 mcg – general health
D3 5000 IU – I was taking 1500 IU, but recently learned this could negatively impact HDL. I might lower this even more though I only have 5000 IU caps on hand.
Mag Threonate 2000 mg – for sleep
Mag Glycinate 500 mg – same
Ibutamoren 25 mg EOD – I’ve been taking this for a couple years for IGF-1, but haven’t noticed anything. My last IGF-1 was 280; without it, I’m usually around 200. Probably will not buy again. Is high IGF-1 that important?

My god… The cost… Wtf

In Aus like one bottle of NAC/citrus bermagot will set me back like 50$

Citrus bermagot won’t save your lipids. It probably does have beneficial effects as an antioxidant + Regarding glucose metabolism so it’s a worthwhile supplement. I take it alongside simvastatin and if I’m really feeling edgy/willing to take a bit of a risk I’ll add in a bit of niacin. The flushing brings me back to my 7mg/wk anastrazole days.

You have very good HDL at baseline, somehow I doubt you’ll be impacted as someone prone to dyslipidemia such as myself would.

Niacin flush free is a waste of time for lipids, doesn’t provide the body with any nicotinic acid.

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Totally hear you, bro, it’s very inconvenient. But where would you cut back? Trying to be as healthful as I can. It’s a tough balance.

Flush free niacin does nil to nothing for lipids.

Good gracious, man!

That’s the dose they use/used for idiopathic/familial short stature (in my case at the time the former). This practice is now frowned upon due to documented deleterious intermediate and long term effects. It’s probably the reason using niacin was/is nothing to me. Hot flushes were kind of a regular side effect following prolonged use.

HGH and depending on the circumstance low dose oxandrolone or very low dose T (if CDGP is the culprit) are likely superior options

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Thanks bro, I’m gonna drop that. Do you think Zinc, B6, B12, and Bromelain should stick around?

I’ve never heard about Bromelain lowering hemoglobin. I’ve heard of it acting as a blood thinner though.

As to the others, I’m not an expert. I think they’re fine if you can afford them

I myself take simvastatin, ubiquinol, NAC if I can afford it, citrus bermagot, sometimes niacin, bit D, magnesium and a few others. It isn’t enough to shield me from the harm of near permausing at least 150mg test equivalent/wk. My undoing will be the unhealthy behaviour. Regardless of strategies taken to reduce risk, steroids kill… Always keep that advice in the back of your kind.

It might not be now, it might not even be ten years from now… But there will be a net effect based upon compounds used, lifestyle and cumulative dosage.

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Sorry slow reply, given your latest picture I don’t think you’re in any risk of getting sloppy, I’d definitely push the weight harder whilst on var I’ve never tried it but given that its over an above trt logically you should be able gain more than the usual .25/.5lb lean tissue, I’d be more scared of missing gains than a little fat gain - you’ve already proven able to lose and keep off fat easily so I really wouldn’t worry about sloppiness!


Echo results are in - everything normal! So, it appears TRT hasn’t messed up my heart yet :slight_smile: I hope to get these periodically over the years to observe any negative changes


Talking through the echo with my PCP yesterday, he said LDL is more important to monitor than HDL for heart health purposes. I always thought HDL was the more important cholesterol variable, but perhaps they’re equally important, just for different reasons?

Thanks for sharing, brother. Totally get it, cholesterol is incredibly nuanced. However, I was surprised to hear LDL is perhaps something I should monitor more closely than HDL (or at least just as closely). That had never crossed my mind. I thought HDL was definitely more important.

As I understand it, the ratio between the two is also quite important. What do you think is a good LDL range for someone like me (HDL typically in the 40s, but dipping into 30s given TRT)?

Thanks for passing this along. Interestingly, he notes that LDL-P is a way better indicator of adverse cardiac events than LDL-C. I actually didn’t know anything about LDL-P before. So why do we all get LDL-C tested and not LDL-P??

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Oxandrolone Observations (almost 2 weeks in)
@ 50 mg EOD

  • Bigger-than-usual pumps, especially in arms
  • Arms are especially veiny; I look leaner throughout the day even if I’m not
  • Slightly more aggression in workouts (nothing crazy, but there’s a difference)
  • I feel more “masculine” (self-assured, strong, etc) but haven’t noticed any libido changes
  • I’m stronger workout to workout, though the increased caloric intake is also definitely playing a role
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