Rack Pulls vs Trap Bar DL

If you have a ‘screwed up spine’ you should go see someone and get it checked out. Internetz advices will be too generic and not specific to your problem.

[quote]GluteusGigantis wrote:
If you have a ‘screwed up spine’ you should go see someone and get it checked out. Internetz advices will be too generic and not specific to your problem.[/quote]

Well me having a screwed up spine doesn’t really affect your opinion to the question I asked about the musculature worked during the different movements.

I don’t think there’s much I can really do about my back unfortunately. I’ve gone to a chiropractor but what can he really do? After a certain amount of weight on back squats some muscle on the left side of my mid back hurts for a couple days and for front squats it just feels really compressed and I begin to regress from one workout to the next (which sucks considering my front squat has gone up ~40lb recently after not progressing much in the past)

I would recommend always having your shoulder blades packed, helps activate your lats, and will also keep you from rounding your back and sinking your chest.

back to the subject of trap bars…

does anyone think that doing trap bar deadlifts with heels elevated would activate the quads more?

[quote]actionboy wrote:
back to the subject of trap bars…

does anyone think that doing trap bar deadlifts with heels elevated would activate the quads more?[/quote]

all depends from mobility (stiffness) of your ankles;if ankles’ mobility is poor go with elevated heels, some PL shoes gets a 2inch(ish) heel…

[quote]buzza wrote:

[quote]actionboy wrote:
back to the subject of trap bars…

does anyone think that doing trap bar deadlifts with heels elevated would activate the quads more?[/quote]

all depends from mobility (stiffness) of your ankles;if ankles’ mobility is poor go with elevated heels, some PL shoes gets a 2inch(ish) heel… [/quote]
In the winter, in my carport gym, I will wear boots to keep my feet warm, so my heels are more elevated than normal while doing TBDLs, and I definitely feel a shift from glutes/hams to front quad. It shifts my knees out over and beyond my toes, which seems to cause a little pain in my OLD knees. Take from my experience, be kind to your knees and lower back!

[quote]bwhitwell wrote:

[quote]buzza wrote:

[quote]actionboy wrote:
back to the subject of trap bars…

does anyone think that doing trap bar deadlifts with heels elevated would activate the quads more?[/quote]

all depends from mobility (stiffness) of your ankles;if ankles’ mobility is poor go with elevated heels, some PL shoes gets a 2inch(ish) heel… [/quote]
In the winter, in my carport gym, I will wear boots to keep my feet warm, so my heels are more elevated than normal while doing TBDLs, and I definitely feel a shift from glutes/hams to front quad. It shifts my knees out over and beyond my toes, which seems to cause a little pain in my OLD knees. Take from my experience, be kind to your knees and lower back![/quote]

thanx m8 but I don’t use the trap or bb squatting anymore because of my bad knees (injuries not lifting related but football),i have been using leg press and it seems for now (light load) that it is more confortable with my knees.
as soon I feel confident to use standard load I will know if i can train my legs properly…
back still in great shape (fingers crossed).

[quote]bwhitwell wrote:

In the winter, in my carport gym, [/quote]

Do you mean ‘garage’ ? you communist.

[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:

[quote]bwhitwell wrote:

In the winter, in my carport gym, [/quote]

Do you mean ‘garage’ ? you communist. [/quote]

I always thought a garage had a door, I have 3 walls and one side open for our vehicles ( and weights). I guess I am missing the joke with the political comment.