Question on 5/3/1?

[quote]fishman01 wrote:
whats some good ideas for back work other then what i already have?[/quote]
With your equipment: Pendlay rows, close-grip barbell rows, reverse-grip barbell rows, t-bar rows (if you can figure out a handle), hang clean, two-dumbbell bent row, and Kroc row.

Your traps will (or at least, should) get bigger on their own with the regular work from deadlifts, pull-ups, rows, high pulls, and shrugs.

The assistance template you trying to do is The Triumverate. Maybe re-read this article, or the e-book, and figure out why you’re doing what you’re doing.

That means re-assessing your current goals and figuring out why you’ve chosen the Triumverate rather than another assistance template (Wendler has previously discussed how to use 5/3/1 work with a bodybuilding focus).