Pre-Contest Diet Opinions

I am just wanting to get a second opinion on my contest diet. My coach put this in place for me.
I am 6’0 220. I started my cut at 236, and now 17 days later, I am 220, but I haven’t visually lost any mass. My LBM puts me at 186lbs, I was 19% at 236

Meal 1: 3eggs 3egg whites +5g of Creatine Malate + Fish oil (optional 1/2 cup of oats)
Meal 2: 6oz of chicken 1 cup of greens
Meal 3: 6oz of chicken 1 cup of greens
Meal 4: 6oz of chicken 1 cup of greens
Meal 5 (Pre-workout): 1 scoop of optimum nutrition whey + 1 Finibar + 5g Creatine Malate + Fish oil
Meal 6: Same as 5
Meal 7: Same as Meal 1

My supplements are: Biotest Creatine Malate 10g and Fish oil

My competition date is June 02. I train 6x a week, with cardio being from 15-20 minutes on stair stepper, or 30 minutes on treadmill at incline.

Any help is welcome!

Oh, I am also doing Men’s Physique Division, if that makes any difference.

no advice, all I have to say is wow 17 days 16lbs. That is nuts.

wait who is your coach and what weight are you trying to get to?

Her name is Jessie Adams.

I am looking to be around 180-190, or whatever is going to allow me to win. I’m cutting hard until March 23rd, floating for 2 weeks, and then starting the cut again. That’s what she has planned out for me.

do you know what your macronutrient breakdown is?

when is the show?

Seems like a lot of weight loss in a short amount of time, even with water weight loss. How many calories does that equal out to? Doesn’t seem to have much fat or carbs…what are the macros? Also what is your height?

245g of protein, 80g of carb, 45g of Fat. I am 6’0. Like I said, the morning I started the cut, I was 236, and now I take piss in the morning (fully-hydrated), and I am 220.2

And that’s is 1705kcal, which I know isn’t very much, but I am only doing it for 4 weeks to jump start fat-loss. She is changing my diet next week.

seems strange to start and have no actual carbs (you only have them from green veggies) except for the FINiBAR,and like almost no dietary fat—i hope your trainer does add these things back in soon or you will have no where to take calories from and could damage your metabolism in the long run.

I’ve had clients who have a very large ‘weight’ drop the first week or so. Usually what the deal is, is that they’re not really weighing what they think they’re weighing. Let me elaborate: A current BBing client tells me he weighs 180 on Sunday morning. By Tuesday he’s 176. Thursday he’s 174. By the following Monday he’s 170. Now, did he really lose 10 lbs in a week? of course not. He was eating so far above what he actually needed that he was maintaining a false weight. Just as the body can only build muscle as a certain pace, you can only drop weight as a certain pace providing we’re actually discussing the loss of fat tissue, or even in the case of muscle loss.

With that said… here’s a few of my own thoughts:

-16 lbs in 17 days is ridiculous, and even taking into account my above statement, I wouldn’t welcome such a degree of loss as a good thing.

-I’ve used the ‘several Low days in a row’ trick myself to kick-start a plateau or start a prep, BUT stretching it out for 4 weeks is going to seriously slow things down. Going so long without some sort of bump-up isn’t a good idea IMO.

-I know you said that ‘visually’ you haven’t lost any mass, but you may not be able to fully discern at your current levels of bf.


[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
I’ve had clients who have a very large ‘weight’ drop the first week or so. Usually what the deal is, is that they’re not really weighing what they think they’re weighing. Let me elaborate: A current BBing client tells me he weighs 180 on Sunday morning. By Tuesday he’s 176. Thursday he’s 174. By the following Monday he’s 170. Now, did he really lose 10 lbs in a week? of course not. He was eating so far above what he actually needed that he was maintaining a false weight. Just as the body can only build muscle as a certain pace, you can only drop weight as a certain pace providing we’re actually discussing the loss of fat tissue, or even in the case of muscle loss.

With that said… here’s a few of my own thoughts:

-16 lbs in 17 days is ridiculous, and even taking into account my above statement, I wouldn’t welcome such a degree of loss as a good thing.

-I’ve used the ‘several Low days in a row’ trick myself to kick-start a plateau or start a prep, BUT stretching it out for 4 weeks is going to seriously slow things down. Going so long without some sort of bump-up isn’t a good idea IMO.

-I know you said that ‘visually’ you haven’t lost any mass, but you may not be able to fully discern at your current levels of bf.


My coach is bumping me up in calories next week. I think the fact that I am on gear should be taken into account, but nonetheless, this is my first contest so I am a total newb. Stu, what would you recommend I do, given that I have 16 weeks to prep for the show?

I didn’t really want to say this but so far the method seems asinine and I’ve never even done a contest prep. But I suppose it is too early to tell from what you’ve said with her adding in calories or making adjustments in a week or two. I’m interested to see what she does next. It could end up well if she has an awesome strategy.

But right now your diet looks like some jamie eason article bbcom minus T-Nation supps.

not to mention that if you are starting at 236 and you want to be 180 for a show 16 weeks is also kind of ridiculous. (not to discourage you)

IMO even at 220 going down to 180 in 16 weeks doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense well atleast for a natty I don’t really know how your “gear” is going to change things for you.

Curious: how long have you been training?

I have been training for awhile. Played HS sports and weight trained year around for that. Played College Football as well, but as far as seriously, I would say 1.5 years. As far as how my “gear” will help. Well, how do you think steroids help people? LOL, I think it is self-explanatory.

Man I’m just going to come out and say it since we are all just beating around the bush.

This sounds like shit.

1st at the beginning of an 18ish week prep you had an estimated 56 pounds to lose.

which is nuts. I know people who only go 20-30lbs over their contest weight that take 30 weeks to prep (for bodybuilding I know this is physique and you don’t have to be so shredded…but its 46-56lbs)

the first thing your coach does is puts you on 80g of carbs a day for 4 weeks without a carb up

maybe if you were morbidly obese I could see this but then the icing on the cake…

a total of 1700 calories at 236 pounds to get you down to 220 in 2 weeks. I hate to say this about someone I don’t know who probably has more experience than me but your coach is an idiot.

If I’m the only one that feels this way call me out IDC.

I do wish the best of luck to you though man. Hopefully things go as planned and you do well at your first show. :slight_smile:

[quote]paulieserafini wrote:
Man I’m just going to come out and say it since we are all just beating around the bush.

This sounds like shit.

1st at the beginning of an 18ish week prep you had an estimated 56 pounds to lose.

which is nuts. I know people who only go 20-30lbs over their contest weight that take 30 weeks to prep (for bodybuilding I know this is physique and you don’t have to be so shredded…but its 46-56lbs)

the first thing your coach does is puts you on 80g of carbs a day for 4 weeks without a carb up

maybe if you were morbidly obese I could see this but then the icing on the cake…

a total of 1700 calories at 236 pounds to get you down to 220 in 2 weeks. I hate to say this about someone I don’t know who probably has more experience than me but your coach is an idiot.

If I’m the only one that feels this way call me out IDC.

I do wish the best of luck to you though man. Hopefully things go as planned and you do well at your first show. :slight_smile:

Sounds a lot like the types of dieting Layne describes.

I think you’re trying to drop too much weight in a short amount of time—people have done it before, but if you have 16 weeks its better to not have to loose anymore than 30 lbs IMO. i did an 18 week prep where i basically had to loose 40 lbs to get in shape and towards the end i ran into all sorts of problems…next time i compete ill do a 16 week prep and not have more than 25 lbs to lose.