Power Cleans with long arms

Hi Coach,

I’m a big fan of the Power Clean but I have very long arms (great for deadlifts)
but my rack position ends up with my hands behind my head. Can long arms lifters ever rack properly or will I just be muscle cleaning forever?


I’d love to have your problem! I’m the opposite. Even when I was competing, I could barely keep my fingertips on the bar because my forarms are a lot shorter than my upper arm.

Anyway, lifters with long arms will typically catch/rack the bar with a wider grip and bringing the elbows in and up (which does require good external rotation mobility).

Here’s what it can look like (it might be even wider as needed)

images (4)

A wider grip will also allow you to have the bar higher up, closer to the hips when you explode, giving you better leverage. The only limiting factor is the mobility to get those elbows high and in, which becomes more difficult the wider the grip gets.

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Thanks Coach, much appreciated. :+1:t4:

Sure thing. The best thing to do it to first get used to the wider grip by using it to do front squats.

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Will do. :grin::ok_hand:t4:

Please let me know how it goes.

If you are not camera shy, I’d like to see a video to see what I can help with.