Overnight Injuries

Friday was an off day from the gym. I got a massage and felt great afterwards.

Saturday was an ab workout. Was a pretty decent one. My legs bore the brunt of the massage and were still sore.

Sunday was a leg day. Not my best performance, but I made it through without hurting myself. I felt great Sunday night, no pain anywhere, ready for the work week.

I wake up Monday morning with:

-A left wrist that won’t bend
-Pain in both knees
-Pain in right ankle
-Extremely tight and painful sensation in low back (not nervous, just muscle tension)
-Groinal pain/tension

I’m at a loss for explaining how I aged 50 years overnight (I’m 26). I can understand maybe sleeping on my wrist wrong, but I’m not understanding how everything else kind of fell apart.

Diet: I only drink milk and water. 200+ grams protein a day. Plain greek yogurt, natural peanut butter, homemade chili, turkey sandwiches, cheese sticks, raw vegetables, Biotest Superfood, whey/casein protein, Flameout fish oil, vitamin D supp (4000 IU daily), fresh fruit, and eggs are the main staples. Getting about 4000 - 4200 calories a day. I’m 5’11 207 lbs, about 15% BF. I’m pretty confident my water consumption is sufficient and my caloric intake is as well. My diet has never been cleaner. I don’t drink alcohol or smoke.

Training: I train 6 days a week, with one of them being relatively easy cardio and foam/tennis ball rolling. The seventh day is stretching and foam rolling. Push day, pull day, quad dominant leg day, ham dominant leg day, ab/core day. It’s worked OK for me for the best 4 months. I usually mix it up a few times a year.

Sleep: I sleep ~8 hours a night. I make this a high priority.

Work: I have a desk job but I walk around every 20 minutes. Some work keeps me on my feet.

Life: No major negative social or emotional changes in the past month.

I’ve had my share of injuries before but generally they make sense and they are localized to one area. Any help is appreciated.

Its amazing sometimes how injuries show themselves. I think the massage actually injured some of your parts of your lower legs. Now if you didn’t lift weights for like a few days later like on Monday maybe you would have been ok. The amount of “damage” from the massage was exasperated by your working your legs on Sunday. I think if you waited a bit longer you would have been ok. Back a few months ago I was sick for a week , previously i had received some chains that I was eager to try in a workout. so down to my gym I go not haven’t worked out for a good week cause i was sick and still not 100% still a bit achy, so I do some new exercises with the chains. well days later my shoulders are aching. While I don’t know if this is actually what happened it is an explanation, and if you have a better one do tell. one thing I’ve learned to do now and that is to warm up and to not lift when I am not feeling all that/ especially when feeling flu like symptoms. What do you think?

I think you might be right. By friday of that week, I was 100% better, as I am today. Just wondering if I was the only person to experience this. It’s never quite happened to me in 5 different places all at once.

[quote]njrusmc wrote:
I think you might be right. By friday of that week, I was 100% better, as I am today. Just wondering if I was the only person to experience this. It’s never quite happened to me in 5 different places all at once.[/quote]

Yeah that is extreme. Well I don’t think you are. Most of us who are pushing it are dealing with some injury or injuries. I personally know 3 guys who are experiencing, shoulder/chest pain, biceps problems, and knee and lower back problems. I have to remind myself to always warm up and take things slow until i am warmed, and also to understand that if you keep trying to push the envelop eventually your body will start to grow weaker ( and hopefully you won’t get a injury) so learning how to deload, or to vary the workout intensity is essential.
Glad to see you’re ok. There is a lesson to be learned here…