Official 2019 T-ransformation Announcement Thread

Up 3lbs since my after pic, no longer feel like I need to adjust my lever belt. Life is good


Noob. Iā€™m plus 8.

Iā€™m up about 18lb


Results are probably unsurprising for those that followed my logā€¦ weighed in this morning at 12st 11.5lbs (179.5lbs/81.5kgs), down 9.5lbs/4.2kgs since the start. Only really posting to give me a shot and ā€˜most improvedā€™ next year.

Lessons learnt: Iā€™m fatter than Iā€™d hoped, I have less muscle than Iā€™d hoped, and trying to do a ā€˜slowā€™ diet only works if you actually keep on top of it, rather than just slowly halting!


This comes firmly in the DYEL category. Iā€™m posting mostly because I said I would, but also for next yearā€™s ā€œmost improvedā€. More details in my log


Not finishing up.

I bailed out in Mid march.

pics in my log

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I ainā€™t never seen someone lose so much weight their tattoos change :wink:

I dropped out a few months back @Chris_Colucci

Increased workload, new baby etc

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I donā€™t know whether to call out or cross the finish line dead last. The after pic is too painful to look at. :sob:

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Donā€™t think they look much different but down 6kg-7kg depending on exact start and finish weights - went from around 93kg to 86kg.

Guess I should also add there are back pics in my log too (link) but didnā€™t post them here because I wanted the pictures to stay on one line.


Time to post my after picture; but, first of all, some data:
Age 29
Height 6-2 (188 cm)
Starting weight 194 lbs (88 kg)
Finishing weight 176 lbs (80 kg)

I dirty bulked until late february and gained a lot of fat. Nutrition and training were far from optimal, and with a stressful life, I totally crashed and needed some time far from training and all obsessions.
After a week of rest, I decided to get serious and dedicated; my girlfriend took care of my nutrition (sheā€™s a nutritionist) and I switched to Wendlerā€™s prep and fat loss training. I also had 2 fasted morning running sessions per week. I only ate carbs pre and post workout; some oatmeal before and some pasta after. The rest of my meals were meat, eggs, vegetables and protein shakes.
Aftet eight weeks, the program was completed and the result was that I lost 18 lbs. Abs popped out and chest and arms improved a lot.
I may not be the best, but as a lifetime drug free guy who lifts to improve his health and appearance, I think this is a very good result.

So, here is my after Pic:

Before - After

T-Ransformation 2018 - T-Ransformation 2019

Lessons learned:

  • For skinny fat guys, dirty bulking is a very bad way to build muscle.
  • Carb cycling can be miraculous.
  • 5/3/1 is awesome for evey training goal.
  • I love eggs.
  • Cardio is underrated!
  • Protein is king.
  • Intermittent fasting is very good for fat loss (and muscle retention) and very bad for bulking.

So, this was my journey, I hope this will teach me how to make better training/nutrition/life decisions for the future!


Nice work and done good tan gainz too.

Are you sure you didnā€™t mix up your pictures here? Your before pic, six months AFTER your transformation ā€˜18 pic, looks like you lost 20 lbs of muscle and have no shoulders. If you didnā€™t mix things up here, that is an absolutely ridiculous transformation dude. Great, great job. Tough to count you out of the top 3.

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Damn, I was feeling good until you postedā€¦


Sorry guys no crazy diet or fat loss transformations from me.Here is the before and afters. Starting weight 176, end weight 183. Age still 16.Fat might have increased a bit or I was flexing abs a little in first pic . The large increases are my traps and triceps. Traps blew up as my deadlift went from 365 to 425 for 2 in these 5 months.


Also I just noticed my right arm stretch marks faded from deep red while my left armpit/chest area gained them.

Thank you, southern Italy has a lot of sun and I love tanning :wink:

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Unfortunately, I didnā€™t mixed up my pics here. Every time I try to bulk I end by getting fatā€¦ Skinny fat. This is my genetics; donā€™t train = get skinny fat, train/eat too much = get skinny fat, only do cardio = get skinny :joy::joy::joy: I always have to find a balance between all factors, including my stressful job and life. You see it; Iā€™m tall, but even with decent definition, Iā€™m not carrying so much muscle, itā€™s always more than a challenge for me to build it.

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Nothing amazing here just plodding along, a little bigger and a little leaner, more vascular and smashing rep prs every session so things are going good.

Good work in here folks!