Obama Voters, Soldiers Support

Ya, I’m a little over the top most of the time. I want you to know this really comes from the heart.

If you voted for Obama, then you voted to send at least 30,000 troops into harms way. Thats 30,000 men and women who are going to be away from friends and family for an extended period of time.

If you want to stand behind that vote, then you have a duty to support those men and women who have pledged freely to protect you and yours.

One way you can stand behind that vote is by giving to the USO. The USO sent my children to summer camp during my 1st deployment and when I got home they gave me and my wife tickets to see a Bruins game…cant be that!


Merry Christmas!

I will be expecting mass enlistments from the Obama voters. Surely they are not chickenhawks.

[quote]John S. wrote:
I will be expecting mass enlistments from the Obama voters. Surely they are not chickenhawks.[/quote]

Dont fucking count on it. Most of the ones I know look at the military the same way Kerry does: lazy, stupid, not even human. They respect the terrorists at Gitmo more than us.

Isnâ??t it funny how all the obamaites who are still waiting for him to provide them with a job, are unwilling to take matters into their own hands and join the Military. Instead of doing something noble for the country they would rather stay at home and work for some shady community organizing firm. What a bunch of douchebags!!!

[quote]ggusmc wrote:
Isnâ??t it funny how all the obamaites who are still waiting for him to provide them with a job, are unwilling to take matters into their own hands and join the Military. Instead of doing something noble for the country they would rather stay at home and work for some shady community organizing firm. What a bunch of douchebags!!![/quote]

In everything they do. Please…please…will the government please take care of me? Oh, I’m so afraid! Please…handle my healthcare…give me a state “job”… pay for my college!

Fucking cowards.

I gave.
Thanks for the heads-up.

I’m going to give as well (especially since my brother in law is enlisted).

Thanks for the link!

Obama voters (i.e: Democrats and independents) overwhelmingly reject sending more troops to Afghanistan.

[quote]lixy wrote:
Obama voters (i.e: Democrats and independents) overwhelmingly reject sending more troops to Afghanistan.

http://www.gallup.com/poll/124238/americans-split-afghanistan-troop-increase-decrease.aspx [/quote]

Then they voted for the wrong guy in the primary, he said this was his goal from the beginning.

[quote]John S. wrote:

[quote]lixy wrote:
Obama voters (i.e: Democrats and independents) overwhelmingly reject sending more troops to Afghanistan.

Then they voted for the wrong guy in the primary, he said this was his goal from the beginning.[/quote]

That’s obvious.


  1. It is a two-party system and Obama was much (MUCH!) less hawkish than McCain.
  2. Obama’s position on Afghanistan wasn’t what made people vote for him. Foreign policy was trumped by domestic issues.

Obama is turning out to be exactly the type of president the GOP claimed he would be. Naive, socialistic and foolish.

[quote]John S. wrote:
Then they voted for the wrong guy in the primary, he said this was his goal from the beginning.[/quote]

Can you please explain this to ZEB and PRCalDude? Poor guys, they’re not so smart.