New to Lifting, Obese

[quote]doc2b wrote:
I am obese. I reckon about 38% bf for sure.[/quote]
Not to knock you, but this is one of the reasons why bodyfat percentages are useless. Does it really matter if you’re 38%, 41%, or 35%? It doesn’t. At all. Base your progress on measurements, photos, how clothes are fitting, and how you’re performing in the gym.

Sounds like you’ve stumbled onto a principle called “g-flux.” Basically, making good things happen by eating enough and training hard and often, rather than cutting calories and training hard.

If your goal… your priority… is fat loss, then attack it full throttle. If you’re following a smart training and nutrition plan, you won’t lose much, if any, muscle and you’ll end up looking better regardless. There’d be no reason or added benefit in waiting to build more muscle before starting.

If you want to keep going like you’ve been, that’s your call. Clean up your nutrition, include some moderate cardio throughout your training week, and keep pushing your strength levels up. Like the articles JLo posted, a low carb diet is relatively-quick way to get your body into fat loss mode without needing to make many other changes in your training.