New Business Failures

No, because you live in a world of indoctrination.


So that can be transferred to pharma to make profit.

And I’m being held accountable for having a disease. Not allowed to have the superior treatment of my choice and having my access to money blocked by the finance industry.

No they are not. Them not being available here is due to the corporate capture of the FDA. Stem cells would put a huge dent in the profits of pharma and that is why it’s not available here.

Far more successful at treating people. That is why tens of thousands of people opt for this therapy. That is why people travel outside of this country to get help because they are prevented from doing so here.

Saying I don’t care is not an explanation. Maybe to you it is but reality says something different.
And no the entire blame should not be assigned to government it should start with corporations who are generally the catalysts of corruption.

So the type of food isn’t a major factor?

Another perspective.

How so?

You simply do not understand how corruption works.

Is that the way it works in the U.S.? Compared to your country whose government is masquerading as a Socialist authority.

And the ruling class has bribed the government. They set the bar so high using regulations and other things to keep out com-petition from entering. Thus securing their cartels and power.

What are you going to do about it?

I chose all my cabinet ministers. I elected the judges. I control the press. I let corruption happen all the way down the ranks so I can fucking have leverage or purge anyone when I need to.

You don’t want to play ball?

I can even start a fucking bidding war among all you evil corporate fuckers and go with the ones who will give me the most loot. Then I will get rid of the rest so you make more money and I get more loot.

What are you going to do?

The only thing you can do is get the military to stage a coup with the promise that one of the Generals will get to take my throne.

Nah. It’s not going to happen again. Not after Yuan Shikai. That motherfucker…

See? Leverage:

Is this socialism or authoritarianism? See the difference?

Several countries, including the Soviet Union and Maoist China have been described by journalists and scholars as authoritarian socialist states

Capitalists would rather pay no taxes if it was their decision solely.

So only Capitalist countries have welfare?

And Capitalism and Authoritarianism is not the way.

Having politicians represent the people and not the ruling class will go a long way.

And dt79 simply doesn’t understand that China is not a Socialist form of government. In addition, he has NO grasp on the internal contradictions of Capitalism. He just blindly worships it after decades of indoctrination.

And you don’t understand the country in which you live.

And what have you to say about the internal contradictions of Capitalism.

Maybe they don’t know the exact causes but they got their finger on the pulse and realize they are being screwed over. It is the reason why Mexico just elected a left leaning politician, The Labour Party won so many seats to the thanks of Jeremy cORBYN AND THAT sANDERS IS still THE MOST POPULAR POLITICIAN IN THE STATES. If the Clinton machine and the DNC wouldn’t have sabotaged the Sanders campaign he most likely would have won the Primary and gone on to win the General election.

Oh no! If it is against the law then it probably doesn’t happen. Except people/corporations with money buy themselves out of trouble. A direct effect of Capitalism are cartels and monopolistic behavior. And it is a reality borne out of the internal contradictions of Capitalism. Very much so in the U.S. Pharma is only one example. An example that has a very negative effect on myself.

Real monopolies and oligopolies emerge like this.

Welcome to the U.S.

This is you, bud. Not me. Your entire post is utter non-sense.

Lay out what you think those happen to be and we’ll see lol - it’s called leading the witness Zep

By whom? What boogeyman are you going to conjure this time?

And in what way are “they” being “screwed over”?

According to…??

Fantasy. Pure and simple.

Alright. I’m done.

Others can go read the link and see why.


“While it is true that there is some debate about whether the Holocaust occurred…”

Fucking wow…

*Sure glad I skimmed the rest…


Lol. I typed a response. Then decided to let it go. Mind already blown.


The more I read it the more I’m just like what the fuck… The “logic” used is just batshit nuts and the comments are Zep level x 100. Fucking wow, man.


You are a fool and you traffic information written by fools.

States this: “unlike the death tolls associated with Communism (which are caused by regimes themselves), the deaths caused by capitalism are usually the result of capitalist constructions, be they systemic poverty, imperialism, Atlantic and post-Atlantic slavery, etc”

Then goes on to list military actions by governments in capitalism’s death toll. There is no “systemic poverty” caused by capitalism. Since it has been adopted worldwide the percentage of people living in extreme poverty has plummeted at an exponential rate. We gave you that chart a few months ago… but you’ll just post talking points and complain banks won’t give you free money.


Bro, Rwanda is poor as fuck because of Capitalism. That genocide too, all because of free markets. Get with the program.


Yeah, these are the more well-read commies. If this thread goes into this direction, we’re a few steps away from outright Holocaust denial. Not going to be a part of that lol.

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No, it was deforestation. A product of the capitalist system you worship. They cut down all the tall trees.

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I think what you mean is “having my access to other people’s money blocked by the finance industry because I’m a risky loan deadbeat.”

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And you probably think we have the greatest healthcare system in the world. All the while they deny the public of options so that they can make more in profit. As that is what is most important. Now who is indoctrinated?

No, they don’t. The FDA does.

You, clearly.

Are you denying that The Clinton campaign and the DNC had anything to do with sabotaging the Sanders campaign? Sanders had double digit leads in most polls over Trump. So most likely he would have won.

By paying the highest cost in med care. Is this something YOU deny?

All the while the pharma industry trying(medicinal cannabis) or succeeding(stem cell therapy for degenerative diseases) options from coming to the market.

What do you think the result of this is? The prolonging of suffering of the public without freedom of choice. Pretty great system we have here.

This is one of the major contradictions within capitalism: the individual capitalist appropriates to himself or herself that which was produced socially by many workers.

One poll.

Another one. Plenty of more, if you look.