My Bulking Diet

Okay, so I’m 17, 6’1, 200lbs and I’m guessing 15% body fat. I’m trying a clean bulk with the macros 40/30/30, P/F/C/ with 2500 caloriea
My meals kinda look like this:

Meal 1:
Protein shake with skim milk, half a scoop of protein, and a half cup of berries(read this helps jumpstart your metabolism)

Meal 2:
6 egg whites
1 whole egg
1/2 cup oatmeal
2 tbsp honey
2 cups skim milk.

Meal 3 PWO:
Protein shake with skim, 2 scoops
peanut butter with wheat bread
1/2 banana

Meal 4:
Protein shake with skim, 2 scoops

Meal 5:
2 brats
2 wheat bread
6 egg whites

My totals are calories: 1610, carbs: 219/185, protein: 219/250, fat: 90/85
so I went over in fat and carbs and fell short on protein.
what should I put in/take out/change in order to meet my macros or change my macros?
Also: lifting 5 days a week and doing cardio 3 for about 15-20 minutes (doing sprints, for football.))
All help is appreciated.

Meal 1- why would you want to “jump start” your metabolism… ditch the milk, but if you really want, go with whole milk

Meal 2- ditch the whites, eat the whole fuckin eggs, ditto on the milk

Meal 6- again whole eggs

this isn’t 1985- eat fat, lots of it

So change my macros? Maybe 40 protein 40 fat?

So should I change my macros? 40 protein 40 fat 20 carbs?

I dunno, I don’t eat macros, I eat food. So, I’d say make the changes suggested, follow and adjust as necessary.

Or stick with your plan and see how it goes. If you’re gaining, keep at it, if not make an adjustment.

What about supplements and whatnot?

OK, because you are 17 I am going to work under the illusion that you are like most typical 17 year olds. Here’s the deal. None of us know shit about you. I can definitely tell you that the foods you listed do not add up to the kcals your stated. What are your stats? What is your lifting routine? You do cardio and play football which is very taxing. You need ALOT more than 1,700 kcals to support just the cardio and footbal training. You are too young to be obsessing about the numbers right now. It is good that you care enough to obsess about them but it just doesn’t matter right now. The 2 best things for you to gauge your success as it pertains to diet and strength is 1) the mirror 2) the log book that you will start keeping today if you don’t already keep one.

As far as supps go, I personally would say don’t waste your money. Use that money for more quality food. The only thing that a supp will do for you is get you geeked up and make you believe you are stronger than you really are and because you are young (and yes I am being very presumptuous here) you will try and lift or do something that you shouldn’t. If you want to get the energy boost then buy some caffeine pills. They are ridiculously cheap and are usually 250mg per pill (about the same amount in most supps).

Plan your meals according to your hunger at first. The whole 5-7 meals a day thing is a recommendation not a requirement so eat when your hungry. Good rule of thumb is to try and eat a decent meal (nothing too big) about 90-120 min before the gym if you don’t lift first thing. Have a protein shake after the gym and then try and eat a meal 90 min or so after that. Every other meal is when your hungry. If you notice your strength is not increasing and the image in the mirror is not changing then you can add a meal or increase portion size a LITTLE on the meals you are already eating.

K.I.S.S - Keep It Simple Stupid is the best thing for you. Eat, left heavy shit, eat more, sleep, repeat. It is as simple as that :wink:

[quote]Mateus wrote:
You need ALOT more than 1,700 kcals to support just the cardio and footbal training. You are too young to be obsessing about the numbers right now.

As far as supps go, I personally would say don’t waste your money. [/quote]


I don’t understand where you get 1700?
I have been keeping a log book, which is where I got 2610. I just realized I put 1610. My bad lol.
and for supplements I meant like omega 3 and whatnot. Do I need that?

1700 is less than my first pwo meal. And you are taller than me and the same weight

Yeah lol I meant 2600 not 1600. Anyway are the foods im eating good, with the changes above? And what type of fats do I need?

[quote]pjohn wrote:
I don’t understand where you get 1700?
I have been keeping a log book, which is where I got 2610. I just realized I put 1610. My bad lol.
and for supplements I meant like omega 3 and whatnot. Do I need that?
thanks! [/quote]

Ok, 2,610 is much better. Not sure if it is enough but better than 1610. The mirror and log will tell you. As far as supps, yes, get a good multi and fish oil would be good too.