More and More Betas at My Gym

[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:

[quote]flyboy51v wrote:

[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:

[quote]flyboy51v wrote:
Point is … our culture (much more so in Europe for that matter) is churning out a generation of some very weak dudes … and I’m seeing more and more of them at the gym …

Point is, you’re weak. You just don’t see it.

You’re weak because you act like you want to change a situation (that there’s a massive increase in ‘beta males’ being produced opposed to in the past), but instead of taking the initiative to take the more difficult, more productive, more proactive, route of taking one of these newbs you see at the gym and showing them the ropes. (Kinda like how the other people in the gym were doing.) Instead, you took the easy, passive aggressive route of going home to anonymously sit behind your computer screen and talk shit about people who you perceive as lesser than you.

A while back, (perhaps a LONG while back), there was a thread about a poster who used to be a regular here, 4est. Somehow he came in contact with a kid who was depressed, had low T, was WEAK, and had no self esteem - instead of coming on here and ragging on how pathetic this kid was, he took the time to mentor him, build him up, and completely turn the kids life around. You know what kind of response that sort of shit gets? Standing ovations. You just sound like a cunt.

I get that you’re pissed about the cultural change about the pussification of men in America, but weakness shows in more ways than just physical. The level of arrogance, passivity, and self-importance you show in your original post is something our culture teaches us younger generations, as well. Just because you can deadlift X amount of pounds doesn’t mean that they’re not stronger than you in other ways. I’d much rather be around someone who can deadlift 135 for a 1RM than someone who’s an arrogant, obnoxious, self-absorbed fuck.

Increase your strength in other areas of your life (like compassion for others less fortunate than you - such as the lost kid who’s trying to improve his physical abilities by hitting the gym who hasn’t come across a resource like T-Nation yet), being assertive in SOLVING problems, and thinking about the negative (“These kids are our future? :/” and “here’s an opportunity to help our future”) are two VERY different mindsets.

If you’re going to bitch about something, at least be part of the solution instead of being part of the problem.[/quote]

Yea that’s it. I should try and influence these 30 year old boys. Their parents and teachers and friends and co-workers have failed in the first threed decades but I will persevere. Ill be the father they never had. Ill be like the guy with his finger in the dam. So instead of pointing at the dam and saying “hey guys… the f’ing dam is crumbling” I should shut up unless I can patch it myself. Stop your bitching.

Stop MY bitching? Was I the one who made the whiny OP?

And yes, you should make the effort to improve your situation (which includes the environment around you, including the people), otherwise, you’re not helping at all.

First of all, maybe the guys you were mocking barely have the time to get to the gym themselves. If you’re going to make excuses about why you’re not where you want to be, at the very least, give others the benefit of making excuses about why THEY’re not where YOU want THEM to be.

Secondly, YOU don’t have to teach them anything. But showing them a few resources (such as T-Nation) would be a step in the right direction as far as making an effort to become ‘alpha.’ If they want to ignore you, then so be it, but you at least TRIED.

And you don’t know that “nor is lifting better going to make men out of them.” From your OP, it sounds like you think them lifting better is exactly what would make them men. I’d bet the majority of the posters on here would agree that becoming a better/stronger lifter increased their confidence, self-esteem, etc. in aspects of their lives that extend past the weight room. If someone took the time to show him the ropes and he DID start lifting better/heavier, why wouldn’t he feel the same confidence boost that most others have felt from increasing numbers?

Third, you’re expecting someone who’s “beta” to be proactive in their approach for help in an environment that they’re clearly the odd man out. All you have to do is say is something to the effect of “Hey man, I’ve seen you in here a few times and you seem to have your heart in the right place. If you’re interested, you can check out the articles on T-Nation if you’re looking for some good information on how to achieve your goals. Or, if you happen to see me in here and you have a question or need a spot or anything, my name’s flyboy.”

Now, before you say anything. I get it. Saying that to another male stranger is “weird” and could be taken by him as you hitting on him, being controlling/obnoxious/overstepping boundaries and all that, but on the other hand, he might check out T-Nation and might start making some fucking progress towards the goal that YOU want to see (since you want to see less betas at your gym.) He might never have had a person ever show any interest in them (be it parents, teachers, etc). So fuck him, just let him wallow in his own self pity and depression instead of possibly making a change in someone’s life, right?

I was just making an observation, too. I’m well aware about the emasculanization of men in America, but I know that anonymous complaining on the internet to a bunch of people who are already also aware of said trend won’t do shit. I’m also aware of the laziness and passive aggressive that our culture teaches and accepts (and I’m guilty of this, too, for the record.) The only thing that will do shit in making the change that you want to see is doing your part in turning the betas you see into alphas. And until you help start turning betas into alphas, you’re simply not helping.

While it is your job to be a good father if you do have a child, your responsibilities span farther than you realize if you want to ACTUALLY change a trend in society.

(If i can just keep him out of the little skinny jeans and those little slippers it will be worth it)

The fact remains that Im seeing a lot more 30 year old man-boys … I just hired one at work … Very difficult to even communicate with the kid …[/quote]

You just hired someone who’s difficult to communicate with?
What the fuck kind of business decision was that?[/quote]

Well …

-it’s not my job to rid the world of the increasingly feminized men i encounter in life.

-you make the mistake of assuming they’re not happy in their feminization and would appreciate me helping them. I think they like their skinny jeans and mani-pedis :slight_smile: They dont have a problem being 35 and weaker than the attractive 22 year old girl next to them. I have a problem with them precisely because they are happy in their weakness. I dont think theyre lifting because its a component of whats in their head about being a man. They’ll give up on the gym in a few weeks. Too tough …

-i didnt post the comment expecting it to be a constructive exercise in actually solving the problem. This is a forum for a bunch of guys interested in weightlifting Which is why i characterized it as just an observation.

-i should never have utilized the alpha/beta thing … shitstorm ensues …

-The only reason i brought up this topic here is that you’d expect to find some kindred spirits. The sheer number of guys here on this thread instantly begging for tolerance and understanding furthers my concern that we’re already doomed … :). Are all these guys gonna have children and how will THEY raise sons?

  • in regard to my new employee, next time i go through a pool of applicants i will consult you.

[quote]batman730 wrote:

In wolf/dog society at least the beta is generally the most overtly aggressive as he is the one who is most actively looking to hold/advance his position. The alpha is generally a poised, purposeful and relatively easy going animal (unless he is being actively challenged).

I have heard the alpha dog described more as a “benevolent despot” comfortable in his position and sure of his authority and less as a confrontational bully looking to tear others down to advance himself.

Of course, dogs and people different animals anyway…

Props for making the post I didn’t

[quote]smallmike wrote:
If there is a guy at work that other people can’t stand, then that guy is likely an Alpha.

The Alpha wolf in the pack is the one who stares the others down, takes whatever he wants first, and generally behaves like a giant asshole to the other wolves.[/quote]

No. Just no.

[quote]debraD wrote:

[quote]orion wrote:
I like the trias of brains, brawns and balls.

Interestingly enough, balls would be the easiest to come by and yet that is what is usually missing.


That’s because brains and balls are opposing forces.[/quote]

My Brains are my balls…or are my balls my brains I don’t know.

Hey, I would rather have the people you mention in your original thread, rather than the d-bags that curl in the squat rack, don’t replace weights, hog equipment while phone conversing, leaving towels on benches to mark territory for long periods of time, etc. Oh well, now I know why I prefer to train in my garage.

[quote]flyboy51v wrote:
-The only reason i brought up this topic here is that you’d expect to find some kindred spirits. The sheer number of guys here on this thread instantly begging for tolerance and understanding furthers my concern that we’re already doomed … :). Are all these guys gonna have children and how will THEY raise sons?

Classic behavior of weak-minded people.

Can’t find anyone who agrees with him. Decides that everyone else must be wrong.

[quote]flyboy51v wrote:
-The only reason i brought up this topic here is that you’d expect to find some kindred spirits. The sheer number of guys here on this thread instantly begging for tolerance and understanding furthers my concern that we’re already doomed … :). Are all these guys gonna have children and how will THEY raise sons?[/quote]

Kind of confused at your logic.

You make a statement. Other people challenge that statement. Aren’t you the one begging for tolerance here…?

[quote]legendaryblaze wrote:

[quote]smallmike wrote:
If there is a guy at work that other people can’t stand, then that guy is likely an Alpha.

The Alpha wolf in the pack is the one who stares the others down, takes whatever he wants first, and generally behaves like a giant asshole to the other wolves.[/quote]

No. Just no.[/quote]

Alphas maintain order - they don’t do things “by chance” – saying “act like a giant asshole” is to humanize the behaviors. we have a tendency to relate wolf behavior to our “traits” – more beneficial might be to relate to the wolf being a wolf, seeing them in a pack and not necessarily just trying to relate them to us. that wolf acts like Larry, that wolf is like todd, and bla,bla,bla…the constructs and variables have inherent differences. it involves putting our own preconceptions down, thereafter - in and with thoughtful hindsight, take away the value.

skinny dudes are not betas, this thread has likely evolved but the OP just didn’t articulate himself well enough from jump street. in the gym perhaps they are BETAs but people that are “BEASTS” at what do, “BEASTS” where their passions dwell - they are true alphas.

I’m a fucking beta at foreign language, math, and stimulating my own prostate.

[quote]flyboy51v wrote:
Well …

-it’s not my job to rid the world of the increasingly feminized men i encounter in life.

-you make the mistake of assuming they’re not happy in their feminization and would appreciate me helping them. I think they like their skinny jeans and mani-pedis :slight_smile: They dont have a problem being 35 and weaker than the attractive 22 year old girl next to them. I have a problem with them precisely because they are happy in their weakness. I dont think theyre lifting because its a component of whats in their head about being a man. They’ll give up on the gym in a few weeks. Too tough …

-i didnt post the comment expecting it to be a constructive exercise in actually solving the problem. This is a forum for a bunch of guys interested in weightlifting Which is why i characterized it as just an observation.

-i should never have utilized the alpha/beta thing … shitstorm ensues …

-The only reason i brought up this topic here is that you’d expect to find some kindred spirits. The sheer number of guys here on this thread instantly begging for tolerance and understanding furthers my concern that we’re already doomed … :). Are all these guys gonna have children and how will THEY raise sons?

  • in regard to my new employee, next time i go through a pool of applicants i will consult you.

If it’s not your job to solve it, then don’t start bitching about how OTHER people aren’t solving the problems you want solved.

You make assumptions about people you know nothing about. Assumptions about how much weaker they are than you, how they’re happy being beta, etc. You could be wrong, remember that. You could be wrong that they’re happy being weaker than a 22yo female. (I’d bet you are.)
And the fact that you “have a problem with them being happy (in their weakness)” says more about you than it does them. You’re mad that they’re happy? Just how weak (in character) are you?

No, you posted your OP expecting a bunch of guys to pat you on your back and say “yeah bro you’re the alphaaazzzzz” and, like I said earlier, take praise from behind the comfort of your computer screen.

You posted this thread, then when a bunch of men posed the question that you’re wrong in what makes a man a man, you started getting defensive and pissy (which is totally alpha.) When a bunch of others contended your point of view, you get pissy and defensive instead of humoring the idea that YOU may have it wrong. Compassion is NOT a weakness and if you think so, then like you, I wonder what sort of sons others (like you) may raise. Earlier I wrote about a poster here, 4est, who posted about a kid who was in a situation like the guys you mock in your original post - THAT post was met with kindred spirits, because what he was doing was GOOD. What you’re doing is putting others down to make yourself feel ‘alpha.’

You have it wrong who’s “begging” in this thread, alphaboy.

You don’t have to do that, I would just realize that if I were to hire someone, I would make sure they know how to communicate effectively. But that’s just me…

[quote]pushharder wrote:

[quote]magick wrote:

[quote]flyboy51v wrote:
-The only reason i brought up this topic here is that you’d expect to find some kindred spirits. The sheer number of guys here on this thread instantly begging for tolerance and understanding furthers my concern that we’re already doomed … :). Are all these guys gonna have children and how will THEY raise sons?

Classic behavior of weak-minded people.

Can’t find anyone who agrees with him. Decides that everyone else must be wrong.[/quote]

Thing is…some do agree with him. I found some value in some of what he wrote. In fact, he pegged it in several instances.[/quote]

Push, as a dude I respect, I’d like to hear what you thought was of value. (I’m not necessarily saying there isn’t anything of value, despite the opposing views I’m posting.)

And while you’re at it, did you find any weakness in OP’s post?

OP - i won’t flip flop - their are a lot of pussies out there, feminine washed out men…they may be “beasts” at cool “apps” and “fashion” but they aren’t going to be “john wayne” – fuck, they might not have any fight in them at all. I agree we have an influx of girlie men these days, you just fucked up w/ the whole alpha/beta thing - linguistics, poetic pretense, didactic tongue puzzles aside - i get your point.

not everybody wants to be tough, look like a bad ass biker pirate, and love boobs and hot feminine asses. some like the cock and balls…it’s ok. this site is far less ALPHA than it was…and by that i mean I miss vixens and sama. insert a reference from “Clerks” here and a Pauline Nordin ass shot…

[quote]pushharder wrote:

[quote]magick wrote:

[quote]flyboy51v wrote:
-The only reason i brought up this topic here is that you’d expect to find some kindred spirits. The sheer number of guys here on this thread instantly begging for tolerance and understanding furthers my concern that we’re already doomed … :). Are all these guys gonna have children and how will THEY raise sons?

Classic behavior of weak-minded people.

Can’t find anyone who agrees with him. Decides that everyone else must be wrong.[/quote]

Thing is…some do agree with him. I found some value in some of what he wrote. In fact, he pegged it in several instances.[/quote]

There is merit in his claim (in later posts where he defends himself, mind you; his OP is just a pointless rant on how weak=beta) that today’s pop culture seems to showcase “men” who seem quite “feminized”, in that they tend to be skinny/thin and boyish in looks. I mean, look at Korean pop stars. They’re all like that. It scares me sometimes, and I most certainly can agree with that sentiment.

That being said, I really do not think that the situation is as anywhere near as bad as OP claims. Pop culture simply appears the most visible because it’s meant to be visible. They’re supposed to be in your face. That’s the point of the fucking business, but that doesn’t mean that the overwhelming majority buy into that mentality.

Are people weaker than they were in the 50s? Yes. We simply don’t have to walk around as much anymore and don’t have to do manual labor nearly as much anymore, and it obviously shows. It always freaks me out on how pathetic I am when my dad casually mentions walking 4+ miles just to school daily when he was a child.

But the entire premise OP mentions in his OP, that weaker than a lady=beta, and that you’re pathetic because of it, etc, just reeks of someone who is subconsciously insecure. Maybe he’s not. Maybe he did really post just for shits and giggles.

But like I mentioned earlier, any definition of alpha for me includes supreme self-confidence. I never see self-confident people feel the need to belittle others. The OP didn’t say he’s an alpha, but I interpreted his OP and following posts as such.

[quote]magick wrote:

[quote]flyboy51v wrote:
-The only reason i brought up this topic here is that you’d expect to find some kindred spirits. The sheer number of guys here on this thread instantly begging for tolerance and understanding furthers my concern that we’re already doomed … :). Are all these guys gonna have children and how will THEY raise sons?

Classic behavior of weak-minded people.

Can’t find anyone who agrees with him. Decides that everyone else must be wrong.[/quote]

Oh boy …

I do wonder why so many are giving the OP shit yet we have our very own Squat Rack Curls thread that is on its 8th or 9th iteration and all we do is talk about stupid shit we see in the gym, and that stupid stuff is usually all about guys that lift light, work their showy muscles and wear tight tank tops and other such things which we think means people are not being serious and deceiving themselves in the gym.

[quote]flyboy51v wrote:
You miss my point … It’s not that they’re trying … that’s great … it’s just how can you be an adult male and be not just in bad shape but weaker than half the women at the gym. [/quote]

I’m weaker than half the women at my gym, but I also just spent 2 months on my back. I weighed 310 in january (strongest I’d ever been) and now I weigh 210 with no muscle (I can see my hip bones and ribs and my elbows are bigger than my upper arms).

That’s how…got a problem?

[quote]flyboy51v wrote:

You miss my point … It’s not that they’re trying … that’s great … it’s just how can you be an adult male and be not just in bad shape but weaker than half the women at the gym.

It’s just the nature of our culture now … with all these kids playing video games and absolutely no one working.

Kids used to work on farms and play football … now they play video games inside and maybe …MAYBE play soccer … and then someday when they’re 30 they end up at a gym with a woman showing them how to do a bicep curl …


Hey OP, I “get” what you’re saying. I am (was?) also somewhat a product of the “new culture” what you’re talking about. I was very out of shape (though not obese, I guess which made it easy to accept) until after beginning college.

But I think the issue most people are taking with your post is that you are seeing these folks in one isolated aspect of their life – that single moment they are in the gym. You have no idea of the kind of person they are outside the gym, nor if there are any other circumstances that could have possibly made them weaker or something. You are also shitting on someone taking the first step.

But, again, I get what you’re saying. Any adult male who wants to get decently strong can do so fairly quickly. Training programs and guidance are everywhere now. Gyms are cheap in America and common. Nutrition education, though abundant and overwhelming, is out there too. If the person has any sort of drive at all, they can change themselves from not being able to bench press the bar to bench pressing 45s in a short time frame. There is no excuse for being extremely weak or out of shape, other than “I just didn’t give a shit.”

the most masculine and powerful male ( Alpha Male) in my opionion is the man who wins or kills the other man in a fist fight with no weapons .

So to determine who is the most powerful just strip them naked and set them in a fight no weapons ,

money, big buisness, girls and stuff will never reach the same real powerful feeling a hardcore fighter has

[quote]Nards wrote:
I do wonder why so many are giving the OP shit yet we have our very own Squat Rack Curls thread that is on its 8th or 9th iteration and all we do is talk about stupid shit we see in the gym, and that stupid stuff is usually all about guys that lift light, work their showy muscles and wear tight tank tops and other such things which we think means people are not being serious and deceiving themselves in the gym.[/quote]

The examples in the OP listed people who were after advice, not people who decide to do their own thing (and end up wasting their time). If the examples were of guys who dud x, y, & z, got advice and then proceeded to ignore said advice, he might have more agreement.

A lot of people here were once the scrawny weakling in the gym, we remember how it feels.