MarkKO's Training Log

I’m hoping I can still get 10 pull ups when I get to 260 lbs. I can tell that I’m slower now that I’m up 20 lbs. My brain has the same expectations (times on specific runs/sprints) but my body doesn’t comply. I forget that I’m heavier and just think my performance has decreased.


At 265/270 pull-ups are brutal for me. When I was 255 I could hit 5-7 easy. 3 is hard af

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So was tying my shoelaces and wiping my backside.


Today’s training

Reverse hyper, 45 degree back raises, planks, jumps - just a note that with planks I do them differently before squats than I do before deadlifts: for each one, I mimic my bracing for the lift. So for squats I focus more on squeezing my lower back, glutes and abs; but for deadlifts I focus on squeezing my lats, abs and lower back.

Deadlift, stiff bar
5x2 plates
2x10x330 lbs - set one beltless, set two belted

Squats and bench are fine for reps. Deadlifts I fucking detest. Everything just screams that the bar was perfectly fine where it was on the floor. Picking it up once is already stupid. Doing so multiple times is just fucking wrong.

Rack pull from mid shin
2x10x330 lbs - kept belt on, first set all double overhand. Second set switched to mixed grip after the third rep.

DL without touching the floor
13x220 lbs

Lat pulldowns
12x154 lbs - too heavy for another set
12x143 lbs - same
2x12x132 lbs

Inverted row
1xmax reps: 12

Standing Arnold press
4x8x30 lbs - shit kept getting in the way bringing them to my front

All up an hour and 25 minutes.




Woke at 238 lbs, little bit bloated but still close to yesterday. Hamstrings are almost not horrible any more.

@IronOne in a word, yes.

Been around 237 - 238 for a while. Have you slowed down the rate of gain ??

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I’m not sure. Possibly. I’ll know at the August/September crossover.

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I imagine it’s getting annoying continuing to gain weight (eat). I hate the way it makes me feel when I’m in a sizable surplus. You have to eat pretty sloppy. I would assume at this point, you’re slopping pretty good right?

What is your typical daily diet. Be honest!!!

On the other hand, I love being in a deficit. Less of a task. More flexibility. I even have more energy due to better food choices. Crap bogs me down.

I’m impressed Mark. For real.


@ironone here goes

120 g oats
80 g Coco Pops
375 mL whole milk


200 g oats
500 g low fat yoghurt

(granted today was 9 crumpets and five rashers of shortcut bacon because I was out of Coco Pops)

Lunch and morning tea at work (combined)
500 g rice
450 g lean minced beef
String beans (or some other easily microwaved vegetable)

During training
60 g waxy maize starch

Varies: either same as lunch, slightly smaller quantity or some similar lean meat and carb. Last night was Indian, so some palak paneer, an eggplant dish and some chicken thigh. The night before that was four rashers of shortcut bacon, four slices of white toast, a large chocolate milkshake from McDonalds on the way home from work and a couple of tablespoons of Milo in about 400 mL whole milk right before bed.

What I haven’t been counting is the brown sugar in my sweet black tea, which probably amounts to 100 g a day, sometimes more.

Weekends might differ slightly, but because I keep my fat intake quite low (around 70 g daily) it keeps me in check in sloppiness. I’ll go properly dirty on occasion but I tend to feel shitty if I do it too often.


Cocopops FTW for pre gym meal
Its actually written in my plan, 100g cocopops with creatine and glutamine


+1 @ Coco pops. bonus for jumbos. I’m not a fan of coco “puffs” tho, mush up too quickly.

Probably once a year I get Lucky Charms lol.

My favorite cereal seems to be “Quaker Oatmeal Squares”. Really loves those, so good. ;d


Are Coco Pops like the chocolate version of Corn Pops? Over here we have Cocoa Puffs and Cocoa Crispies (like rice crispies).

My favorite is the off brand (Malt-o-meal) Marshmallow Mateys. They’ve combined the marshmallows from Lucky Charms with Cocoa Puffs.



Those look awesome



adding to my todo-snack list. ;f

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Coco pops are chocolate covered rice crispies


Woke at 236.3 lbs, no bloating whatsoever. I’m guessing dehydration. I’m HOPING dehydration. I’ll chug fluids like a madman. I ate plenty yesterday so hopefully I’ll be back up tomorrow.


Today’s training

The 10-second rest, try to reduce the number of sets from last week day. Very quickly became apparent I was hard pushed not to simply go home so I pretty much gave up on improving the number of sets in favour of simply fucking getting it done.

Band work

50 total reps: 25, then maybe four or five sets to 50

Diamond push-ups
25 total reps: 13, 12 - the only one today where I actually took fewer sets than last wekt

50 total reps
7, then 3s and 2s to 22 or something
7, then twos or so to 40

Bench dips
50 total reps: 21, 13, 7, 9

35 total reps
6, 3, 2 or something, whatever it was total was 11
7, 2, 1 I think. Definitely 10 in total
9, 1s to 14

So I’m guessing I’m getting better at pull-ups?

Air squats
80 total reps: 25, then 10s or something to 80

Lying leg raises
50 total reps: 20, 10, 5, 5, 10

All up an hour 35 minutes. The pull-ups cheered me up.


Doing good Mark nice pull ups :slight_smile:


Impressive AF bro!

Being an adiphobe and a former fat bastard, don’t want to rain on the parade at all, would actuaully like to see you get to your desired weight and kill it, but…

Blood testing? Are you checking your cholesterol and blood sugar?

I only ask because any time I get around 200 at 6’1", my cholsesterol and A1c go up - but I’m older, so it might not be an issue for you.

Still loving the journey, and frankly, you look beastly - it’s a good thing.