Maple Syrup Strength (littlesleeper)

Lots going on in here and looking jacked as always mate. How’s life treating you ?

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Hey Simo, things are going well mate!

I’m currently working a long stint of night shifts at the moment. Our area is in a COVID lockdown, and our daycare facility is kind-of closed (she said she would take our little man if we needed it, but has kids of her own who are home from school being home-schooled).

This means that I’m working nights (12am-8am, unless it snows then I work 8pm-8am), then I get home in the morning and look after our boy until 12:30pm when he goes down for his nap. this is when I also go down for my nap! My wife is working from home so she manages work and looking after him when he wakes up (2:30pm ish) until 4pm.

It is a busy schedule and my wife and I don’t see a ton of each other, but we are making it work quite well.

Training is kind of sporadic still, but I’m being much more consistent so far (logged 4 workouts in 10 days). Running Krypteia as you can see above. Diet has been pretty good as well. I’m hoping by my Feb 1 progress pictures that we will be able to see some visual fat loss!

How have things been with you? Sounds like you had a great vacation!


W2D4 Krypteia
135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 5
365 x 5
425 x 5
480 x 5 (sumo - all other sets conventional)
365 x 5 x 3

Total of 30chins and 30dips during workout.

A bit of a lazy one here. I woke up an hour before my night shift to get this lift in, I wasn’t 100% awake for this one…

Off to work; Fortunately I’ve only been working 9hrs days for a while now, so sleep hasn’t been too much of an issue. When those 12hr shifts start piling up on one another, sleep takes a big hit.


I forgot what you do. Why does snow add four hours to your work days?

My work involves the maintenance of various aspects of our City. During the winter months we are responsible for ensuring the safety of our roads, sidewalks, bus stops, bike lanes, trails, etc. Snow, freezing rain, etc., often requires additional staff and extended hours to complete the cleanup in a timely manner to meet our maintenance standards.


Do you clear things completely or is there a layer of packed snow through the winter?

I spent a semester in Lake Placid, NY and most of the town’s streets were snow packed.

We will deploy staff and apply material (salt and sand) until we achieve a “bare” condition of the road. Some of our gravel or surface treated roads stay snow packed for some time as we do not apply salt to them. There are a lot of “it depends” scenarios, but this would be considered a typical level of service. We wouldn’t consider a snow packed road to be complete in the City though.


W3D1 Krypteia
45 x 5
95 x 5
145 x 5
165 x 5
185 x 5
145 x 5 x 5

Between sets, alternating
SLDL with Shrug with 60lbs DBs x 10
Goblet Squat with 90lb DB x 10

100 facepulls

Bonus Work
“Triceps Hell” ala Wendler
5 rounds of:
35lb Db lying triceps extension x 10
50lbs rope triceps extension x 10

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W3D2 Krypteia
SSB Squats
135 x 5
225 x 5
335 x 5
385 x 3 - back and hips feeling tight, so I stayed at 3 reps rather than 5’s PRO
425 x 3 - left glute feels like it is not participating

No back off sets.

Superset above with 70lb Incline Db Bench and 90lb T-bar rows.

Finisher with 100 red band facepulls.


BONUS: to help wake those glutes up
3 Rounds of:
BW back raises x 10
50lb rope cable pull throughs x 10

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W3D3 Krypteia
Bench off script
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 3
315 x 1
345 x 1
380 x 0 (would have been 5lb PR)
315 x 3
275 x 5
225 x 10

I was feeling good climbing up with my working sets, so I decided to take a shot. It has been a while since touching anything over 300lbs on the bench (TM is 305). I think I’m going to self-program my bench for the next little while. I’ll likely stick with a 5/3/1 or 5th set for the rest of my lifts as they seem to progress fine with those protocols. I’m going to have some fun working on my bench. Be prepared to see some floor press, SlingShot bench, and other nonsense thrown into the mix.

10, 10, 10, 10, 10

10, 10, 10, 10, 10

Lying Triceps Extensions
35 x 10, 10, 10

Rope Triceps Pushdowns
50 x 10, 10, 10

My assistance was supposed to be SLDL and Goblet Squats, but my hips were still a little tight, so I just made it a full upper body workout.


@dchris - Hey Chris, I’ll just bring the discussion here from the Transformation thread.
I’m still in an engineering related field, just in the maintenance side of things. In the winter, the road maintenance is mostly weather related (snow clearing, treating icy sections, etc.).
I decided to work nights voluntarily as our daycare shut down for a period due to COVID lockdown, so I am able to look after our little guy for the better part of the day after my night shift.
It makes for a long day, but we are making it work.
How are things with you? Last I heard, you had some more big/quick changes going on in life? All good?


I can’t stand the cold and snow, although, I now live somewhere with snow.

This has been a huge shift for me. I’m a workaholic that would wake up early to get more done. With kids, I need to take them to school and help in morning and then after school. It’s made my life challenging. Kudos to you for overnights. Not sure I could do that again.

Ya… incognito for indefinitely. Protective order and can’t go ‘home’. House is sold and living somewhere else. Good news is next month, at our company planning session, it will be announced that I’m beginning the buyout process to become an owner of the company I work for.

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5/3/1 Krypteia W3D4
135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 5
405 x 5
455 x 5
505 x 5 - tweaked my back on this set
315 x 5 x 3

All sets conventional. My conventional feels pretty untrained at the moment. This cycle I’ve been doing some of my volume with conventional and then top sets with sumo. I decided I would go conventional on my top set today to see how it felt. It felt heavy, I had to reset my grip once, and then stood up after the set and immediately felt my back starting to flare up.
Dropped my FSL sets down to 315lbs for 3 sets to loosen up and not push it too hard. Hopefully, this is just a little reminder to take it easy on conventional DL until I’ve invested a little more time into building it up.

Chins (x5) and dips (x10) performed between alternate sets.

Finished off with 100 band pullaparts.

Overall the workout was good, just a little peeved about my back. I haven’t had any problems with it for a long time. Fingers crossed this is just a quick isolated incident and not something that I’ll have bugging me moving forward.

Starting to think about what 5/3/1 variation will be next. My deload week was basically built into these last 3 weeks of work.

Although BBB, Hardgainers, Young Jim Wendler and SVR are all on my list to run again, I’m still working in a caloric deficit so I may jump into “Prep and Fat Loss” from Forever. Similar to Krypteia as the workouts are one big giant set, but a little more variation to the exercises and a change of pace.


Popped in the gym for a quick circuit to hopefully help keep the back loose. If I sit for any period of time it seems to tighten right up on me.

5 Rounds of:
2min AirDyne
10 BW Back Extensions
10 Hanging Leg Raises

The traction from the leg raises felt good on my back, and back extensions warmed up the right area. AirDyne was just to stay warm and get a few calories burning since we are still chipping away at this weight loss!

I did have a couple of adult beverages today but have still been quite consistent with my diet overall.

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Sorry Chris, I meant to respond to this earlier.

I’m becoming more and more this way! Although now, snow brings over time, which brings money, which makes me happy.

Congrats Chris, that’s great news. I’m happy for you.
I hope your personal stuff works itself out!

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Prep and Fat Loss Training 5/3/1
45 x 5
25 facepulls
95 x 5
25 facepulls
145 x 5
15 pistol squats per leg (5L, 5R, 5L, 5R, etc.)
165 x 5
15 pistol squats per leg (5L, 5R, 5L, 5R, etc.) ← these got the sweat flowing
185 x 5
10 pullups
145 x 5
15 chinups
145 x 5
15 chinups
145 x 5
60lb DB row x 20
145 x 5
60lb DB row x 20 ← back/bis were running out of juice after these and the chins/pulls
145 x 5
35lb KB swings x 25
35lb KB swings x 25

Not a bad little workout. Felt the Pad Thai pump (ate pad thai yesterday watching the GB/TB game).


Some photos to liven this log up a bit.

A package of deli meat and some mixed veggies did the trick for a few days where I didn’t have time/effort to do any proper meal prep:

One of my favourite combos:

A little plant-based meal for some variety:


W1D2 Prep and Fat Loss Program (PFLP)
135 x 5
225 x 5
335 x 5 ← I threw my squat shoes on for the first time in over a year, squats grooved well; kept them on for the remainder of the sets
380 x 5
425 x 5 ← strong set; legs felt like I could have pushed this set, but energy/motivation wasn’t there. Left it with the prescribed 5 reps
335 x 5 x 5

Squat sets were superset with the following:
Ab wheel x 20
Ab wheel x 15
Ab wheel x 15 ← I think I’m going to feel these tomorrow; been away from this movement for too long
Bench dips x 20 ← I sold my paralettes that I had been doing dips with, but I haven’t installed my dip bars to the wall yet. These bothered my shoulders, so I went to triceps extensions as an alternative
Chins x 10
Lying triceps extensions (30lbs) x 20
Chins x 10
Lying triceps extensions (30lbs) x 20
Chins x 10
Lying triceps extensions (30lbs) x 20

100 red mini band facepulls


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What kind of macros do you get out of those or is it just something fun?

That was before I was tracking anything (which only lasted a couple weeks), so I’m not sure. It has tofu and beans for protein, but would be reasonably high in carbs (rice) and fairly low in fat.

Just a nice “clean” meal. When I’m doing my meat run at the grocery store I often grab a pack of tofu. More often than not it is just baked and then put in a wrap with a whole pile of veggies.

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