Learning the Snatch Grip High Pull

Thanks @mr.v3lv3t @antiquity @Destrength for the tips, between you guys and the YouTube clips I will hopefully pick it up pretty quick.

With the Layers program that I am starting, the SGHP is only performed for the 2nd Layer (ramping up to a 2 rep max, only lifting for 2reps at every weight) and the 3rd Layer (Clusters of 4-6 reps, pausing 10sec between each individual rep). The 1st 3 layers are the activation and strength (and explosiveness) focused side of the workout, with layers 4 and 5 giving you the TuT and slow Eccentric work with karowski shrugs.

This is how I am interpreting the program anyway, people with more experience can correct me if I’m wrong.

Karowski shrugs are another movement I have never done either actually :joy: