Lead Foot in the Split Jerk

Hey guys, first post here. Recently moved from powerlifting and am transitioning into Oly Lifting. I am working on learning the jerk right now. I was wondering which foot I should lead with on the jerk. I am right handed, but feel more comfortable with my left foot forward. Should I be leading right foot forward or does it not matter?

I was always told the foot you kick with but I always find it more comfortable the other way around.

Are you teaching yourself? If so, look at getting a coach. You’ve been powerlifting and the first pull is quite different to a powerlifting deadlift. You need constant feedback to succeed

Here is a simple test to help you figure it out:
Stand up. Have someone push you from behind without telling you when they will push you. Which ever foot you put forwards should be your front foot.

But yeah it doesn’t really matter. Go with whatever you feel most comfortable with.

I’m right handed, kick with my right foot but my front foot in the Jerk is my left foot.


Thanks guys, left foot definitely feels more stable. I have been mainly teaching myself via Glenn Pendlay’s videos on youtube and filming myself. I recently saw a coach for help on the snatch, and am going to try and see him occassionally for help. I understand that the pull is different in the O-lifts than deadlifts. My biggest weakness is the overhead movements. I feel very comfortable in the clean, however.

[quote]Koing wrote:
Here is a simple test to help you figure it out:
Stand up. Have someone push you from behind without telling you when they will push you. Which ever foot you put forwards should be your front foot.

But yeah it doesn’t really matter. Go with whatever you feel most comfortable with.

I’m right handed, kick with my right foot but my front foot in the Jerk is my left foot.


Pretty much this!! The test is what my coach did to figure out which foot of mine went forward. I’m also right-handed, kick with right foot, but lead with left foot on the jerk.

[quote]CD6565 wrote:
Thanks guys, left foot definitely feels more stable. I have been mainly teaching myself via Glenn Pendlay’s videos on youtube and filming myself. I recently saw a coach for help on the snatch, and am going to try and see him occassionally for help. I understand that the pull is different in the O-lifts than deadlifts. My biggest weakness is the overhead movements. I feel very comfortable in the clean, however. [/quote]

Over head strength comes with practice.
