Lava2007 Training Log

Mind blown

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Okay so according to this graphic, my squat was 9.5 and bench was more like a 9. Thanks for the knowledge dude.

I have always been a little confused about rpe. So all my amrap sets are rpe 10 as I thought and my near-max attempts were definitely 9+ rpe. Still not sure what I did to deserve that gif shitstorm but :confused:

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I was bored lel. Only love tho


@khangles nails it, as usual.

For reference, I use RPE a tad differently, but not so much.

I start looking at RPE from my first work set onwards. If I’m working up to a top set, everything preceding it should be 7 RPE or under, and the top set will be no higher than 9 RPE. If I hit 10 RPE outside of peaking or intentionally maxing out I’ve fucked up.

If I’m doing straight sets, only the last one or two should be above 7 RPE, and only the last up to 9-10 RPE. The reason I allow for that approach to 10 RPE with straight sets is that they’ll be at a lower load than a top set.

Any assistance is generally no higher than 8 RPE unless it’s a small exercise like curls or something.

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I really appreciate both of you guys chiming in on my log and spittin knowledge. For real.


27 November 2017 - Skwaat
295 x 5+ (10)
Pause squat 3x3 275
Snatch 70kgx1, 75kgx3, 80kgx3
Hang snatch 50kgx5, 5x3 60kg, 3x3 65kg

Squats felt pretty bad. Can’t complain though, I’m on my 7th cycle and still getting 10 for my 5+ which is decent. @Khangles suggestion for a deload worked wonders on my squat, really saved the day for me. 8/8 m8, thanks. Volume was very low so I’m planning on squatting again on Thursday night, going to increase the volume a little bit and get back to my regular squat sessions. I have 310 for my 3+ which I’m honestly expecting to get 10 reps on. Got 320x9 last time I squatted and 305x12 before that, so 310 could go anywhere from 10-13 and I’d be happy. I’m convinced now that the first session back from any deload is going to be subpar compared to a session at the end of a cycle. I feel like I’m cockblocking myself when it comes to deloads, because stringing 2 cycles together is fun and I’m improving and busting PRs every session and then boom. Deload. Really kills the vibe and I come back and struggle during my first session. Butttt, like I said, I’m still getting 10 for my 5+, and I know that my next 5+ will likely be >10. Tonight’s + set was weird because I just didn’t feel anything when I was squatting. The weight didn’t feel heavy and it moved pretty well, but I didn’t dig deep and take an extra 45 seconds and grind out 5 more reps (the last 3 would’ve been slow as all hell). The mental intensity wasn’t there, but I fall into a deep abyss of self-loathing if I don’t get double digits on my 5+, so it had to happen. I’ll get it next time.

I also tweaked my left shoulder on the last rep of my last set of hang snatch. It doesn’t hurt right now, but it was a little tender for about 10 minutes after I tweaked it. Will have to keep an eye on it while I’m warming up for bench tomorrow which is 230 for 5+. My PR there is 13, so we’ll have to see if I can beat that. I’m feeling good, so as long as my shoulder holds up, I should be able to kill it.

Tbh I think there’s some placebo effect action going on here but as always I’ll take all the credit.


It’s possible. Could be attributed to me eating more, but either way, the lower volume & higher intensity deloads are more fun

28 November 2017
Bench 230 x 5+ (11)
DB Floor Press 3x10 75s
Power Clean 3x2 100kg, 3x1 110kg
Clean high pulls 3x3 80kg, 2x3 90kg
Clean pulls 3x3 130kg
Snatch RDLs 5x5 100kg

Missed my 230 bench PR by 2 reps. Kind of like my squats yesterday, it wasn’t a very good session in any aspect for my main lift. Felt slow and weak. DB floor presses felt very easy so I’ll go with 80s or 85s for 8-10 next time. Hit cleans with a good amount of volume today. I need to work on dropping into the hole to catch my cleans, though. While power cleaning 110/115kg is impressive, if I knew how to drop into the hole and catch one, I’m sure I could do 125/130kg. Maybe more. Rest day tomorrow with hella school work, so not a very restful rest day. I will spend ~90% of my waking hours at school or in the car tomorrow, but the good thing about that is your muscles don’t care where you are as long as you aren’t lifting heavy shit. So they’ll recover as long as I eat. Got 310 amrap squats on Thursday, and my belt STILL isn’t here so looks like I’ll be doing those squats without one.

30 November 2017
Squat 310x3+ (10)
Overhead squat 4x5 70kg (154lb)
Drop snatch 4x5 60kg

I am DRAINED. I’ve already complained about my Weds-Thurs schedule like 6 million times in this log, but the struggle continues. I was drowning in homework last night, went to bed at 1:15 and woke up at 6 for my chemistry lab. Got back from school at 1:30, picked up a christmas tree, took a power nap, and headed to the gym. Popped 400mg of the good stuff (caffeine) and went to town. 310x10 is solid for me. I wasn’t tired once I got under the bar which was a relief. As soon as I finished my OHS, I was tired again. I am tired now.

I’m really interested to see how supplementing my 5/3/1 with some Oly variations will affect me. Only time will tell. Bench tomorrow, 245x3+ I believe. I want 8-9 reps, and I will eat and sleep as much as possible in the next 20 hours to prepare myself. It feels good to be off that deload (even though that was over a week ago now).

I’m triggered reading this lol. Saw you drop by in my log and i forgot that you had a log so I’m following.

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HAHAHA standing OHP is not something I enjoy

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1 December 2017
Bench 245x3+ (9)
DB Floor Press 3x10 80s
Behind the neck press 5x5 60kg (132lb)
Snatch press 5x3 70kg (154lb)

@duketheslaya @khangles I will OHP if it’s on the platform. That is all.

My + set felt great. I felt about 90% recovered today and still tied an old PR, so I’m happy. I’m helping my old high school coach with coaching the throws team this spring, so I’m lifting with the seniors and watching their Oly form while also getting plenty of platform time myself. I’ve been doing OHP variations on the platform for about a week now, and I can feel my shoulders aching (in a good way). I can still push press 110kg (242lb) so I’m looking to get that around 130kg (286lb) by the end of second semester.

Overall, plenty of pushing today, which will be followed by plenty of pulling tomorrow. I’m looking to power clean 120kg which is about 255lb if my memory serves me correctly. I’ll probably follow up those cleans with some clean pulls and conventional deadlifts. My deadlift PR was done with sumo, because if you deadlift conventionally, you suck dick intentionally. At least, that’s what one of my friends told me. Needless to say, he pulls sumo.

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2 December 2017
Power clean 115kgx1, 3x1 105kg, 3x2 92.5kg
30 minutes of basketball

I can feel the fatigue setting in from adding Olympic lifts to my routine. I’m going to cut back on the Oly volume (which isn’t even that much in the first place) and lower the intensity slightly. My shoulders are really sore today, it isn’t muscle soreness. I jerked 60kg which is only about 135lb, and my shoulders were straining big time. I don’t know if it’s a tendon thing, joint thing, or what, but it isn’t a muscle soreness issue. I’m going to let my shoulders rest for a few days. I might push back my next bench day (supposed to be on Tuesday) and just rest an extra day. I’m in this for the long haul and there’s no point in stressing my shoulders while I’m pushing weight that isn’t impressive. I want to be able to press 130kg in a few months, not press 115kg next week and then hurt myself. Gotta play it safe.

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I am a real-life blasphemer

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4 December 2017 - Squat
330 x 1+ (7)
Speed Snatch 35kgx3, 40kgx3, 50kgx3, 60kgx3, 70kgx3, 75kgx3x3

Not gonna lie, I was intimidated by the weight today. It wasn’t a good feeling. I try to have the “AIN’T NOTHIN BUT A PEANUT” mentality, but it’s hard when you’ve only had that weight on the bar once in your life. Squatting is 100% mental, which includes focusing on your form, cues, technique, and confidence. All my best sets have come from when I was being borderline disrespectful to the weight. In my mind, it seems like a Castleberry thing to tell the barbell that it ain’t shit, but it’s helped me before. I’ve got 300 for my 5+ next time, which I should get 12+ on. Last time at 305 I got it for 12. Fuuuuuuudge.

On the bright side, I’ve got bench tomorrow, 255 for my 1+. The magic number is 8. Let’s get it baby

*high pitched voice