Just. Don't. Suck (Part 1)

Thanks ! Iv been doing what in this video /article says not to do which is put my arms out to the sides


I use a neutral grip and vary my arm angles but I’m usually close 30 to 45 degrees away from horizontal (horizontal=elbows out to sides in line with the body).

I’m doing standing DB Military today (if I have time) and I’ll try to record it. The lights don’t come on in the City’s gym on weekends so the quality might suck.

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Cheers heaps!


222.4 lbs upon waking.

Yesterday’s Nutrition
3158 calories, 232g carbs, 91g fat, 258g protein

Front Squat:

Bench (between sets of squats):
6x2 @ 205 lbs

Reverse Lunge:
3x5 ea @ 95 lbs

Standing DB Military (between sets of lunges):

Monster Walks (band around lower leg):
2 x 16 steps forward/16 steps backwards–1 set with blue band, 1 with black doubled up

Lateral Band Walks:
2x10 steps each direction with black band doubled up

Push-Ups (bodyweight):

Suitcase Holds (between push-ups):
3x20 seconds each side with 95 lbs


222.2 lbs after a binge eating session at dinner last night. Not bad.

Yesterday’s Nutrition
4058 calories, 334g carbs, 155g fat, 270g protein

Dinner got me. Taco salad. I haven’t had chips in months and ended up eating 3 servings with salsa before dinner and another one in my bowl for dinner. And what do you do when you blow it? Finish the meal off with chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream (because I don’t need any temptation the rest of the week).

Today was a rest day. I mowed the yard after work.


I’ve been wondering what your approach is to tracking/measuring your macros when you eat out?

Just do the best I can. If it’s a big chain then I look up their nutritional info. If it’s not then I search the generic version of what I eat and look at all the different options. I look for consistency in serving size and calories and pick one based on that.

For example, if one entry is 4.0oz and 200 calories and the next is 4.0oz and 600 calories then I keep looking. If I find entries of 250, 260, 250, 225, 300, 240, 250 calories for 4.0oz then I’ll pick one of the 250 calorie ones. It’s not perfect but I’m going with percentages.

I just ate homemade pancakes for dinner and have no idea how to track it. I’m still searching.

Got it. Wifey actually measured the ingredients. 2 cups flour, 1 cup almond milk, an egg, and a bit of baking soda and baking powder. Pretty simple.


Damn, unless I was doing a serious cut for a competition, there’s no way I’d invest the time to look up all of that information. I know the general macros for foods I eat/prepare often and that’s about it.


I’ve tried not tracking my food but it doesn’t work. I end up eating extra food because I don’t have to track it - - especially peanut butter.



219.2 lbs

Yesterday’s Nutrition
2694 calories, 252g carbs, 70g fat, 227g protein.

This was surprising. I know I came up short yesterday but I’m still over for the last two days so I didn’t expect to drop another 3 lbs. Might have to start accounting for my exercise again.


Apparently the large spoon with a heaping scoop is not one tablespoon.


5.8.17 Training

Today was a beast of a day.

2 lap dynamic warm-up (1/3 of a mile)–5:24

365–20 total reps for time
3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 5–10:51

Snatch Grip Deadlift:
3x5 @ 275

2x10, 9-2-2 (double rest/pause)

2x5 @ 225

Incline DB Row:
60’s x 5
70’s x 4
75’s x 3
70’s x 5
75’s x 4
80’s x 3

Reverse Cable Fly (Delt Emphasis):
2x10 @ 30 very slow
1x10 @ 40

Incline DB Curls:
2x6, 14-4-3 (double rest/pause) @ 30’s

4 laps of run the straightaway, walk the curves in 6:54 (2/3 mile)

Abs (3 rounds):
Pulse Ups (Lying reverse crunch) x 10
Back Extension x 15
Suitcase Holds 145 lbs x 15 seconds each

This workout felt phenomenal. I cheated a bit and took some of the pre-workout in the cabinet because I felt like garbage this morning. I’m confused by my favorite leg development exercise—reverse lunges. I lean forward a bit and basically turn it in to a single leg squat. I do my best to not put much weight on the back foot (or push off). By doing this it really hits my glutes and hamstrings. My confusion is that I put this on a push day but the soreness carries over and affects my pull day. I was supposed to feel fresh and ready to go today but my hamstrings and glutes are still stiff and sore (probably a 5 out of 10). Perhaps I should move these to my pull days??? But where on earth would I fit them? My workout today is going to be the same for awhile; I like it. For now I’m not making any changes; this is more of a philosophical thought for now…

My weight was below 220 for the first time May 8, 2016 (219.6). That’s weird–one year to the day. I’ve decided that I might need to start tracking my exercise in terms of calories burned. I used to do that but felt that I was eating a lot on training days and then not enough on rest days. I recently decided to increase my daily intake from 2880 to 3000 and just hit that every day regardless of my exercise. I bumped up to 3100 calories last week because my weight keeps dropping. And it continues to drop so now I’m going to do my best to account for my exercise while aiming for 3100 net calories per day.

Do you track your calories burned and shoot for a net calories total or do you shoot for a certain number regardless of your training, @MarkKO @littlesleeper?

This question is open to any of you who read my log. Please feel free to chime in.

In regards to that, how on Earth do you account for weight training? Do you track heart rate? MyFitnessPal has a strength training option under the cardio section but I never know what to enter. Is it the time spent actually moving weight up and down or is it the whole workout? Up til now I just enter half the time spent training. Today I put in 45 minutes after being at the gym for 2 hours. I spent about 15 minutes with the warm-up and cardio and had to make a trip to the Kid Zone that wasted a few minutes. I also entered my warm-up and running. I figure out MPH based on the time it took to cover a certain distance and enter it accordingly into my app. Today I split up the warm-up and conditioning but some days I just combine it all. It usually comes out around 4 mph when I do that.

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Number regardless of training. That’s because cutting fat is/has been the priority. Down the track I might calorie cycle with a weekly overall target. Right now, still a set number while I adjust my body fat set point.

I definitely don’t go to the extent of tracking calories burned but I’d say that I do calorie cycle a bit. I would consume more cals on a deadlift or a squat day than a bench or press day; I would also consume more cals on a bench or press day than a rest day.

I don’t have any sort of calculation or precise measure, I would just add a Finibar to my pre-workout for a DL or squat day; or a full heaping serving of Plazma vs 1/2-3/4 of a scoop. Nothing fancy.


Not that my opinion matters much :stuck_out_tongue: But, I track my calories burned during all my workout sessions using a HR monitor. I don’t make any adjustments for my diet. I just use the info more to compare it to my last session of the same workout. Just to see if I increased the intensity or improved my time during metabolic conditioning. It’s also handy to have the watch to monitor rest periods.

I use a watch to time my rest periods. I don’t know how accurate any method is at tracking calories burned. I can elevate my heart rate by holding my breath. Does that mean I’m burning more calories? I doubt it. Guess I’ll keep increasing my daily calories regardless of exercise. I might start by increasing by 200 calories on workout days and staying the same on my rest days.


223+ lbs this morning. Forgot what the decimal point was…

Yesterday’s Nutrition
4392 calories, 371g carbs, 171g fat, 208g protein

Went out to dinner last night. Walked 1.1 miles there and back. Went to a local pizza place and had a rectangle meat pizza that I guestimate to be about the size of Pizza Hut’s medium pizzas. So I just selected a sausage and pepperoni thin crust medium pizza for my tracking purposes. Also had two 20 ounce Odell IPA’s (plus a swig of my wife’s). Apparently there’s 734 calories in 44 ounces of the stuff so that didn’t help my day. I don’t feel bad since I’ve been continually dropping weight and had a great workout yesterday.

Today I’m planning to go shoot baskets for a bit. It’s more entertaining than LISS and I’m playing in a 3-on-3 tournament May 20th. The great part is that it counts as my work day! The Chief wanted us to participate so we put together a team. The tournament is supposed to run from 10:00-5:00pm and I told my Sgt that I don’t plan on coming in before it starts. Now that’s my kind of work day!


Yes, barely. Tachycardia increases calorie expenditure. Thats the main mechanism of action for ephedrine increasing metabolism.


I succeeded in not killing myself today. I shot around for about 40 minutes and played one pickup game. I stayed outside and shot a few jump shots and scored a couple times off rebounds but I held back. I usually crash the boards every possession but I’m starting to pick and choose my moments to save energy. I finally realize how the guys I play with seem to have more energy than me–they’re not working as hard. It’s easier to stay outside and shoot than it is to bang around in the post and jump with max effort hundreds of times. Slowly but surely I’m starting to get smarter as I get older.