Just. Don't. Suck (Part 1)

Others have said it better before me,

I’m running a program now with my friends, it looked good on paper, but we’re all unhappy. We could choose “discipline” over “motivation” here and just grit our teeth and continue to grind but seeing as there are other ways to progress towards our goals without feeling this way.

We’re continuing with it this week, but when everyone is back from the holidays rest assured that we are making a change.

I find that changing the main training method can spark some enthusiasm, or changing main lift for a while. This is exactly what we’ll do (abbreviated),

Block 1: double progression (front squat and push press as main lifts on Squat/press day) where we change rep ranges after successfully adding weight three times.
Block 2: ramping, the target rep count changes every three weeks (starting high, moving to lower reps)
Block 3: waves (starting with hypertrophy waves in the first two phases and then going for strength the final two).

Maybe you can get some ideas (detail: Nordic Blood: Climbing And Lifting / Lifting And Climbing - #964 by Voxel)

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