Jared's 5/3/1 and Kettlbell Log

Congrats on the 2nd son!

Also, congrats on the recent squat PR!

  • I was stopping in to check out your kettlebell work as I just purchased a set of KB’s for my Dad and his GF who are looking to get into shape.

I was wondering if you or @furo or any others with KB experience, would have suggestions for some beginner lifts/circuits for someone just starting out who is 55+ years old?


Congratulations! That’s awesome man.

@littlesleeper, depending on your dad’s level and ability to hip hinge effectively I’d probably start with prying goblet squats (light weight, spend time in the hole, mobility focused) and kettlebell deadlifts. Once he’s confident with his hip hinge from deadlifting I’d progress to two-handed kettlebell swings, with a focus on powerful reps and good technique - definitely stopping well short of failure. In a beginner I wouldn’t suggest ever going over 10 reps, even if the weight is light. Better to accumulate volume through more sets, rather than risk form breakdown as you tire. The two-handed swing is the cornerstone of kettlebell training, so it should be his priority to really nail that, and after that I guess his goals would dictate his routine.

If he’s looking to generally improve his “functional” fitness with a minimalist routine I would strongly suggest “Simple and Sinister” by Pavel Tsatsouline. The routine itself is based around just 2 exercises - the Turkish get-up and the single-hand swing. I used the routine for 6 months and it certainly won’t build much/any size but I found it hugely beneficial with MMA stuff I was doing at the time. It especially builds your core, grip and posterior chain. Perhaps the best thing about the book however is the clear detailed instructions it gives on how to warm-up, progress and properly perform the movements. It’s definitely worth getting even if he decides to follow a different routine.

However, for full disclosure, I should mention that @EyeDentist isn’t a big fan of kettlebell swings in less youthful populations - I believe he hurt his hamstrings doing them.

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He did indeed. My error was trying to perform the swings in an ‘explosive’ fashion. To paraphrase Mr Trump: Who knew that tight old hamstrings don’t react well to explosive movements?

Actually, I did of course, which makes my decision to employ an explosive approach bafflingly dumb. After all, I would never consider adding all-out sprinting to my conditioning regimen, because as a creaky older guy who hasn’t sprinted in 30+ years, I know full well that doing so would very likely pop a hammie. So why did I think I could get away with a different explosive conditioning movement that was just as stressful on the hams? I have no idea; just toss it on the enormous pile of other dumb exercise-related things I’ve done.

tl;dr Unless an older person is a supple leopard, long-time sprinter, or all-around special snowflake, their KB swings are probably best done in a controlled–not explosive–manner.


@furo - Thanks for the detailed reply!
He is (and always has been) an athletic guy. A little on the heavy side, especially since retiring from hockey last year, and only playing recreational softball now. Still splits wood, and is generally active outside, but it now looking to drop a few more pounds to be generally healthier. That seems like a logical progression to start with some goblet squats and KB deadlifts before jumping into the swings. Get those muscles accustomed to being used again.
I’ll have a look into the Simple and Sinister, and saw that book recommended a few places, so that is likely a great place to progress towards once his basic movements get covered.

@EyeDentist - The last thing I want to do is make him do something where he injures himself. Not only will I just feel bad overall, that would definitely put a damper in his motivation for wanting to live and be more active. So I appreciate the input from experience and I’ll make sure to emphasize these points to him when I’m going through a workout with him.

Also, I purchased him the 35lb DB, but his girlfriend also just bought the lightweight set from Wal-mart (not sure what weights it included).

I appreciate the help guys!


Thanks @littlesleeper

Yeah @furo pretty much hit everything on the head as far as drills and exercises to get started with kettlebells. Your dad having been an athletic guy I would assume he would catch on pretty quick. Simple and Sinister is a great program as well as book.

Once he gets the hang of 2 handed swings, I’m a big fan of swings and push ups done as a super-set for total reps (say 100 swings and 50-100 push ups) or EMOM for 10-20 minutes doing 5-10 swings and 5-10 push ups. The getting up and down adds a bit of extra conditioning that no one really thinks of (except Dan John of course). Then of course the best kettlebell movement in my opinion is the KB Snatch but I wouldn’t let him move onto that movement until he has REALLY mastered the swing. Clean & Jerks have their place but I wouldn’t necessarily use those for conditioning in the early stages.

A bit late with my reply but hopefully between furo’s write up and my tid bit of information you will have enough to get him started in a direction.


Great, thanks a bunch! That definitely gives me some ideas for him to try.


Simple & Sinister

S&S Warm Up

1 Arm KB Swings; 55 - 5x10 (each)
Get Ups; 55 - 5x1 (each)

Still keeping things on the “Simple” side of S&S. Got the entire session done in about 30 minutes today. Enjoying working out at home right now but I’m sure I’ll be itching to touch a Barbell pretty soon.


Simple & Sinister Warm Up

Kettlebell Ladder Workout
3 Ladders
1A) 1 Arm Clean & Press: 80 (1, 2, 3)
1B) 1 Arm KB Row: 80 x 5
1C) Ab Wheel x 5

Haven’t Strict Pressed a kettlebell in a while especially my 80. This all went very well and took about 40 minutes including the warm up. Certainly could have done more reps and ladders but this was good enough for the day. Plus I had the 4 year old cheering me on and the newborn staring into space while Mom had a moment to eat lunch and relax a bit! May go with a light S&S workout for tomorrow during some downtime at home.

How are you finding fitting home workouts in with the new guy? Are you finding the sessions fulfilling? Congratulations again by the way, it must be such a great feeling to see your family grow!

Thanks buddy!!

It has actually been very fulfilling to workout at home the past few days. I only had dumbbells from 2010-2012 at home and got tired of those since I was trying to lose weight which is why I joined a gym to get a hold of a barbell. Of course it wasn’t until June of 2013 I discovered what actual strength based training was all about.

Our new little one is going about 2-3 hours during the day between bottles so I have plenty of time to get a really good kettlebell session done. Our oldest child understands when he sees me slinging kettlebells around he knows to stay out of the way so he doesn’t get hurt but he will try to pick up a bell while I’m resting.

I may get back to the gym this week to start my twice a week routine but I’m not going to rush it. I’ve neglected my bells for the past few months so it’s been fun to do S&S and Ladders again. Also with no goal in mind for Barbell work at the moment I’m not as antsy about getting back into the gym and trying to move anything special.

Edit: what I was trying to say about working out at home was if I had kettlebells back then I probably wouldn’t have joined a gym and would’ve saved money and bought the 100+ pound kettlebells and really filled out a decent collection of kettlebells. Would’ve been no need to do anything else if I had those at my disposal.

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That’s really good to hear man! It will be a great opportunity to change things up and work on new areas! I’m sure that at your level even just lifting heavy once a fortnight will maintain your strength so long as there aren’t any drastic changes in your bodyweight etc, and especially with frequent home workouts.

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Simple and Sinister (sort of)

S&S Warm Up

1 Arm KB Snatch: 55 - 5x10 (each)
Get Ups: 55 - 5x1 (each)

Decide on Snatches instead of 1 Arm Swings today. Pretty happy with both movements even though my last Get Up with my right arm was a bit shaky. I was trying to push the pace a bit more on Get Ups and think I rushed that final rep. Debated on doing some Swings and Push Ups after this but I figured I can save something like that for tomorrow.

Body is feeling really good and mobile right now. I can tell I have been lifting heavy (for me) for a bit too long. These home kettlebell sessions is what I have been needing for a while! How that will translate over to when I get back to the gym for barbells will remain to be seen but it’s not a major concern of mine at this moment. Will get back there soon enough.



Kettlebell Variety Day (Volume)

S&S Warm Up

  1. Double Front Squat: 2-55’s - 5x10
    2A) Double Clean & Press: 2-55’s - 10x5
    2B) Pull Ups: 10x5

Pretty fun doubles workout this afternoon. Legs and abs were really feeling the Front Squats. Haven’t done these as a standalone in a long time. I usually involve these in a complex of some sort but will definitely do these more often. Was going to stop at 5x5 on C&P’s and Pull Ups but these were moving really well so went for 10 sets. Cleans felt the best they ever have. Technique was solid which put me in an even better groove for pressing.

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Simple and Sinister

S&S Warm Up

1 Arm Kettlebell Swings: 55 - 5x10 (each)
Get Ups: 55 - 5x1 (each)

One of those punch the clock sessions. 30 minutes total including Warm Up and some extra stretching. May start timing each movement and see how I stack up when using the 55 for S&S. The 5 Get Ups with each arm in 10 minutes will be the hardest part but I think I’m close if not already there.


Kettlebell Variety (Volume)

S&S Warm Up

KB Front Squat: 2-55’s - 5x10
KB Snatch: 55 - 5x10 (each)
Push Ups: 5x10

Nothing special here. Just a pretty tiring kettlebell session. The push ups were a bit more difficult than I had originally planned. Did these EMOM for 5 minutes at 10 reps. The plan was 10 minutes but body had other things in mind for this day. Will probably get back to the gym on Monday.


Simple and Sinister

S&S Warm Up

2 Arm Swings: 80 - 5x10
Turkish Get Ups: 80 - 5x1 (each)(PR!!)

Set 2 long term goals in 1 session today. I decided on 2 hand swings since I wanted to focus more on Get Ups today. I did a rep with the 55 to get in the groove and it went smooth as normal. Got the 80 and finally did a Get Up with each arm. Felt pretty good so stupid me just kept going and ended up with 5 with each arm! I learned there is a fine line between completing a Get Up and failing a Get Up. For me, if I can make it to the Lunge position I can complete the standing up and getting down part. The getting to the Lunge position is my weak point but will address that later with paused and half Get Ups. Right now I’m just going to enjoy the double PR session. This felt “as” good as hitting my barbell goals. Mainly because it’s something I put up for a long time and didn’t think was possible or was miles away. Not anymore!! Solid day!


Awesome stuff man!

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Back to the gym…

Juggernaut Method (2 day per week setup)
10’s Wave Accumulation
Bench Press Day

  1. Squats (5/3/1 min. reps): 235x5, 275x5, 315x5
    2A) Bench Press: 180 - 5x10
    2B) Pull Ups: 3x10, 4x5 (50 total)

Glad to be back in the gym but felt very rusty on Squats. Can tell all the kettlebell work the past 2 weeks fatigued fried my upper back a bit. Upper back tightness was an issue during the set of 5 at 315. Doing 10 reps on Bench Press had my triceps screaming pretty hard. Just haven’t done 10 reps sets often enough. I also forgot to do a safe “AMRAP” on the 5th set of bench. I realized that as soon as I racked the weight but don’t think this will hurt me in the long run. Hopefully this will knock the rust off and can get my squat technique back to where it was a few weeks ago. Solid day overall though!


Simple and Sinister

S&S Warm Up

1 Arm KB Swings: 80 - 5x10 (each)
Turkish Get Ups: 80 - 5x1 (each)

Came home for lunch and had time to hit a solid S&S workout. This was the first time I’ve used the 80# bell for 1 arm swings and get ups in the same workout. Get Ups were better than last time but still needs work from the lying position to elbow but again, there was improvement. The floor press to start the Get Up felt a bit weird today. Must be that poverty Bench Press catching up to me! Not ready to put a timer on this yet. Still learning and feeling the Get Ups better. The entire session took about 40 minutes including warm up and a couple of additional stretching. Solid day!!

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Juggernaut Method (2 day per week setup)
10’s Wave Accumulation
Deadlift Day

Oh Press (5/3/1 min. reps): 135x5, 155x5, 175x5
Deadlift: 300 - 4x10, 1x12
Paused Front Squat: 225 - 3x3

Felt good today but the movements I worked were pretty much my Simple and Sinister workout I did yesterday and I could definitely feel the effects of that today! Oh Press moved well but shoulders and upper back were a bit stiff from the Get Ups. Threw my groove off a bit but nothing to worry about. High rep Deadlifts have been something I have pretty much avoided my short lifting adventure. This was actually pretty fun because it was new to me. Got into a good groove and of course the kettlebell swing muscles started to really burn. Stuck with the recommendations I read on the Juggernaut Method and stuck with 12 reps on the final set for this phase. Definitely a lot more in the tank but going to save that for the Intensification week. Finished up with some Pause Front Squats that moved really well. Solid day!

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