Is Primo Worth It?

This is exactly the question I was debating when planning for my next. I love the idea behind minimal sides and risk, so I had planned to run 800mg Primo weekly, and ~200mg of Test with it. Maybe adding an oral like anavar for part of it.

However the price is super steep, it’s often faked, and from what I’ve been reading and talking to others about, the gains just don’t quite compare to some other options.

I’m still considering it… however I’m strongly considering running Tren A, Mast, Test P for half the cost, and will almost certainly have better gains.

One could always… buy a single vial, labmax it… and with confirmation buy more from the same source no?

I lived in Perth for 6 months and loved it! (Fremantle)

Best educated guess is probably increasing test a little (300 x 12 weeks, or prop at 100 EOD x 6 weeks) pending labs etc normal… thoughts?

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I am quite certain the source I order from has real primo, his Var is real, and the price is right and he does testing on just about everything he sells. Problem is, at $125 a vial, and running 800mg, for 12,14,16 weeks, that’s a TON of money. I still haven’t ruled it out, but I legitimately plan and hope to only run one more cycle before I just maintain… I think personally, Tren will give me better chances of reaching a satisfactory physique in my final cycle, than primo. The less risk of Primo is what is so appealing to me and has me still considering it. But I would run it for longer, and spend way more money. Pros and cons I suppose.

I suppose the risk of one vial, lab testing, reordering, is… technically most sellers would probably know what you’re doing (one vial doesn’t help much right?). So they could send you real stuff, then when an order for 5 vials comes in, send you fake stuff. Not to say this would happen, but I’m sure it’s not out of the realm of possibility

Not exactly, if you were a female 1 vial would be pretty good for 1 cycle so… yeet

Just change email addresses, most ugls erase customer records (or supposedly they do) 2-3 weeks post purchase

I suppose that’s true, although I have no idea what dosages women take of primo! I guess it’s still just the risk you take :man_shrugging:t3: I’d love to try it, but I’d also love to try Tren at least once. The internal struggle is real!

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How old are you?

I can say (though my mind changes, I doubt this will ever change), I’ll never use Tren…

Same as how I’ll never use insulin, clenbuterol, DNP, superdrol, methyltren, heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine… accidentally doesn’t count (someone I know accidentally took a line of heroin, so I suppose anything is possible within the realm of accidental mishaps)

So what do you run? (Unreal)

I’m 32 years old. I always swore I would never run Tren or anything higher on the risk scale. However after 3 mild cycles, I am left wanting more. I figure there’s risks on both sides though.

If I ran primo and was not satisfied, I’d end up running another cycle, or possible several more. I’m not a TRT guy, so the repeated shut down as I get older could be detrimental.

I think I can get to a level of satisfaction from Tren. It’s a gamble, but I’ve never planned to do this stuff long term, and have always had a set goal in mind. I think I will struggle to maintain anything over 210ish once I’m done cycling anyhow.

I totally get it though. I got into this telling myself I would not run Tren or deca.

What dose and duration would u run tren?

I wish primo ace was more popular

If I run it, will probably do 350mg weekly for 10 weeks. If I get any bad sides I’ll drop it though. I don’t compete or have any reason to push through bad sides.

Seems like a reasonable dose to me

Love to try it but I’m in a high paying job and need to stay legal. Can legally get prop, oxandrolone, test and deca… hence the cycle dilemma

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Too bad these clinics don’t have npp

Maybe I can just do 8 week test 400 and deca 400 blasts… or do prop 150 EOD and low dose oxandrolone 25 mg for 6-8 weeks and check labs. Maybe add nolva as the anti E so help improve lipids etc… thoughts?

Nolva isn’t an anti E nor do I think it helps with lipids, however I could be wrong. Still rather new with only a few cycles under my belt now.

I’d think you could get some good results with just Test and Anavar, have you tried that combo before? Guess it depends what your current physique is like, and what your goals are too.

Currently 250mg test 100mg mast

I’ve run a number of different things, mostly as experiments. I generally agree that two blasts a year, of modest length and lower doses, is better for long term health.

I think the fear of crushing lipids is way overblown. We aren’t talking about being in a state of destruction for that long. If you’re otherwise leading a healthy life and you take care of yourself you can get away with some damage for 8-12 weeks every year until you get too old to justify the risk. Look at how many fat smokers live to their 80’s. The body is pretty resilient.

I was thinking about the two blasts per year, one 10 week blast deca 400 and test 400, second a 6 or 8 week blast of prop 100 EOD and 25 mg oxandrolone
Maybe? Maybe at 41 I should just up my text to get my around 1000 TT and just ride it out…

What is your total T currently?

To be honest, if this is your last cycle your best bet would be to save a bit of money and run primo. It would provide the most lasting and keepable gains. Tren will not do this in most cases. Primo was the only steroid that gave me 100% keepable gains after discontinuation.


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