Is Creatine an Overrated Supplement?

I have heard issues with people loading up, or just seeing no results. What is the truth behind Creatine?


Generally speaking, Creatine is the the most consistently appreciated supplement on the market in terms of it providing results. Don’t get me wrong, it’s creatine and not testosterone so you have to set your expectations but it does work. Countless athletes from all different sports can back this up.
Not sure what “issues” you’ve seen with loading - I’ve never heard of any with any real evidence. I do know that loading isn’t necessary though. You can load if you want but as long as you take the right amount consistently (every day) your saturation levels will remain where you want them.

The bad reports you might have come across could well be from “none responders”. It is understood that some people don’t respond to the positive effects. They don’t have any negative effects to speak of either. Just nothing happens. Apparently it affects around 25% of people (being a none responder that is) but I’ve only seen that on my research travels so not sure how backed up it is.

Summary is: it works for most people. It’s safe for pretty much everyone (you would know if you had a medical condition putting you in danger) and there’s no real issues with loading other than it not being needed.

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Tbh I’ve never noticed the difference between creatine supplementation and not. I imagine it’s more related to your protein intake as to whether you benefit from it or not, but that’s just me saying that as a “bro”.

If you eat 200g+ protein every day, i imagine your body is already saturated with creatine.