Is Civilian Gun Ownership a Necessity?

That’s all excellent advice in the videos. You are also on the right track with supination, because it pushes back and flattens the scapula, creating more space around the joint thus reducing impingement.

I haven’t seen anyone recommend it, but supinated grip barbell, or rev grip smith machine OHP are movements that really help. So too with reverse grip Inc barbell bench presses. All done with manageable weights where you are in control. When starting these new exercises use only enough weight to get a stretch and focus on movement, not explosive strength(that comes later, when your ROM improves).
I also find reverse grip rowing, chins/pulldowns avoids a lot of shoulder issues too.

The big one that has probably helped me the most doesn’t really have a name, and I’ve never encountered anyone else doing it exactly the same. Its done seated, preferably with back support. Starting position is with dumbbells overhead, supinated grip, do an upright flying movement.
The important thing is to initiate the movement from the shoulders, not the hands.The collarbones go out and down. Only do the movement where you meet the sticking point, hold for a stretch. In the stretch position the inside bell will be on top, and you can get a nice stretch, through the pec minor, traps, front delts, and biceps tendon, without cranking the actual shoulder joint. Resist the urge to drop the weight using momentum to increase range of motion.

I start all my upper body workouts with the supinated dumbbell,seated overhead flying thingy for 5 sets x10 reps. Light weight,same for all sets. ROM increases and stiffness reduces greatly after 2 sets, next 3 sets is where the most benefit occurs.
Hope this helps. Impingement has got to be one of, if not the most frustrating issue related to lifting.

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Good advice and will put into practice. I’ve long done semi supinated pressing a lot from when I had bad elbows. So do you do much pressing pronated anymore? Or did you just give it a rest until the pain went away. I’ll try the unique exercise and some of the other advice mentioned no doubt. Considering just taking a deload week soon and doing about nothing but some of the stuff in the videos and what you shared.

I think there are two subtexts here that are getting conflated or merged into one. The first is, would a difference in gun ownership rates affect violent crime statistics/outcomes in the aggregate? My guess is probably not enough to move the needle. That however is cold comfort to a particular violent crime victim who may have been able to defend themself had they been armed. Which brings us to the second subtext. We have an unalienable right to life. What reasonable means can we bring to bear to prevent others from infringing on that right? These are two separate issues, and I think we talk past each other if don’t address them separately.

I’m generally for personal freedom, to include gun ownership, however I think there should be limits.

What occupies my mind more are mass shootings. How do we prevent something like the 2017 Las Vegas shooting from happening again? Or, do we just accept these massacres as the cost of doing business in the U.S.?


Try the “deep shoulder opener” at the 9-minute mark. I’ve been doing these before pressing exercises, and my shoulder have been feeling great.

Also try to figure out if there’s something you’re doing outside of the gym that’s f-ing up your shoulder. For me, it was using my mouse all day without proper arm/elbow support.

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I have periods where I do pronated presses, but find the problem eventually comes back and I need to mix it up to avoid impingement pain. I’ve only been doing the new exercise that I described for about 6-8weeks. I really feel like it is doing something really different, opening up tight areas like the pec minor, neck,and all the other non show muscles that are so important for shoulder health and movement.

With any sort of bench fly I really emphasise the initiation of the movement from the scapula and collar bones. The arms/bells hang in the air and are the last thing to move. They feel like they aren’t moving much, but range of motion is still full. The shoulder joint/humerous range is purposefully reduced, but the scapula shrug, and pecs do more of their fair share of the work. Equals healthier shoulders and better pec stimulation.

Hope it helps.

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Ever try BPC 157 or TB 500 ?

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You can look at mass shooters from two perspectives: the shooter and the victims. Yes, it’s terrible that one person can take many lives but, to a murder victim, does it matter if he was the only target of a murderer or if he was killed along with many others? One of my points being, a murderer is a murderer whether he kills one or one thousand, so why is one type of killer worse than the other?

Yes, they’re pretty good…

But aren’t they illegal without a prescription?

No. I haven’t really ever taken anything for physique enhancement or rehab type stuff with the exception of pre workout, creatine, and protein powder. But I will look into those.

I’m really not trying to oversell it at this point it’s not that bad. It’s definitely an inconvenience, and I’m concerned without action it may get bad, but it’s not debilitating.

A ton of guys swear by them. I ran both after my distal biceps repair. Came back to full duty 6 weeks ahead of schedule.

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Gray area. I’ve used both too.

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So you couldn’t shoot without pain and now excess 12ga practice has your shoulder impingement. Yet you argue for gun confiscation… :7)


Man it was crazy for a bit. I remember doing some legs and stuff back then still, but at least a few weeks where I had trouble sleeping the pain was so bad.

Every possible tennis elbow rehab type movement or suggestion I tried I guarantee it. Fucking sucked. But now pain free. Though I still use elbow sleeves and still spend a lot of time doing preventive stuff for my left one especially.

Ahhhh yes. Similar to SARMS/PH’s that were sold OTC for a while. Were they legal? Yes… Sort of. They were derived from illigal substances but the the chemical nomenclature wasn’t distinctly described in the bill controlling anabolic steroids therefore they were technically legal but also illigal because they were derived from prohibited substances.

Is delta-8-THC legal? It’s being sold OTC in some states because delta-9-thc is what makes cannabis illigal but delta-8-thc isn’t delta 9 THC so many shops are selling it OTC. It’s sort of legal, and at the same time it isn’t so governing bodies are selectively choosing to raid certain shops at a whims notice who are selling unregulated, non standardised products of dubious quality and states that have legalised delta 9 THC are making delta 8 thc illicit… It’s the dumbest loophole ever and legislature ought to be more comprehensively drafted so designer/derivitive products (of which may be even more dangerous as they have no research behind them) like this don’t pop up.

Many peptides aren’t specifically encompassed under PED regulatory legislature, and the ones that are can sometimes be sold as “research chemicals”. Ought to be noted if someone decides to be a dick and prosecute someone for possessing tb-500 or GHRP-6, the “research chemicals defence” probably won’t hold up in court if you’ve got a bunch of used insulin needles in a sharps container.

Did you ever take any of the sarms/PH’s when they were legal? I remember they were common for like… High school wrestlers/football players to take, except people taking them would (sometimes) fuck themselves up by taking what was just designer hormones in a bottle

I don’t think you can procure sarms or peptides in Aus legally anymore unless you’ve got a prescription. To circumvent around this online clinics in Aus have popped up that allow you to get a script for peptides/ostarine legally (for a substantial cost of course).

I’m thinking of running another tb-500/bpc course myself

I have a really bad shoulder (the one with the birth defect) that keeps getting inflamed. I’ve had two cortisone shots, they help… But only for a few months at a time. Exercise makes it worse… But not exercising makes it worse too. It’s a catch-22 and a constant cycle of pain and discomfort. The other option I have is invasive surgery and I don’t want to go down that line.

Have you ever thought about a HGH script or something if you’re prone to injury? You’re a member of SWAT, surely some legal performance enhancement wouldn’t hurt when you have to constantly run around with 50lbs of gear attached to you.


TRT is also pretty good if you have subclinical hypogonadism. This isn’t a knock at you nor am I suggesting you require it. High stress situations, low T, environmental variables etc can all knock T levels. My baseline was in the mid 200s with low range FT. I take around 125mg t/wk and I can certainly state the difference between say 250ng/dl and 700-900ng/is phenomenal.

I’ve always wondered why they don’t trial this in the Navy/Marines for soldiers stationed in stressful/high impact situations. We aren’t talking about gearing up soldiers here (like they supposedly trialled in Vietnam). But if you’re in the middle of a desert eating subpar rations, hardly getting any sleep etc. You’re in an environment conducive for inducing a catabolic, fatigued state wherein mental alertness/focus etc may not be optimised. If you’re a soldier on the frontlines ready to fight, it makes sense to have various biomarkers optimised.

If a soldier in a scenario like this is WILLING/consenting and is aware of the risks. Why not boost a TT of combat fatigue induced 200ng/DL to 700-800ng/DL with say 125mg testosterone/wk?

I personally don’t think it’s a terrible idea. I think we’d have even stronger, more fatigue resistant soldiers. I also wonder as to whether trialling a very acute induction of wakefulness agents like Modafinil or dexamphetamine for strenuous, long haul tasks (with little sleep) for soldiers and whatnot would prove efficient.

Though when the agents wear off you feel like shit. I have ADHD, I’m prescribed dexamphetamine (what would probably be sold as speed on the street). When it wears off after prolonged use you feel Tired and very irritable. Modafinil on the other hand doesn’t seem to have this problem, but practitioners are reluctant to prescribe it here (odd, given how my alternative is far more prone to abuse). Modafinil is a stimulant with SOME pharmacological properties reminiscent of amphetamines, however it differs in that the penchant for abuse, development of tolerance and dependence is nil to none.

I suppose you know more about this environment than me. Thoughts? I’m prescribed 100mg/wk and that’s all it takes to make a world of difference comparative to my baseline.

Those who haven’t tried them/who haven’t ever PROPERLY been exposed to the scene typically don’t understand this. I’ve heard all this shit about people being weak minded, mere scum of the earth. How it’s the users fault and only the user at fault for the addiction.

Arresting people who are under the influence or arresting people on/using/selling drugs doesn’t equate to having an understanding of the dynamics behind addiction. I find those who have personally suffered from or who have been around addiction tend to harbour more of a realist/sympathetic outlook and at the same time IF they break out of a bad cycle tend to abstain from vice.

There’s a reason these substances wreck havoc on society. Aside from the neurochemicial alterations associated with dependence, drugs serve as a VERY good, albeit temporary escape from reality. If things are too painful to bear, being able to take a pill/shot and forget about it for half a day sounds like a very enticing scenario. Drugs are very good at allowing people to escape the painful confines of their reality… temporarily. Tolerance and dependence leads to heightened requirement, leading to financial strain and perhaps eventually crime to make ends meet to satisfy a chemical dependence. Sometimes this serves to ward off withdrawal, other times to maintain an escape… oftentimes both.

Then there’s the fact some merely use because they like the pleasurable feeling. Alcohol serves as the means for most healthy, productive adults to reach an altered state of mind absent of scrutiny as doing so is culturally accepted. It’s literally the same on par if not more toxic with taking the vast majority of illicit substances, albeit regulated. It’s fun, and those who don’t understand or comprehend that probably haven’t tried drinking themselves (or don’t react well). There are plenty of mentally competent young men/women who say… backpack to SE Asia, try opium and never become addicted contrary to the beliefs may harbour. It’s the predisposition, partly genetic, largely environmental that leads to the addiction and ultimately self implosion.

I don’t like alcohol as I believe it’s destructive and I don’t generally take kindly to the way drunken people have a penchant for behaving disrespectfully, but I’m not going to deny it isn’t fun to drink with a crowd.

Those who seriously believe we can solve this issue by turning into a police state or executing people probably don’t understand WHY people become addicted in the first place. Quality of life/happiness also plays into whether people fall prey to this type of shit. Turning into an autocratic nation that starts shooting people on sight isn’t a path to a happy population. Duterte’s regime has also been used to justify extrajudicial killings and arrests of journalists and political rivals under the guise fo “drug use”.

I get the feeling this is going to become a bigger issues in some countries down the line. Particularly Australia given our forever Covid zero stance. You should look into what’s occurring in the media here. I’ve actually had a mild reset recently, provided the rest of the world continues to open up yet we continue to operate as a society steeped in politically motivated fear mongering my goal now with my studies and life agenda is to do literally whatever I can to leave ASAP. We already have a large scale issue with alcohol/narcotics abuse. I believe this is going to implode as the mental health of the average Australian continues to deteriorate rapidly. This will either lead to a large scale spike in our already overpopulated prisons OR an uptick in crime as politicians won’t take a pragmatic approach, they’ll take a sledgehammer approach that totally violates basic rights to privacy to try deal with an issue that is already out of control.

Psychiatrists are currently statistically overbooked, youths in particular are taking it hard due to prolonged isolation. I have a feeling those in their tweens, teens and 20’s are going to fall victim to a “lost generation”. Once things (if) go back to normal it’ll be very hard for them to recover following a decade of isolation and constant fear. We are petrified of covid-19 (perhaps the most fearful nation in the world) despite having no covid… we are also just as scared of the vaccine as the virus itself.

There is no “back to normal here” as permeant pandemic laws/state of disaster legislature looks to pass through victorian parliament. From our public view, there’s a MASS pandemic here regardless of whether we have cases or not.

Some people, particularly those who lack insight (in my opinion) are okay with the idea of “shooting all those who use the substances I don’t agree with”. Typically that means anything the government considers illicit = fair game.

Remember, this is all my opinion. I could be wrong, but my predictions (albeit grim) for Aussie society have been shaping up to be even worse than I initially thought. Many dismissed my claims, now I actually have many who agree with me over here. The caveat being “it’s hard to move, I can’t leave my family” etc. Well I can… I don’t want to, I have medical requirements etc that will be hard to sustain overseas (but are do-able) particularly regarding TRT. But I will make ends meet or even god forbid go without if we are still shut off from the rest of the world five years down the line.

I mean… damn, Australia is a beautiful country. Amazing healthcare, there WAS an amazing standard of living, beautiful nature. But with current political projections, housing prices etc it looks as if it’s imploding on itself. I really don’t want to leave, but I may have no choice if the alternative is literally never seeing my greater family overseas within the next decade or so.

Only if the citizens don’t have guns. Obviously any sort of civil conflict is complicated and control of a large variety of infrastructure and resources matter. But whether or not you have guns is always going to be important.

I don’t think the millitary coming in with tanks can compare to the firearms civilians own

I reckon tiennamen square would have still happened had civillians had pistols and rifles. More casualties on the government’s side… But that’s about it

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There would have been even heavier artillery brought in and a WAAAAAAY higher civilian death toll. At least half the deaths would have been from a stampede from people running away after the big guns come out.


FTR I’m not really anti-guns. Or am I? Who cares?

My point is defending against government tyranny would be the last thing on my list if I were to make a pro-gun argument TODAY.

Modern military doctrine is to use tanks against enemy tanks or against heavily fortified positions. They aren’t particularly effective against light infantry type forces as their weapons simply aren’t optimal for those types of targets.

Of course, more generally you are correct that modern military forces are unlikely to be defeated directly by civilians with small arms rifles. Nonetheless, I stand by my previous comment that whether or not you have a gun is a significant factor in exactly how much of a threat you can pose to a tyrannical government. If guns didn’t work, we wouldn’t be having this discussion. And with all the military technology in the world, a lot of wars still come down to men on the ground shooting each other with rifles.