Injection Pain: What to Know, What to Do!

hey i was thinking about running a eq, enanthate, and proviron cycle. all from as of course. any suggests on best way to do it. oh and has anyone ever used there winny and have horrible pain at injection site and maybe a little sickness?

I figured this would be the best area to post this. I’ve been injecting into my quads fine for the most part, everything went just as I’d expect. Except for one time, I had an odd sensation during the injection. Needle went in fine, aspirated, no blood, so I start the injection. I noticed that the oil felt like it was leaking down the inside of my leg, almost like a stream type feeling. It really freaked me out, and left me with just under 1/2ml wasted gear.

Obviously I didn’t inject into a vein, and further injections have went just fine. So what the hell happened?

its possible it was simply a nerve sensation from the minor damage done from the injection, and a hypersensitivity to the action in itself

it is also POSSIBLE you injected INTER-muscularly, that is, between muscles rather than inside muscles.
This COULD in theory give this sensation as gravity draws the fluid down towards the knee capsule.
I would ASSUME that this would be absorbed at some point.

I also think i remember another member complaining of the same thing.

Is 5/8" too short of a pin for say glutes? And if I have used it and experienced 7 day soreness, is it likely that the shot went SubQ (TEST) and if it did, is it a complete waste.
I bought the 5/8 for quads (very lean) and Delts (also very lean) but upper glutes have a little more to push through before hitting muscle
 So I guess I am just curious.

Any thoughts??

[quote]Randizo wrote:
Is 5/8" too short of a pin for say glutes? And if I have used it and experienced 7 day soreness, is it likely that the shot went SubQ (TEST) and if it did, is it a complete waste.
I bought the 5/8 for quads (very lean) and Delts (also very lean) but upper glutes have a little more to push through before hitting muscle
 So I guess I am just curious.

Any thoughts?? [/quote]

Hey Dizo,

I suggest 1 1/2 for glutes. After all it is the muscle with the thickest layer of skin/fat over it. Also it is the largest muscle so it can take a long needle to get the oil where it’s supposed to go.

[quote]Randizo wrote:
Is 5/8" too short of a pin for say glutes? And if I have used it and experienced 7 day soreness, is it likely that the shot went SubQ (TEST) and if it did, is it a complete waste.
I bought the 5/8 for quads (very lean) and Delts (also very lean) but upper glutes have a little more to push through before hitting muscle
 So I guess I am just curious.

Any thoughts?? [/quote]

5/8 is prolly a lil short for glutes for the most of us. You would have to be very lean for that to hit muscle deep enough to set a deposit deep within the tissue.

If you did do it anyway, and it did end up as more of a SC shot, the Test would still be utilised, and although i am sure BRoberts or someone could confirm the bio-availability from that type of injection
 i think SC is the same as IM.

5/8 is good for delts, as the muscle isnt too thick on even fairly well built guys, but i would use a 1" or so on the quads
 as around a 1/2" length is only going to deposit the depot near or close to the surface of the muscle, increasing the likleyhood of a little leakage.
While i personally dont see any harm in that with this particular drug, IM is supposed to be deep inside the muscle, and therefore that’s the aim for all injects.

Nothing a little z-tracking couldn’t cure of course.



Ok, here is my experience. I was probably the biggest pussy when it came to pinning. When I was young i was in the hospital back when the syringes were one size, large. Had blood drawn eod, and injections daily,I was only 10. Got some serous anxieties with needles.

So when I first started pinning I got my kids auto-injector and took it apart, got my drimel tool and cut out an area on each side so I could see through, then I glued up the extendors to fit the 1ml syringe. these terms may seem forign to you unless you have seen an insulin auto injector. Anyway, I would set it with the auto injector, then draw back to check for blood, and “slowly” push in.

As for the pain when injecting try the following sugestions:

  1. There is no rule for how fast to get done, so slow the f__k down

  2. I put my bottle under my arm like I did for my kids insulin when he was younger. It thins the oil and warms it up a little. Plus I am able to use a 25g needle even with tren.

  3. Did I say go slow, GO SLOW, get rid of the macho crap, and stop crippleing yourselves. Speed is 2/3rds of your pain, the other is warm it up if it has been stored in the fridge.

It took me 7 months before I could finally pin with out the auto injector, now I loan it out to people I trust, and show them how to make one. The tricky part is making openings so you can check for blood on the draw back. BUt it can be done if you have pinning annxieties.


: )

I’m almost at the end of an EQ/Cyp cycle.I’ve been injecting the same amount the whole time.When I started off I had pain in my thigh(injection site) for a few days.

However I just started the last vial of cyp amd man after about 1 1/2 days after injecting I can barelly move my leg.Feels like somebody hit it with a sledgehammer.I’ve done each leg with the new bottle and the same effect.

Should I stop taking this bottle or just grind it out thru the pain.?

Also I ordered the first 3 bottles and then I realized I needed a 4th so I ordered it about 1 month after the others.Also I noticed with the first 3 bottles of cyp that it took a while to get the solution out of the vial and into the syringe.With the last vial the syringe filled up almost immediatlly.So obviouslly the mixture must be a little different.

Any thoughts on this?

Maybe it’s prop instead of cyp. Prop hurts more in my experience. ESpecially in the quads. I did a 10 week cycle of test enanthate and then tried one shot of prop in the quad and was very sore and inflamed for 1 week.

Of course it could be a bad batch too. Let the vets chime in.

Hitting a lymph node sounds horrible how common is that

Not common.

Most people have problems when they think “Oh, i will do a thigh/glute/delt injection” and have no clue as to the correct medical position of the injection.

They are all 1" square areas that need to be used in all cases - this is designed like this over many many years of medicine and injecting, by the medical professions - not AAS users.
But of course we use the same spots as they are less vascular, avoid major nerves, have plenty of tissue to absorb the drug and are often the least painful.

It IS possible to inject a 1" 20G into the ball of your foot - but i wouldnt recommend it. It hurts like having your toes cut off.
I had it done for a medical procedure - not self medication.

Lymph nodes are in certain places of the body - not places you would inject:

Popliteal - Back of the knee
Inguinal - Groin
Illiac - Groin
Bracial - Inner elbow
Axillary - Armpit
Occipital - Neck

I think there are more but these are the ones i can recall at this time - as you can see you wouldnt be injecting there anyway.


Found these injection site pics.



guys, switched from cheeks to quad injections for a while,aspirated and it went well, except when i was pulling out the needle it hurt a lot, like rubbign the muscle fibers. ANd fora few hours after is mild muscular pain.

Is it just an inflamatory process and i shouldnt worry about it? what are some thoughts

damn I just happen to have a flu, cough fever runny nose and all, at the same time this thing in my glute is the siZe of a tennis ball
3rd day since, cant tell because of the mixed symptoms from the flu. Should I start panicking tomorrow if it remains unchanged? shot was on the 22nd today is the 25th, there is a bruise on injection site, hurts like hell. been icing and taking ibuprofen. Feels hard, doesnt sink in, hurts like hell, and I had a fever last night which went away by the morning. but like I said I have the flu so I cant tell.

run to the doc or wait a day? to make matters worse I dont have medical insurance :X

oh and btw is supertest450 known for high BA ?

anyone? this is what my injection site looks like, and the circled red area is all swolen and is popping up, you cant see it in the pic. real brusied up like I got kicked in the ass with a steel toe boot.
I did the same shot in my shoulder last time from the same sachet and it didnt do that. does that look like muscle irritation or infection? grrrr its like 200 bucks just to see the doc plus whatever meds they administer if needed.

any input? anyone?

We just need better access to quality juice,its the stealth labs and advanced stealth shit that has way to much oil in it.

[quote]horsepuss wrote:
We just need better access to quality juice,its the stealth labs and advanced stealth shit that has way to much oil in it.[/quote]

would oil really do that? or is it the Benzyl? fck ill deal with the pain, as long as my leg doesnt fall off or something lol