Improving Squats & Deadlifts

In an effort to help out with your question on how to raise your deadlift and squat, I looked up this program from my second favorite fitness website

But after looking at the large amount of assistance lifts and the intensity required to perform them (I.E. Cleans, Rows, Deadlifts, and SLDLs all in the same Friday) I just wanna know if anyone thiks this program makes sense or if it’s crazy.

That said I know for a fact that the Westside Barbell website has some great, very specific articles on how to train for squats and deadlifts. The whole concept of the conjugated method and being able to put on muscle to some degree nearly all the time just seems like genius to me.

From my own experience pulling for triples from a deficit (standing on a block) and box squatting for 6 sets of singles has helped me raise my numbers. Once you hit up the Westside Barbell articles and determine how your body type makes you weak in certain areas of the deadlift and squat, you can focus on auxiliary lifts that will be aimed towards your weaknesses and not your strengths.

For instance you might enjoy rack pulls because you’re good at them, but your Deadlift max doesn’t change in pace with your rack pulls and the weakness in your deadlift is at your start. By cutting out rack pulls and focusing on Deadlifts off a block you save yourself a lot of time and effort.