I Need Help Getting Big

heavy weights,rock music,pizza,burgers,french frys,mexican food i.e. burritos, ale

Your obviously not eating enough… from reading your daily eating schedule your breakfast looks weak. Use the search engine and find JB’s 20 pounds in 20 days article look at his bulkers omlet for breakfast. Tasty and will put some meat on your bones.

[quote]skohcl wrote:
ds77 wrote:
some of my best gains came from eating at mcdonalds and similar junk food. I dont know why; but whenever i went really clean on my diet i could not gain and made this mistake for years.


yah…i went to clean…just didnt know…still dont know all the diet stuff; but think a lot of people are on diet while trying to gain mass and only can say what happen to me …clean programs dont work…at least for me; but do work for losing wieght.

[quote]BigMike wrote:
heavy weights,techno,pizza,burgers,french frys,mexican food i.e. burritos, ale [/quote]

fixed =P

[quote]speechlezz wrote:
Beerguy wrote:
Lift harder and eat more…alot more. Maybe eat less clean. You didnt give much info.

diet isnt my main concerned it the work out that is what other info can i provide?

I’m going to be nice to you. I had this same attitude and gained nothing. NOTHING.

For you to put on size, diet is far, far more important than ‘the work out’. Others have told you this and you didn’t like it. With that attitude, you will never ever gain, so you might as well quit.

I can’t believe how many people I see make the exact same mistake I did- for god’s sake don’t do it.

I’m sypathetic, I guess, because I’m still trying to gain.

[quote]martin blank wrote:
speechlezz wrote:
Beerguy wrote:
Lift harder and eat more…alot more. Maybe eat less clean. You didnt give much info.

diet isnt my main concerned it the work out that is what other info can i provide?

I’m going to be nice to you. I had this same attitude and gained nothing. NOTHING.

For you to put on size, diet is far, far more important than ‘the work out’. Others have told you this and you didn’t like it. With that attitude, you will never ever gain, so you might as well quit.

I can’t believe how many people I see make the exact same mistake I did.


no no, he just need a good workout, silly.

I was in same boat as you about 6 months ago. I couldnt gain for shit. what worked for me is i added more meals a day, they weren’t big meals just around 300-400 extra calories a meal, i chaned up my protein, and next thing you know i started gainin. It was a big dramtic change but it worked and I’m still gaining. I started out at 130lbs 3 years ago and now I’m 190lbs. Good luck

Burgers aren’t always the devil. In fact, sometimes that greasy double bacon heart attack burger is just what you need… my mouth is watering

[quote]BJammin wrote:
Burgers aren’t always the devil. In fact, sometimes that greasy double bacon heart attack burger is just what you need… my mouth is watering[/quote]


I gained nothing. Then I listened. I progressed either on reps or weight everyweek in the gym. Then I ate until the scale went in the upward movement everyweek. If it didnt go up I ate more.

I started at 165 7 months ago I am 195 now and I aint stopping until I am well into the 200’s. LIFTHARD EAT MORE THAN YOU THINK YOU SHOULD. It is so fu#*ing simple it makes my head hurt.