How Do I Inject?

This may sound stupid to you veterans, but what is the safe procedure for injecting? I haven’t done it before. Do I 1) clean site and the top of the ampoule with alcohol 2) depress (plunger?) fully 3) push needle into ampoule 4) pull back to required dosage 5) inject ? Have I got it? Sorry for sounding like a retard.

[insert holier than thou statement]Sounds like you have got alot more reading to do…and I’m no where near a veteran. [end holier than thou statement]

On a helpful note, I’ve come across and bookmarked these articles over time.

A search on injection might also help.

I get everything ready for the shot before I prepare the injection site.

In other words - do everything like you have listed, but swab the injection site right before injection. Also you don’t have aspirate down on your list. Always aspirate before pushing the juice in.

Hey bushboy, humor me and tell me why you should replace the needle?
Did you mean reposition the needle?

The only thing I can really add is, do you know where to inject?
Knowing enough sites will be very important if you are going through with your 2 week cycle that you talked about before. A 2 weeker would require ed injects with fast acting gear to get you any results and to allow you a quick enough recovery.
Good luck

start by reading the injection technique section in this article.

then follow up by taking a look at this site.

Dude I just wanted to say I think it friggin hilarious that you still have ilovegeorgebush3 as your screen name. What was yours before the transfer and please go post on the screen name thread.


[quote]Vegita wrote:
Dude I just wanted to say I think it friggin hilarious that you still have ilovegeorgebush3 as your screen name. What was yours before the transfer and please go post on the screen name thread.


I use my other name too, but my girl and some of my friends read this site, so the other name provides me with a slight veneer of anonymity, especially as next month I will take my first trip to the dark side.