Hidden Camera in Headhunter's Classroom

Just funnin’ ya, HH ol’ buddy. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, they disabled the computers here at work because too many male teachers were looking at porn… … when they should have been working and helping shape the bright young minds of tomorrow. So, I won’t be able to look at the link. Knowing you Varq, I’m sure its hilarious and in good taste.

Damn, I miss my ‘sites’!!! ;D

Discipline in my class is done by the students (see pic above). The boys usually like this part of class.

That teacher can not expect students to take him serious. I know I wouldn’t, I would also make his life as miserable as possible . The teacher has to realize it is he against his whole class.

I like Head hunters solution much better

On a serious note: Anyone who has to act that way to teach is simply in the wrong profession. I’d fire him at once. Teaching is NOT a license to shout and bully.

Here’s a good book for your history classes HH:

[quote]BostonBarrister wrote:
Here’s a good book for your history classes HH:

Amazon.com [/quote]

I teach mathematics. Anyway, the book does look like a good read.

I stopped 2 courses short of a history degree — always regretted that.

[quote]Headhunter wrote:
BostonBarrister wrote:
Here’s a good book for your history classes HH:

I teach mathematics. Anyway, the book does look like a good read.

I stopped 2 courses short of a history degree — always regretted that.


Ha! Here I am a semester short of graduating with my history degree and I’m thinking maybe I should have gotten a real degree.


[quote]Mikeyali wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
BostonBarrister wrote:
Here’s a good book for your history classes HH:

I teach mathematics. Anyway, the book does look like a good read.

I stopped 2 courses short of a history degree — always regretted that.

Ha! Here I am a semester short of graduating with my history degree and I’m thinking maybe I should have gotten a real degree.


You will have trouble getting a job with that degree. May want to continue to grad school.

Interested in teaching? I highly recommend military high schools like Howe in Indiana and Culver Military. They give you a house to live in at little cost and the discipline is rigorously enforced. That’s WAY better than any public school — those are truly terrible places for teachers.

I wonder what that guy would be like in an inner city school?