Hand Gripper Training Routine?

Would anyone like to put forth an effective hand gripper training routine? I’ve recently bought grippers at the 250lbs and 300lbs levels and it has become a challenge to overcome the 50lbs gap between them. Also, I am aware of the importance of training the extensors with grip training, and would prefer any replies to be focused primarily on effective hand gripper training routines. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this.

I’m using the method st the end of this article from EFTS http://articles.elitefts.com/articles/training-articles/get-a-stronger-grip/ it’s helped my grip alot from just about shutting the 2’s to being able to rep them for 3 to 4 reps with either hand. The holds are a good exersise aswell, used various things from pennies to playing cards.

Here is the beginner workout that Clay Edgin had up on the HeavyGrips gripper site.

That EFS grip program is an extremely simplified version of KTA, probably the best grip routine out there. I’m sure one can make progress on that specific program, but you’re doing yourself a disservice training grippers that way without doing full blown KTA.

To the OP, if you’re looking for a good beginner gripper program, do RRBT (Radical Reps Baseline Training). It was designed as a primer to KTA and is awesome. Also I recommend pretty much any gripper brand besides HG–they vary the most of all the major brands.

Good luck.

[quote]KRC wrote:
That EFS grip program is an extremely simplified version of KTA, probably the best grip routine out there. I’m sure one can make progress on that specific program, but you’re doing yourself a disservice training grippers that way without doing full blown KTA.

To the OP, if you’re looking for a good beginner gripper program, do RRBT (Radical Reps Baseline Training). It was designed as a primer to KTA and is awesome. Also I recommend pretty much any gripper brand besides HG–they vary the most of all the major brands.

Good luck. [/quote]

I wasn’t recommending HG grippers, just the workout. I found it helped to toughen up the hands before jumping into something like KTA.

Here’s a gripper training program I wrote for the Atomgripz site this year - http://www.atomgripz.co.uk/training.html

It will kick your gripper strength up a notch pretty quickly if you put it to use as its written. But a lot of different programs work for a while. Mine is just one of many.

If you use it please let me know your results since I’m always glad to hear from someone I’ve helped with their grip and gripper progress.

Ben Edwards

That jump of 20 % should be easy. People make a 40 % jump all the time from Captain of Crush (Coc) 1 to CoC 2.

The problem I’m sensing with many gripper trainers is that they don’t really train, they just chase the bigger grippers by trying to close them. This works for a while, some may even close the CoC 3 with that method. But on the long run wall will be hit.

I forgot what this device is called…I like it for the fact that u can change the weight in any increment

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