Full Body Spreadsheets/Coming off 531

Coming off a 531 type variation. I was going to change it up for the next month doing full body every other day. Focusing on main lifts, and variations. Off days would be ab work, calves, bi’s.

I can’t seem to find any spreadsheets or good articles. I can come up with my own programming and even do some instinctual training…
But just seeing if maybe someone has something.

As far as movements.
Workout A: Squats, Deadlift, Bench, OHP,Barbell Shrugs

Workout B: Leg Press, Romanian DL or Stiff Leg, Hammer Strength Bench, OHP or Machine, Hammer strength shrugs.

Off days: Ab work, Calves, Back work

Mon: A
Tues: Off*but not really
Wed: B
Thurs: Off
Fri: A
And on and on. I may take a day off for real after 2 weeks. I have no problem with recovery, or workload.

Intensity, rep ranges,and percentages is a whole other story…

Anyway…may even do it for two months.

Without seeing reps/sets/intensity it’s hard to make a call but cant say I’m a fan for powerlifting Especially those “off but not really” days.

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Ditto. Focus on one lift per day, two at the very most.

i found the best fullbody template and results (strength AND hypertrophy) were literally just squat, bench, deadlift, 3 days a week. 3-5 sets for each and thats it. maybe a few sets of pullups at the end but thats pretty much it. wendler touches on something similar in his 2nd edition briefly.

I just came off a 10 week cycle of something dead simple.

A Day

  • Squat - work up in weight for sets of 10 until you can’t get 10. Use 45s and 25s only.
  • DB OHP/DB Inc - Work up in weight for sets of 10 until you can’t get 10. 20lb increments. DB Inc after DB OHP, using starting with the same weight as the last set of OHP.
  • Rows or pull-ups

B Day

  • DB Bulg Split Squat - work up in weight for sets of 10 until you can’t get 10. 10lb increments
  • OHP/Bench - work up in weight for sets of 10 until you can’t get 10. 45s and 25s only. Bench after OHP.
  • Rows or Pull-ups

C Day

  • Deadlift - work up in weight for sets of 10 until you can’t get 10. Use 45s and 25s only.
  • DB OHP/DB Inc - Same as A Day.
  • Maybe some light upper back or abs

I ran it A B C B etc. Never go to failure, being very conservative with DL. My first sloppy rep is my last. Never do more than one more rep on the last set from session to session.

I’ve done this a few times with good results. It’s an easy way to limit weight on the bar when I’m feeling beat up and still make reasonable gains. I’m know I’m done with it when I feel a very strong urge to skip the DL day. I’ve also done 8 reps instead of 10 on DL.