That’s a huge squat!

You plan on squatting more than deadlifting at this upcoming comp?

Also, Punisher Season 2 came out not long ago, already binged it (well, “binge” for me - over about 2+ weeks).


I hope not LOL I mean if that happens I hope it was a 310+ Squat I guess that would be ok. Right now I think I will optimistically go 305-190-310.

MY HAIR FELL OUT!!! Anybody with a SO will appreciate this. So I loved my crazy hair look. My wife did not. When my hair fell out like I just woke up one day and a patch was missing. I kind of new this would be the cycle to kill my hair which is why I grew it out to begin with. Any who, Wifey was always on me to put gel in my hair or grow it out. Well after a month with my crazy hair look I am confident we will never have to have that conversation again.





More in Depth:

Rest of Life Yea its good, lots of time with Wifey. I have cut back my poker volume for quality and that has shown great results. I actually think this ould be a good living again.

Annnnd I am in Tournaments all day today.


(Looking for “Halo Steroid Memes” I found this gem)

2.5 Weeks Out My confidence right now is up there. Training is hyper specific because that seems to be all I can handle. I have also adjusted my Prehab (very light 3-5 sets of 15 reps) to go hard assistance (10 rep sets adding weight until I get an RPE 9+ set) and that seems to have helped get things healthy especially in my delts.

Bench was the big question mark for me with health but I hit a 190kg bench with my delts not fully healthy and now I add in the orals and my bench has always responded well to orals. Every workout from here out is mimicking my attempts of 180-190-200. I might see if I have a bit more but I dont want to get greedy.

Deads Grip is feeling great with the barbell with actual knurling and 290 is feeling about how 90-95% should be feeling right about now.

DRUGS BABY!!! LOL I was supposed to be starting Halo today buuuut the guy doesnt have it yet so I am going to run Anadrol at 50mg preworkout for the last 17 days. I guess 100kg body weight wont be happening so I am going to embrace it and lean bulk into this comp. I know Dbol and Anadrol are completely different drugs but people have the same complaints with each and my experiences with Dbol have frankly sucked after the first 3 days or so…but it seems people either like Anadrol OR Dianabol so heres hoping. I can handle pretty much all sides except back pump which gets debilitating.

UPDATED STACK: (per Week) Test 875mg / Tren 500mg / Mast 500mg / Anadrol 50mg preworkout / Arimidex 0.5mg EOD / Tamoxifen 10mg BID / 700mg TUDCA with post workout meal

DIET: 5 Eggs, 2 potatoes and all the rice and chicken I can stomach. I need to keep this clean if I am going to be able to handle the extra weight…plus its crunch time so eat good to perform better.

Recovery The naps have started and I am also laying down more than sitting and I think that will help my back and posture. My back has felt pretty bad the since last weeks 295kg Squat and heavy deads on Saturday and Monday didnt help much.

Work Yea baby!!! Baseball season is here which is cruise mode. I need to take some notes for next year but yea baby. Poker has turned another corner as well and it is looking very promising that I can pay the bills the next few months I dont have a job.

OK, about that grind and now that work is easier and training is more interesting I should be in here more frequently.


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Orals and eggs - how are your lipids, lol.

Looking strong AF!

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Dietary cholesterol has not been shown to have any impact on blood cholesterol with out the presence of sugar…but probably not great hahahaha

and thank you.


Hit 300 and have less confidence LOL I am guessing I fried my CNS because after I felt like I was run over by a truck to the point I couldnt even eat. I was worried I would suck at the comp buuuuut pretty sure 2 heavy dead workouts and 2 Squat PRs in 8 days will probably do that.

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Can confirm low bar is ALL of the issues with my bench. I am starting to question if I will be able to bench after Squats on Comp day.

I have one more Low bar Workout, 1 more Deadlift workout and 2 more Bench workouts that shouldnt be affected by the Low bar workout and then one more Bench workout that will be affected by the Low bar and 2 more High bar workouts that have proven to be Bench Neutral.


Watching this as I grind some tournaments…no idea why I think this is so awesome:

OK I will be back in on monday hopefully after a new Deadlift PR.

grip Issue again
Deads 65-105-145-185-225-265-285-x305x

305 was a grind and then my grip broke and my camera didnt record so I cant see what exactly happened. The bar was pretty caked with chalk but still. I did go late in this prep not using hook (by injury not design) but my double overhand has never been stronger. I know because I matched my old PR double overhand but super easy.

My hope was 315 today but I dont think that strength was there today anyways. My plan for the comp is to buy a wire brush and the block chalk I like not this powder shit and on my toppest of sets I will dislocate my thumbs if need be.

It looks like this meet will be a tune up meet anyways. I already know adjustments I would make for my next prep and they are…drastic really.

Basically I only Low Bar every other week. Deads are probably moved to their own day. And the Bench session after Low bar is an assistance only workout.

Also pretty sure this Anadrol is bunk…at least it was free. 5th day of 100mg a day of Anadrol and I have lost 2kg. I think I will switch to Superdrol but I doubt I have enough powder so I will be doing half injectable half powder. This should be interesting. I could run the Dbol…but I think with my delts I think leaning out would be better than ballooning out.

Ok taking the rest of the day off to go run some errands with wifey and probably find a cheat meal.



Delts couldnt handle Bench today on the day they were supposed to be able to handle it so I am now a BBer. Cut starts well today. I cant get my body healthy and I actually think a hard cut might help that and if not my heart just isnt in PLing right now anyways. The only thing I had left in PLing was Mexico’s biggest total but I cant hit that with a 140kg Bench and it has been a battle to stay motivated.

Diet: Starting will be 5 eggs, 400g Rice (pre cooked) 400g Chicken (after cooked). I will sub rice for potatoes as needed and switch out 100g of rice for oats when needed as well. Its about 2500cal / 215p / 317c / 36f (ignoring the oil I cook the eggs in). I will probably bump chicken up a bit late as well.


Abs trained everyday alternating between Bike Crunches and Double Crunches.

Deads are done Beltless, Dead stop and with out Straps. 5*1+ means 5 sets of 1 but AMRAP the last set @M5 means if I get 5 reps then I add weight next workout.

All Squats are beltless and High Bar.

Dum Yates = Yates Row but with Dumbelss

Dead Row = Has many different names its basically a cheater pendley row or combo Deadlift+Barbell Row. Cailer Woolam I think was the first to start doing them or to coin them.

Pink exercises are Supersetted.

PM workouts are optional and can be arms or cardio.

Drugs This is the plan for right now. If I get healthy some things might change. I will run the Tren/Mast blend until it is gone then switch to “Unicorn Tears” and bring this home.

Clenbuterol is taken 4 days on 3 days off. 20-30-40-50mcg. It came from the same place as the Anadrol so I have my worries but I will know with in a couple days if it is good or not. The reasoning behind the 4 on 3 off is because I took it before and I noticed that after about day 2 regardless of dose I got nothing but those the 1st 2 days of starting or restarting the clen were awesome also regardless of dose. Well a Youtube dude said to run it like this was safer and just as effective so I am trying that.

Superdrol is injectable so I am just going to take it with my other pin and double the dose I normally use.

Also I am ordering a bunch of raws in hopes to fill some vials I have. I will only be making Test 300ish and Tren 250 (75mg Ace + 175mg Enanthate).

Current Physique I will try to get some video up later. I am waking up at about 99kg and I would guess at 15% BF…I would be pretty surprised if it was over that or if it was under 12%.

Side Effects I talk about the good so minds well tell the whole story. Honestly my sides havent been that bad to this point (unless you care about your hair…then it has been a nightmare). They got a bunch worse over the last week though which has been night sweats. Last night I woke up soaked and freezing at like 2am and I am always super hot.

OK, need to make that paper.


Back WOrkout
Barbell Rows Top Set 10@120kg
Pullups 3x13
Cable Rows Attempted but couldnt for delts
Alt Iso Curls
Skipped abs (I am sure this will be a theme)

Soooo I know I have a shit ton I can do better and although I am a BBer I am going to focus on these things so hopefully in the future I can go after this 800+ total.

The Rebuild:

Squat - Nothing to work on for Squat exactly but all my squatting will be high bar to help my shoulders for bench and build those quads. Also beltless because harder and I am lazy. If I put up some respectable numbers I might just stick with high bar for the next comp. Adding 10kg to a Squat doesnt help if it takes 50kg off your bench.

Bench - Elbows need to be tucked so I am going back to the wider grip to help get my triceps around my Lats. Form in general needs work from arch and bracing to delts being retracted.

Deadlift - That fkn grip. I didnt think I changed my technique in several years but I think gradually my thumbs have slipped further and further out from my hand. Today I did my rows with Hook and I sunk my thumb what I thought was incredibly deep into my palm but judging by the video it wasnt that much at all. All deadlifting Deadstop (to get better at singles), beltless (because harder) and Hook Grip (because it needs work).

Barbell Rows - I am going to bring these back and push it. I will be lowering my deadlift frequency to once per week so that should help a ton. I was training back 3 times a week but it was a lot lighter than I used to. That is fine for BBing but it really doesnt seem like it did much to keep my delts and upper back strong enough. I will be using my new bench grip width (makes sense to me) and Hook grip (practice practice practice)

POker - I have GOT to stop sitting for such long periods of time slouched over. I am not sure how much it has affected everything but I would have to be an idiot to think it had zero effect.
Fat Loss - the last thing I can think of right now to help with everything. This will help with my delts mobility on squats and keeping my elbows tucked around my fat lats…plus I want to feel sexy again.

Clen is legit and Sleep is shit Yea just thought that should be added. The clen I started today 20mcg and I could notice it. Sleep I am sure will only get incredibly worse now.


Good thing I started body building today. 100kg felt like a truck.

Quads As a BBer I now label my workouts based on the one individual muscle I am targeting


Conversation arriving home:
What happened to you?
Near Death Experience.
Ay mi vida, what did you do?

Yea those sleds damn near killed me. Which is good I needed something like that. My Quad tendonitis has been flaring up last couple weeks (it happens when I dont do lots of high rep High Bar squats) and today it was that next tier. It kept me from getting in the squat work I wanted to I had been using low bar and my back to kind of keep my knees from flexing into the pain zone which was a short term solution.


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Sad to hear about your break from PL, excited to see where some dedicated BB takes you.

Stay healthy man, both with injuries and with drugs. have you been keeping an eye on your blood work fairly consistently?
What test levels do you typically hit with a 400mg dose?

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@littlesleeper thank and I am trying. I usually get it done 1-3 times a year. I will go in after this cycle is over. And for 400mg a week I have never had it tested but from what I have read it should be in the 2000-4000 range…which I realize doesnt seem like a very narrow window. It should peak at 4k and average 2000ish depending on injecting amounts and frequency.

Lighter Back Day
Lat Pulldown Warmup 3x15
Barbell Rows 6-7 sets of 10 with 60kg
Lat Pulldowns for real
Cable Rows
Alt Iso Curl

Delt is not happy. Today it was the left rather than right though so progress? Back still a bit fatigued from Tuesdays Back workout but next week everything will be normaler and this will be my heavy back workout.

Pull adjustment: I noticed that on my Close Grip Pullups my delts never got out of impingement which is the opposite of what I need so all pullups and rowing are going to be done with a wider grip. Just everything to target, open and strengthen that upper back. I am hoping this will not only help my delts but make Low Bar Squatting less stressful on my delts if my upper back is stonger.

Physique Boyweight 99.25kg for 2nd day in a row. I will try to get that to under 98kg by next friday. Finally made it to the flat and small phase. Hopefully the next couple days I will make it through to the finally showing progress phase. Vascularity is coming in though and my ab fat was noticeably thinner feeling this morning…just not visibly.

Sleep I finally had a good night sleep last night. I had rather bad sleep deprivation a couple days ago for a couple days. Cost me dearly on the poker tables but we are back and going to keep on cruising!!!

OK nap time before the 2nd shift with the Friday night Fishies.

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AM Weight: 98.45kg so down almost a KG over night and after some hair removal I have to say my abs are looking crisp…ish. Waist is looking blocky rather than round. I havent measured it yet because I dont want to know. I know it got BIG so yea, just not ready. Butt and hamstring fat seemed lesser too.

Beach Body Boobie Pump
Flat Dum Press 3x15@100lbs
Lateral Raise
Machine Shoulder Press
Pec Dec

My booobies were fried after that and I tweaked my shoulder getting dumbells up for seated OHP so skipped that.

Todays Diet: 300g Rice, 2 Potato, 500g chicken…thats it. Going to go super low fat today and tomorrow then add back in eggs for next week.

Ok going to bink off a couple tournamnts!!! HAPPY SATURDAY!!!


Dia de la Muertos
Deadlift 1s @
Barbell Rows (not really, this was painful post deads)
Lat Pulldowns
Cable Rows
Abs (also painful on lower back)

Lot of take aways today. First I fixed my grip, it was as simple as getting 2 fingers on my thumb rather than my index finger barely on it. Durrrrrrrrrr.

My deadlift 1RM has not progressed in about 16 months. Honestly we can say it went backwards because the 306kg I pulled was at the end of a Mock Meet and today I missed 310 fresh. I have hit a ton of AMRAP PRs which tells me heavy singles are the way to go…for pretty much anything PLing related. As often as you can manage.

Other than that I had some hope I could pair Deads with Back Day but that was hard as hell.

AM Weight: 97.75kg and that was before I got rid of the beard so probably 95ish now. Physique is looking tighter too. Lower abs and upper quads coming in. This is where things get hard. This has been the easiest I have ever gone from fluff to beach bod though. Tren + Superdrol + Clen should be the Ultimate Cut Stack everybody knows about.

Superdrol Injectable Verdict: Love it! Kind of builds up slower but no digestive issues like I get from orals so that is awesome. No back pump either. And I tried to order some more raws but they dont take Western Union currently so that was a swift kick in the nuts.

and Lastly NAIR FOR THE WIN!!! Makes hair removal so much easier especially in places trimmers just dont reach.

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Bench Press
1s to 160kg
Cable Flys
Lateral Raises

I think I have settled into a grip width and Bench program. I will work up to a heavy single once a week and then run a “Natty Taper”. Basically the AMRAP dictates next workouts reps. If I get 5 extra res on the AMRAP I repeat the same reps and sets but with heavier weight next workout. If I get under 5 extra reps then I add weight but lower the reps by 1 per set. 5x5 to 5x4 etc.

AM Weight: 98.45kg and waist was at 97cm so not as bad as I thought. Doing some math I should be about 93kg at sun 7% body fat and my waist will probably be around 92cm. I am guessing I am ~12% now.


High Bar Squats
Hack Squat
Quad X
Bike Curnches

Back was not feeling great but did what I could. BBing is fun, by all accounts this was a terrible workout but I got a great quad pump so it was a great workout LOL. Hopefully by next week my back will be better. I will keep the RPE a LOT lower for my Deadlift single work next time…also not maxing back to back weeks will help.

AM Weight: 97.9kg and 96cm waist Although I feel and look a bit watery and soft in the ab area right now, I actually think that is my mind fking with me (it is also probably the SD clearing my system ). It could also be hormonal so i might bump my test up a bit.

Diet Yesterday was pretty hard. I was hungry all day and a bit weak towards the end of the day. Sadly I am no where near lean enough for these issues. I will look to have a cheat meal maybe friday.

ok back to work.


I’m a terrible internet friend. I haven’t been following your log in what I presume to be a good solid year.


@planetcybertron hahaha you are a great internet friend, we all need breaks sometimes :smiley:

I took a 2 Hour Nap yesterday post Workout and all the bloat went away and my hunger got a lot better too.

AM Stats: 97.2kg and 95cm waist I am incredibly happy with this so instead of bumping test up I actually lowered Tren/Mast a smidge. Xmas tree is coming in.

Dia de Muertos
Deads 3x5@180kg
Barbell Rows 5x10@60
Lat Pulldowns
Dum Curls

Yea, Really dont think doing even light deads was what my back needed but YOLO…and also…

Forced Unload So it looks like I am going to Rodeo next week for a couple days. We have family there. There is no internet and the closest town is like 20 minutes away and it is doubtful they have a gym. My diet is what I am really worried for as they arent “light” cookers and protein isnt really a priority either. Meal prep isnt an option either, I guess protein shakes it is. What ever happens I will go hard until we leave and when we get back it is super go hard time.

OK Tournament Time I cant wait to never play these again.

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AM Stats: 97.5kg 95.5cm Waist Photo is then at like 3am, depleted and no pump. Obliques be huge AF. Those should come in quite a bit more though. I am guessing 11-12% BF. So the easy half is done.

Predicted Stats at 5-7% BF I think I will be in the 90-92kg BW with a sub 86cm waist. That body weight is just above classic physique weight limits for my height.

No Filter, some flex, good lighting.


Cable Fly
Lateral Raise
Abs: SKipped

Elbow is bugging me I think from high bar…funny how that works.

Diet I am going hard AF today through sunday. All potatoes but adding eggs and oats for breakfast. It is probably about the same “calories” but higher fats and with carbs coming from potatoes it minds well be like eating air. I might also slip in a cheat meal if I get the opportunity (wifey leaves house).

Show: Sabrina, fell asleep half way through the Season 2 finale but mostly great season.