Football Program - Thibarmy - Exercise Substitution

Hello Christian,
Following an injury, I technically cannot do a power clean.
Can we replace the power clean by Muscle Snatch ?

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Ideally you’d replace it with a power snatch from the hang, but if you can’t do it (technique-wise) a muscle snatch is acceptable

Nice ! thank you for your answer

Hello Christian, quick question:
Can we replace the db shrugs with farmer’s walk if we strongly contract the trapezium?

No, there are farmer’s walks later in the proper and they are a lot more systemically demanding than shrugs. But you can do other traps exercises instead like Wendler row or rope upright row.

Thank you Christian Can you just answer one last point: As a 2A it was impossible for me to follow a program for more than 2 weeks, 3 maximum. it is downright awful. if I switch between the Football off season program and the periodized bodybuilding program and I rotate every 3 weeks (ok 4 weeks for the periodized bodybuilding program) will they still be effective?

No. That’s a super bad idea. Both are designed to be done all the way through as the progression model builds on the previous phase.

But the football program’s phases are all pretty different so it might take care of the boredom thing.

Alright I understand.
Nothing to do with the program I just have a question about loaded stretching: is there a quota not to exceed per week?
At the moment I practice it 4 times a week, at the end of each training session.

That’s likely fine, depending on the overall volume. Keep in mind that one set of loaded stretch has about the same level of stress as a hard lifting set

Wow I did not imagine such a significant impact.
I understand better why afterwards I feel tired, like drained of my energy.
Thanks a lot for your answer.

Hello Christian, I bought your periodized bodybuilding program, and I need some advice: I would like to replace the db bench press with an exercise targeting the upper pecs because I have a big deficit. The problem is that whatever variation I use my front deltoid burns terribly, my triceps tense up and my pecs nothing. Do you have a substitute exercise to recommend to me?

That will be the case for most (if not all) pressing variations, sadly. I find that people either have a bis toward using anterior delts OR clavicular pecs when doing incline work. And if you have a delts bias, it will be pretty much impossible to target the upper chest with any form of pressing work.

Highly targeted cables flies, where you really focus on tension the upper chest might help a bit, but there to delts can take over.

The reverse grip bench press or the incline Tsuki press might help a bit as far as pressing movements are concerned.

But honestly, and I’m sorry to say this, it is a very steep battle.

Thanks for your help.
As everyone has their own proportions and muscle insertions, I understand that the recommendations are not the easiest.
I will try the exercise in the video.

Hello Christian,
my wife bought the get lean for summer program, and she would like to know during the days of hypertrophy if the load is to increase from series to series or if it is constant because it seems that a series of warm-ups is too little.

Only the work sets are listed for the main lifts. You can take the number of warm-up sets you require. The work sets should ideally use the same weight when the reps are the same

Thank you Christian for your response.
She is type 3 so before reaching her workload it is minimum 3 series.
She also bought the Neurotype 3 program and wanted to replace the bench press with military press.
It’s doable ?

Of course. There is no real need for a woman to do the bench press, unless she competes in powerlifting.

No she doesn’t do powerlifting, she just wants to have more strength to kick my a** when I talk bullshit lol.
Right now I’m on vacation and I started your bodyweight program, it’s really a top program, I didn’t expect to have so many sensations!

Last question christian:
If I want to accompany him on the neurotype 3 program, can I use the variant of the incline press instead of the bench press?

Hello Christian,
Is there a big difference between a push press and a push press behind the neck?
I have a lot of trouble doing a push press, I really feel more comfortable with the bar behind my neck.